Underwater spinal traction: the essence and features of the method of treatment, the main indications and types of procedures

Underwater spine traction

Quite often, diseases of the back need medical treatment. One of the most effective ways to treat such pathologies is considered to be underwater spine traction. Every year, this procedure in Russia is becoming increasingly popular.

According to statistics, more than 35% of people today suffer from spinal diseases, so the question of how to treat it, in particular, the underwater spinal traction, will be very relevant.

What is the essence of the method

Underwater spinal traction involves the impact on the back of a person of mineral water and weight, which in turn helps relax muscles, normalize blood circulation, and increase space in the vertebral zone.

All this is favorably displayed on the course of diseases of the spine (hernia, protrusion, etc.).

It should be noted that the stretching of the vertebrae can also be dry; however, it is the underwater stretching of the spine that is considered safer. Also, such a procedure has an additional therapeutic effect due to the use of mineral waters.

The great advantage of this method of treatment is that it is able to relieve pain and muscular block, even in cases where traditional therapy with medicines will simply not be effective.

During the procedure, the person will stretch the muscle structures of the back. This will cause opposing pressure, and will trigger significant improvements in the condition of the intervertebral discs.

Indications and contraindications to the procedure

Spinal traction (vertical or horizontal) with the help of water and special devices is shown in such cases:

  1. Developing deforming spondyloarthrosis.
  2. Spondylitis, occurring in the initial stages.
  3. Radicular syndromes, as well as sciatica.
  4. Lumbago.
  5. Herniated intervertebral, which is localized in the lumbar region.

It is important to note that only this doctor can prescribe this method of treatment, which will take into account the individual condition of the patient, the degree of neglect and the cause of his pathology. Self-healing back is strictly prohibited.

Contraindications to spinal traction are osteoporosis, previously suffered back injuries, after which the person has not yet recovered, compression of the spinal cord, as well as exacerbation of diseases of the spine, accompanied by acute pain.

Additional contraindications to this procedure are:

  1. Obesity.
  2. The elderly person's age (over 60 years).
  3. Tuberculosis.
  4. Running heart disease.
  5. Oncological pathology.
  6. The instability of the spine and the presence of acute inflammatory processes in it.
  7. Recently transferred operations.
  8. Tendency to bleed.
  9. Acute skin diseases.

Types of underwater traction

To date, two methods of this water treatment are practiced, namely: vertical and horizontal stretching.


The vertical type of traction is carried out in pools specially designed for this purpose, having a depth of 2–2.5 m. In this case, the patient is fixed with special straps and immersed in water along the neck level. Also sometimes a small load may join the legs of a person.


Horizontal type traction carried out in shallow pools. In this case, the patient lies on a hard surface that enters the inlet at a certain angle.

Deciding what kind of spinal traction to perform, should be observing the doctor, depending on the identified disease in humans. The course of treatment is also individual.

Underwater spinal extract: features of the procedure

Underwater spine traction in adults

At the very beginning of the procedure for underwater stretching of the spine, a person needs to stay in the pool for five minutes, so that his body gets used to the temperature of the water, and the muscles relax.

After that, the patient is fastened to the shield with belts and slowly lowered into the water. The duration of one such procedure is on average five minutes.

You should know that the first sessions should be carried out without the use of additional cargo. With only 4-5 procedures on the patient's legs, you can use a burden of 1-2 kg.

The maximum allowable load for women is 10 kg, and for men - up to 15 kg.

When the underwater spinal hood is complete, the person needs to be in the water for a few more minutes. Rising from the water is also carried out slowly (the patient rises to the horizontal level in 4 minutes).

After the procedure, the patient must lie down on a hard mattress and remain in that position for an hour. Only after that you can walk. To achieve a better result, the spine should be secured with a corset.

Recommendations depending on the disease

For this treatment to be successful, it is important to adhere to the following medical advice:

  1. With hernia, it is better to practice the vertical extension of the vertebrae with a gradually increasing load.
  2. With spondyloarthrosis, horizontal stretching without additional load will be more effective.
  3. For the treatment of radiculitis, it is worthwhile to carry out a course stretching of the vertebrae for 10 sessions.

Regardless of the reason for the need for underwater stretching of the spine, after the completion of treatment, the patient is advised to visit the sanatorium to restore the body. It is also worth noting that it is prohibited to conduct both dry and water extention of the vertebrae at the same time.

Patient Reviews

We give the following comments from patients who have tried the underwater spinal traction course on themselves:

  1. Anton, 27 years old.

    “I worked at a computer for years, so back pain accompanied me regularly. After examinations, it was found that the cause of the pain lies in the progressive radiculitis. After a course of spinal water extention, my condition improved significantly. Now pain, if bothered, is very rare. ”

  2. Michael, 44 years old.

    “I treated hernia of the spine with medicines, massage and various physiotherapy, but I could not completely get rid of the illness and frequent pains. On the advice of the doctor, I underwent a course of underwater stretching of the spine, and was very pleased with the result. The procedures themselves were painless for me. Now, with the next exacerbation of pathology, I immediately spend exactly the water course of stretching the vertebrae. ”

  3. Victoria, 36 years old.

    “I have already completed two courses of underwater stretching of the spine. In my experience, only with the help of this procedure I manage to calm back pain and terrible stiffness. After such treatment I always feel much better. There are no side effects. ”

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