Lipolytics: description and principle of action of drugs, use in aesthetic cosmetology
Every woman tends to a beautiful attractive figure. However, unhealthy diet, pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding, endocrine pathologies, age leave their mark on the body of the fair sex. Problem zones are the abdomen, buttocks and thighs, face, hands. In especially neglected cases, to eliminate fatty deposits you will have to spend at least 5 - 6 months in the gym, so it is not surprising that women want to see the result almost instantly. This problem can be solved with the help of liposuction, however, like any operation, it carries a certain risk. Another option is lipolytics - drugs that accelerate the process of fat cell breakdown.
The adipocytes make up the basis of human adipose tissue, which appear in the third trimester of fetal development. Mature adipocytes are not able to divide, but only accumulate fat. However, when their possibilities are exhausted, under the influence of impulses of the central nervous system, the synthesis of fat cells resumes. According to experts, in a human body that is distinguished by a thin physique, there are about 30 - 40 billion adipocytes, and in obesity, this number increases by 4 - 5 times.
Adipose tissue performs a lot of important functions. The main one is providing the cells with the necessary energy for their vital functions. 1 kg of fat contains almost 9,000 kcal. Also, the lipid layer protects the internal organs from temperature changes, mechanical stress. In addition, adipose tissue is involved in the synthesis of sex hormones (in particular, estrogen) and leptin, which regulates energy metabolism.
Normally, the intake of substances from which triglycerides and other lipids are formed under the influence of certain enzymes, and the process of the breakdown of fat cells to provide the body with energy, is in balance. However, under the influence of certain processes (most often, this is a banal violation of the diet) more fat gets into the body than is spent, and their excess is deposited in the subcutaneous tissue. Over time, the lipid layer forms around the internal organs.
Obesity is dangerous not only the aesthetic ugliness of the figure. Excessive accumulation of lipids leads to impaired blood flow, deterioration of the cardiovascular system. An increase in body weight inevitably entails an increase in the load on the joints, impaired functioning of the endocrine glands, and circulatory system.
Lipolytics are not able to completely eliminate excess body fat on the internal organs, but they are quite capable of removing the lipid layer from under the skin and significantly improve the appearance and attractiveness of the figure.
It is worth noting
Lipolitiki should not be confused with fat burners in the form of tablets, which are taken orally in combination with other supplements for sports nutrition. Oral medications can cause many systemic side effects.
Lipolytics are administered exclusively in the problem areas in the form of injections. Penetrating into adipose tissue, these funds stimulate its decay. In addition to the main active component that stimulates the breakdown of lipids, these drugs also contain a cocktail of substances that accelerate blood flow at the injection site. Thus, the decay products of adipose tissue are rapidly excreted from the body.
These medicines are widely used in modern cosmetology.
Compared with invasive procedures to eliminate excess fat, lipolytics have several advantages:
- low risk of adverse reactions;
- the possibility of local application on limited problem areas of the body (correction of the oval of the face, cheeks, abdominal shape, intimate areas, etc.);
- lower cost compared to liposuction;
- short rehabilitation period;
- the absence of scars and other marks at the injection site;
- the possibility of holding in any cosmetology office, since there is no need to stay in inpatient treatment;
- lipolytics activate the physiological processes of the breakdown of adipose tissue, which reduces the risk of re-formation of the lipid layer;
- in addition to the breakdown of adipocytes, blood flow is activated in problem areas, which has a beneficial effect on the skin and stimulates further lipid degradation after the end of the course of injections.
However, there are certain contraindications to the use of such drugs:
- individual intolerance to any component that is part of the drug for lipolysis;
- severe damage to the liver and kidneys;
- acute or chronic infection in the acute stage;
- pregnancy;
- breastfeeding period;
- dermatosis, open wounds and suppurations in the area of injections;
- diabetes;
- oncological diseases;
- systemic autoimmune pathologies;
- bleeding disorders;
- varicose lesions of the vascular network;
- diseases of the central nervous system, accompanied by convulsive seizures.
Also, lipolitics are not advisable to use with endocrine pathologies, hormonal preparations and other conditions that cause an increase in body weight. Lipolitik can remove up to 4 - 5 cm of fat, but they are not able to solve the problem of losing weight in general. Indeed, these drugs have a truly magical effect; without a proper diet and sports, the result will be very short-lived.
Lipolytics are used to eliminate the following problems:
- Correction oval face. The most common problem for women is a double chin and fat accumulation in the cheek area. Injections are much more effective than massage and hardware drainage of the face, and the result of their use is noticeable faster.
- Abdomen correction. In order to give the body perfect shape in the area of the press, a combination of a strict diet and special physical exercises is necessary. But according to trainers, even against the background of regular classes, it is not so easy to remove fat from this zone. Lipolytics can quickly deal with this problem. As a rule, injections are made into a fold in the lower abdomen.
- Correction of other problem areas. Injection lipolysis - one of the most effective means to combat cellulite. Injections into the desired area will remove fat deposits, and stimulation of blood flow helps level the color and surface of the epidermal cover. Lipolytics are also used to correct the shape of the shoulders, the inner and outer sides of the thighs, arms, neck. In preparation for the procedure, the specialist determines the places of the greatest accumulation of fat cells and makes several injections at a certain distance from each other.
Despite the few side effects of the procedure (undergoing edema, small hematomas and areas of hyperemia), lipolytics are an excellent alternative to less efficient mesotherapy. However, to maintain attractive forms, the skin requires proper proper care and compliance with the recommendations of the doctor.
Injections for weight loss: a description of the procedure, the differences from mesotherapy, the possibility of using at home
Contrary to popular belief, slimming injections and mesotherapy are not the same thing. Mesotherapy is a method of hardware cosmetology, which involves the introduction of certain drugs to rejuvenate the skin and fight wrinkles in the subcutaneous tissue. The depth of insertion of the needle does not exceed 0.5 - 0.6 cm.
Injections for weight loss do much deeper (up to 1.2 - 1.5 cm), so that the drug gets directly into the subcutaneous fatty tissue. Mesotherapy is suitable for the correction of wrinkles and other skin defects, while lipolitics are designed to eliminate a more deeply located fat layer.
At observance of all measures of antiseptics and exclusion of contraindications to the procedure, the risk of undesirable reactions is minimized. Therefore, there is no doubt that injections for weight loss will do more good than harm.
Lipolytics help get rid of:
- double chin ;
- "Breeches";
- fat in the shoulders and underarms;
- lipid folds over the knee joints;
- cellulite;
- ugly buttocks;
- bulging belly;
- fat folds in the cheeks and nasolabial folds;
- blurred waist and unsightly rollers above the belt of clothing;
- lipid deposits in the area of the seventh vertebra and the upper part of the shoulder blades.
The procedure is carried out in several stages. Before starting the course of injections, you should consult a beautician, who will determine the area of injection, the presence of contraindications. If necessary, a specialist assigns appropriate laboratory tests.
Injections for weight loss can be carried out with the help of "clean" lipolitikov or so-called "cocktails", when the fat burner is mixed with other biologically active components. Injections are made approximately 2 cm apart. The volume of solution injected depends on the application. To eliminate the fat layer in small areas on the face, hands and around the knees, 5 ml of lipolytic is enough; up to 15 ml of solution is injected to treat a larger surface.
Typically, the course of therapy is 10 to 15 procedures, while injections for weight loss with “clean” lipolytics are administered every 21 to 28 days, and cocktails are prickled every 7 to 10 days. For the prevention of hematomas and edema immediately after the procedure and for the first 2 to 3 days after it, the injection site must be massaged with light circular movements.
Injections for weight loss should be carried out with a sterile syringe with observance of all necessary measures to prevent infection from entering the wound.
Currently, drugs for lipolysis can be purchased in specialized stores. However, cosmetologists recommend to refrain from their independent use. First of all, you need to know "where to prick and in what quantity." In addition, at home it is difficult to observe all the principles of sterility, which increases the risk of bacterial complications. The use of rollers and other portable devices for mesotherapy also does not bring the proper result, as lipolytic simply does not fall into the fat layer.
In cosmetology clinics, other procedures may be offered, which to some extent can be an alternative to injections for weight loss:
- Vacuum massage. It is effective only with small fat deposits and to eliminate the initial stages of cellulite.
- Lipomassage. It is carried out using a special apparatus and is a combination of vacuum and mechanical action.
- Ultrasound exposure. In terms of effectiveness, this procedure is practically not inferior to liposuction, however, it is painless and does not leave any marks on the skin.
- Laser lipolysis. The destruction of fat cells is carried out under the influence of laser radiation, and the splitting products are rapidly removed through the lymphatic drainage system.
- Electrode lipolysis. The collapse of adipose tissue is carried out using electric currents of a certain frequency. While the electrodes can be applied directly to the skin, or in the form of small needles are introduced into the subcutaneous tissue.
- Radio wave lipolysis. As a result of exposure to radio waves, the fatty layer of subcutaneous tissue is heated, which stimulates the processes of adipocyte breakdown and blood circulation.
- Ozone shots. In addition to splitting the lipid layer, this tool contributes to the saturation of cells with oxygen, the elimination of toxins.
However, injections for weight loss with the use of lipolitikov considered the most effective method of combating fat deposits. In addition, the result of such an impact is noticeable after the first procedure and with an appropriate lifestyle, the result persists for a long time.
Lipolytic injections: the most popular drugs, possible complications and care
All active ingredients that are used for injectable lipolysis can be divided into two groups: direct and indirect drugs. The first class includes artificially synthesized drugs that directly act on fat cells, causing their enhanced breakdown. Lipolytics of indirect action usually contain natural extracts (caffeine, artichoke extract, etc.) and stimulate various enzymatic processes, which leads to an enhanced disintegration of adipocytes.
Direct injection lipolytic injections include the use of such drugs:
- Aqualix (Aqualyx). The solution contains sodium deoxycholate (the main active ingredient) and auxiliary components - galactose and polymer compound. The drug has a gel-like consistency, which allows you to do with fewer injections and procedures (in some cases only three are enough), in addition, the drug is suitable for removing fat deposits on sensitive areas (chin, neck, inner thighs).
- Dermaheal Meso LL. It contains a complex of biologically active substances, the main of which are phosphatilcholine, which promotes rapid emulsification of fat deposits, decapeptide, which stimulates the burning and splitting of lipids, a complex of amino acids, vitamins and minerals, which accelerate the elimination of toxins from the body and improve skin condition. Apply according to the standard scheme to eliminate fat deposits, as well as to maintain the result.
- Mesoline Slim. Contains two active lipolytic phosphatidylcholine and sodium deoxycholate. A fairly effective drug used to remove both small and bulky lipid layer.
- Lipolytic complex MPX. In addition to the active fat burner sodium deoxycholate, the solution contains plant extracts and local anesthetic lidocaine, which makes injection of lipolitics painless.
- Revitalcelluform. The product contains sodium deoxycholate and phosphatidylcholine. This complex complements the combination of amino acids, antioxidants, vitamins and extracts from plants.
According to cosmetologists, the effectiveness of indirect lipolytics is somewhat lower. Therefore, in the salons they are usually used in combination with other procedures for the correction of the figure or to maintain the result.
From this group of drugs for lipolysis, the following are often used:
- Aminocomplex with taurine and L-carnitine.
- Aminomix, the drug includes L-carnitine and a combination of other amino acids.
- Cellucare, contains caffeine-benzoate sodium, hyaluronic acid, compounds necessary for the skin of cobalt, manganese and zinc. Effectively activates the process of lipolysis, so it can be used independently.
- Celu-Xtract, the solution contains several plant extracts, usually used in the initial stages of cellulite.
- MesoSlim, this indirect lipolytic contains a complex of amino acids, and is recommended for the correction of fat deposits in sensitive areas of the body.
- MS Cellu norm, contains biologically active plant extracts, effectively eliminates cellulite and skin defects.
As a rule, lipolytic injections are well tolerated, but some patients have such side effects at the injection site:
- slight swelling;
- redness;
- rash;
- itching;
- hematoma;
- pain as with the introduction of the solution, and for some time after injection.
These symptoms disappear after a few days, less often, last up to 1 - 2 days. They are reversible and are not indications for interrupting a course of lipolytic therapy. However, when systemic reactions occur (fever, chills, nausea or vomiting, allergic manifestations, progressive inflammation at the injection site, or skin pigmentation), injection of lipolytic agents should be stopped and seek qualified help from a doctor.
To prevent undesirable reactions, it is necessary to lie down for half an hour after the procedure, drink at least half a liter of non-carbonated water, and apply a cold compress in case of severe edema.
Within a few weeks after the injection of lipolitikov, the following recommendations should be followed:
- do not stay in direct sunlight;
- not to visit solariums, baths and saunas;
- refrain from intense physical exertion;
- observe drinking regime.
Injections of lipolitikov - an effective and relatively safe way to get rid of unaesthetic fatty deposits on almost any part of the body. The result of the procedure is noticeable after the first injection, in addition to splitting the fat, and the skin condition improves. However, to maintain the result of just injections and creams will not be enough. It is necessary to adhere to a diet and actively go in for sports.