Lipoplasty hardware and manual, their features and effectiveness


The problem of excess weight is becoming increasingly important in our time. To combat it, various methods are used, ranging from anti-cellulite massage and ending with folk remedies. However, in some people, the fat cells are arranged in a chaotic manner, eventually accumulating into a coherent whole. This fatty growth cannot be kneaded with the help of massage, or eliminated with the help of diet. The location of fat accumulation can be anywhere on the body from the neck to the ankle. Quite recently, a new technology was invented - lipoplasty. It eliminates fat accumulations in a short time, restores the former beauty of the body and prejudices the further formation of fat cells. What are the advantages and disadvantages? Who is this procedure for? All the details in this article.

Differences procedure

Lipoplasty is an innovative method that melts subcutaneous fat to a liquid state through exposure to high-frequency sound waves. The procedure has recently found application in the masses and was previously used only in medicine for the treatment of severe obesity.

At the moment, you can hold a lipoplasty in any beauty salon. In medical institutions, the procedure is also possible, but only with a doctor's prescription.

The main difference between the procedure and similar ones (for example, liposuction ) is that the subcutaneous fat is completely diluted and can be removed using traditional methods of weight loss. This is a very delicate and painless process, which allows you to feel the first results in a short period of time.


This procedure is highly effective. During the study, a group of scientists gathered from various countries was amazed at the results. Doctors even put forward the theory that soon lipoplasty will replace its predecessor - liposuction. The main advantage of the procedure is that you can get rid of 70% of fat accumulations at a time. Ultrasonic waves "melt" the fat and after a while it is removed from the body. The highest efficiency is observed in areas of solid fat accumulations. According to statistics, the average time for the first results to manifest is from 1 to 3 days.

Moreover, lipoplasty is completely safe for the human body. Ultrasonic waves do not harm the cardiovascular system. Plastic surgeons consider this procedure the most humane.

Varieties of procedure

Lipoplasty hardware

Lipoplasty is divided into two types: hardware and manual.

Apparatus lipocorrection is performed with the help of special devices that influence and suck air from problem areas on the body. With the help of this variety, you can eliminate not only cellulite, but also restore the torn ligaments and tendons, unpleasant postpartum stretch marks and completely restore the former appearance.

Manual procedure is a special authoring technique. In general, manual lipoplasty can be compared with anti-cellulite massage. The purpose is similar - to soften the subcutaneous fat and fibrous tissue in the affected areas of the body.

It is impossible to say with certainty which method will be more effective. After consulting a doctor, you can decide on the choice of the type of procedure.

How is the

The operation is carried out in several stages. For the total duration of the procedure lasts no more than an hour. However, it all depends on the individual characteristics of the body and the speed of cleavage of subcutaneous fat.

So, what is the algorithm of the operation:

  • The problem area that will be processed in this session is determined. Usually they ask the patient for an opinion, but in other cases, the problem zone is selected from the point of view of the doctor.
  • An anesthetic dose calculated according to individual parameters is introduced into the selected area. This is necessary for complete relaxation of tissues and loss of sensitivity.
  • Then there is a process that is inherent only in lipoplasty: a small, tube-like instrument is inserted under the skin through an incision made with a scalpel.
  • The previously placed instrument serves as a conductor of ultrasonic waves, and it is this that contributes to the liquefaction of the fat accumulation.
  • After wave treatment, all fat is removed from under the skin using a special vacuum pump. The incision is treated and disinfected to exclude the possibility of ingestion of infection inside.

That's the whole process of the operation. After an hour and a half, you will be released from the operating table home.

The rehabilitation period after surgery

Rehabilitation is a must after lipoplasty. In general, this is a rather meager and limited range of procedures and recommendations, but they must be strictly followed.

Within two months, after completion of the procedure, patients should wear only tight-fitting clothes (especially the tight part of the body on which the operation was performed). As for medications, usual anesthetics are enough, since the problem area on the body can sometimes give a nagging pain.


Lipoplasty surgery

Efficiency largely depends on the individual characteristics of the human body. For example, the number of fat cells, the amount of subcutaneous fat removed. It is difficult to preliminarily name what the results will be after the meeting, but at the consultation the specialist will try to give you the most accurate data.

Fat accumulation will be removed completely, so if you again have a problem with excess weight, then the affected area on the body will be in a completely different place. This is due to the fact that there are practically no fat cells left at the site of the operation. But it is important to remember that lipoplasty does not guarantee that the previous weight will not be gained again. To avoid this, you need to carefully monitor your figure, normalize the diet (exclude especially fatty and flour foods, or use in a reasonable amount), lead a more active lifestyle or play sports. Remember that your harmony depends entirely on you.

Compatible with ultrasonic lipoplasty

To determine whether the procedure is suitable for you, it is necessary to conduct a preliminary consultation with a qualified specialist (preferably a surgeon). But, as a rule, people with normal or slightly overweight, who are completely healthy, have specific areas of fat accumulations on the body, and are not retractable through exercise or a diet course, have the greatest compatibility.

Remember one thing: only qualified surgeons with proper knowledge in this area can perform the operation. Inexperienced specialists can not only make mistakes in lipoplasty, but also harm the overall condition of the body. Therefore, feel free to ask questions, ask what kind of surgery this surgeon has in the account, what were the results of previous patients.

Can there be complications or consequences after surgery?

The procedure has proven to be absolutely safe, but a certain number of complications are still present, namely:

  • Inflammation at the site of the incision (this is possible if the surgical instrument was not sterile or the patient did not follow the recommendations of the doctor).
  • They can secrete blood clots and fat.
  • Change in skin color.

It can also accumulate subcutaneous fluid, which is removed only by surgical intervention.

The only danger that the operation carries in itself is a burn with ultrasonic waves. But this risk factor is practically absent if the operation is performed by a certified surgeon with a tolerance to conduct.

As shown by recent observations, in some cases an allergic reaction to the injected anesthetic occurs, which is manifested by a sharp reddening of the skin.

Summing up, we can say that lipoplasty is the technology of the future. This procedure was tested on personal experience by hundreds of patients who were able to get rid of cellulite once and for all. Also, the procedure guarantees complete patient safety and almost a 100% chance of a successful outcome. If you have a problem with overweight or subcutaneous fat accumulation has formed, contact the medical institution for surgery.

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