Curvature of the chest and the occurrence of pathology

Chest Curvature

According to statistics, a certain proportion of the population has a curved torso. Based on the category of the disease, the degree of progress, the presence of symptoms and much more, the patient begins to have problems with the heart and lungs. Also, the pathology is clearly manifested physically, which leads to a serious psychological deviation. The development of psychological factors of isolation and depression is formed in children from an early age, which further greatly hinders successful socialization in society. This problem was recently brought up at a global medical conference, where various options and methods for combating this pathology were proposed. What are the types of curvature of the sternum and ribs, is it fraught with further complications on the patient's health? All this can be found by reading this article.

Why pathology occurs

Thoracic curvature is most often a congenital disease and begins to actively manifest itself with the growth of the body. As a rule, the deformation occurs due to the underdevelopment of the diaphragm legs and is clearly manifested in the form of non-standard, chaotic breathing.

This may be an acquired disease due to injuries at an early age (3-5 years). The sternum and ribs are extremely unstable at such a young age and any fracture or nadcol can significantly change the further appearance of the chest. The difference between congenital and acquired causes is that the former is completely untreatable, and the acquired cause can be eliminated with age.

What defects lead to curvature of the ribs

The curvature of the chest, by its nature of occurrence is divided into three categories:

  • Cervical and thoracic ectopia.
  • Cleavage of the sternum.
  • Congenital instability of the heart or its displacement in the process of growth of the organism.

The heart does not have a protective sheath of dense tissues, therefore, in the process of growth of the organism, it tends to expand and shift. This pathology is practically not treatable. Based on the medical statistics of surgeons, only 10% of patients showed improvement in their overall condition. The remaining 90% hardly felt any improvement even after a number of operations. This is a very serious pathology that belongs to the category of congenital abnormalities.

Rare congenital anomalies

As mentioned earlier, congenital deformities are much more difficult to treat than acquired ones. However, there is a special series of defective deviations, namely, congenital anomalies.

They are more than two dozen. In general, they are divided into three general categories (which will be indicated below), but they have some characteristic properties that distinguish them among themselves.

So, what are the rare types of deformations:

  • Congenital cleft of the sternum. Judging by medical practice, this defect occurs most often. It is manifested in congenital malformations. The patient's chest is split, in other words - revealed.
  • Rib muscular defect. The threat is that a curved sternum can negatively affect the heart and respiratory organs. Often the curvature of the chest is manifested in cardiac activity. In medicine, a similar defect is called Poland syndrome.
  • Curved chest. Pretty rare anomaly. The reasons for the occurrence of virtually unknown due to the lack of proper research. In medicine, it is called Currari-Silverman syndrome.

In addition to the above anomalies, there are their subtypes, which differ slightly from each other. Each of the defects of the chest is potentially dangerous to human health and is a direct threat to the further full development of the patient.

Types of curvature

Types of curvature is not so much. In general, they are divided into three main groups. Each of them belongs to the category of congenital pathologies and represents a threat to the patient's life.

So, consider them:

  • Funnel deformation. "Soft" pathology. It is characterized by hollow chest. It seems that the chest was deliberately pressed inwards with a heavy object. In the people, the disease is called the "shoemaker's chest."
  • Keel species. The opposite of the above deformation. The chest sticks out, it seems that a person has a keel from a boat instead of a chest. Pathology is not particularly severe in the symptoms, but it has a very negative effect on the cardiovascular activity of the body. Moreover, an overly large sternum can cause an increase and displacement of the heart, as well as malfunction of the respiratory system. However, the anomaly can be cured, and among all categories it does not bear the danger to life.
  • Flat chest. At first glance, it seems as if the person is absolutely even, without any characteristic bulges in the sternum area. This is a dangerous pathology, since the edges are sharp edges inward. With a strong fall or sudden injury, the edge of the rib can penetrate easily or the heart. Anomaly is very difficult to cure.

Medicine for many years trying to develop ways to deal with defects of the chest, but at the moment, only 15-20% of patients feel relief after surgery.

Rib deformity and methods for correcting ailment

Rib deformation

The compilation of the treatment process will largely depend on deviations in the functionality of the heart and respiratory organs. Doctors recommend a conservative method of treatment, which consists of medical-physical culture, various corrective massages, wearing special corsets. This method of treatment is characterized by the fact that it does not require direct surgical intervention. It is worth remembering that the deformation of the ribs is a very serious pathology, but there are ways to solve the problem.

With a more acute form of pathology (for example, a flat chest), conservative treatment is powerless. It is possible to stabilize and correct the patient’s condition, suspend the development process and preserve the work of the organs located in the sternum in the middle.

Doctors to the last try not to resort to emergency therapy, which includes direct surgical intervention. The consequences and the whole course of the operation are completely impossible to predict in advance. Much depends on the work of the patient's heart, the current state of the respiratory system and the general condition of the patient at the time of the operation.


Treatment with surgery is necessary only in the case when the pathology is completely unaffected by conservative methods. Also, an indication for surgical treatment is the active progression of the anomaly and the increased threat to the heart and respiratory system.

As a rule, the method of elevation thoracoplasty according to Nass is used. This method is designed to increase the volume of pleural cavities and space for the lungs.

In some cases, a completely different operation is possible - direct deformation of the ribs in order to stabilize and establish them in the desired position. Simply put, the traumatologist breaks, and then corrects and sets the edges in the desired position. It is worth noting that the procedure is not humane and is shown only in the most acute cases, if there is a direct threat to human life.

Congenital heart imbalance

Also, the indication for surgical treatment becomes difficulty in respiratory activity. This is especially clearly manifested in children under the age of 12 years. With extreme caution, surgeons are taken for congenital pathology of the second and third categories.

As for rehabilitation, it is from 1 to 3 months after surgery. It contains a number of procedures that are appointed at the discretion of the attending physician.

Leaving the hospital is strictly prohibited, as the surgeon must observe the process throughout the recovery period. If there has been a correction in the position of the ribs , then the doctor must ensure that the ribs are correctly fused.


Rib deformation can be treated with exercise. However, this is only possible with keeled chest deformity.

First of all, the exercises are aimed at training correct breathing. Legs are retracted, bending forward with diluting the arms. When inhaling, movement is made, while exhaling, it returns to its original position. Exercises should be performed exclusively under the supervision of an instructor.

Another exercise is performed while lying on your back. Alternately bend and unbend the foot. Next, you need to separate your hands, bend the right leg (with it the exercise begins) and press your knee to your body. This procedure is similar to the implementation of the "bike".

A set of exercises is prescribed by a doctor if necessary and is a more rehabilitation method than a curative one. However, in some cases it is the exercises that bring the maximum effect and significantly slow down the progression of the disease.

Curvature of the chest - a terrible and serious pathology. Every year, on the basis of medical statistics, more and more people are born with the presence of this pathology or a categorical predisposition to it. Treatment is recommended at an early age, until the bones are fully strengthened. Medical intervention in later life will be complicated by a number of factors that have arisen in the process of disease progression.

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