Tummy tuck after childbirth: features of the operation

Tummy tuck after childbirth: before and after Despite the fact that pregnancy and the appearance of a child is always a long-awaited pleasant event in a woman’s life, joy can be overshadowed by looking at her figure. Many women experience severe discomfort, noting a significant deterioration in shape after childbirth: the abdomen becomes drooping, stretch marks, scars and the appearance of skin and fat aprons can form. In the case when at home, with the help of physical exercises, diets and folk remedies, it is impossible to cope with the problem, the tummy tuck can help.

Tummy tuck after childbirth is a popular procedure and can be done in several ways.

In the case of natural childbirth, liposuction is sometimes sufficient, but it will be absolutely ineffective if a cesarean section has been performed. Liposuction will help eliminate only the subcutaneous adipose tissue, but the traces left by Cesarean will not disappear. After the diagnosis, the doctor may recommend various types of tummy tuck.


Tummy tuck after childbirth is carried out no earlier than after six months, as the woman's body must fully recover. You should also postpone the plastic when breastfeeding, until it stops.

Abdominal surgery after vaginal delivery is performed surgically and consists of making an incision in the navel, separating skin and subcutaneous fat from the peritoneal wall, connecting muscles, removing fat and correcting connective tissues, removing excess skin parts and forming the navel.

Tummy tuck after cesarean section is no different from plastics after natural childbirth, except for the location of the incision. It is located below the existing one. The procedure algorithm is usually the same. If the patient is worried only about the presence of a hardened scar at the site of a caesarean, then it is removed with a laser.

It should be remembered that performing plastic surgery on the abdomen after childbirth is most advisable if pregnancy and childbirth are no longer planned, since each subsequent plastic will be less effective and technically more difficult.

Types of abdominal correction after childbirth: abdominoplasty and tightening

Loss of skin elasticity after childbirth Correction of the abdomen after childbirth can be carried out in several ways, depending on the complexity of the particular case. If the first birth and after them there was only a slight flabbiness of the skin, then various wraps in the home, conditions and physiotherapy can be effective. However, problems are often more serious, and then the correction of the abdomen after childbirth is carried out with the help of surgical intervention.

A tummy tuck after childbirth is usually carried out by injection and hardware methods and is used if the main problem is only a reduced elasticity of the skin and the presence of minor folds. During the tightening, blood circulation is improved, metabolism increases, lymph outflow increases, and as a result, the skin becomes more elastic.

Depending on the severity of the defect and its area, the doctor may prescribe the following options for a tummy tuck after childbirth:

  • Reinforcement

    This procedure consists in the fact that gels are injected under the skin with injections, which are based on hyaluronic acid, which increases the elasticity of the skin due to collagen synthesis.

  • LPG massage

    This procedure is carried out using a special chamber where the patient is placed, previously dressed in a special suit. The problem area is exposed to the nozzle, soft tissues are stretched with special rollers, as a result of which fat cells are destroyed, lymphatic drainage is improved.

  • Electromyostimulation

    It is carried out by imposing electrodes on separate areas of the abdomen. During the procedure, the muscle fibers are reduced under the influence of electric current, which accelerates the outflow of lymph, increases the breakdown of fat. However, this procedure does not have a pronounced efficiency and can be effective only after the first birth, in the presence of a small flabbiness of the skin.

  • Ultrasound exposure

    Carried out by increasing the temperature in individual tissues, followed by micronecrosis. Compared with electrostimulation, it is more effective due to the increased density of collagen fibers.

Cesarean scar In the event that the defect was formed after 2 or more births is the formation of scars, umbilical hernia, or a divergence of muscles, then these problems can be resolved only with the help of surgical intervention. Abdominoplasty of the abdomen after childbirth is a surgical procedure, shown in the presence of a divergence of the muscles of the abdominal wall, as well as in the presence of a skin or fat "apron".

The essence of classical abdominoplasty is that an incision is made in the lower part of the abdomen, in the area of ​​the natural fold, then the muscles, which are dispersed during pregnancy and childbirth, are stitched, and the excess part of fat and skin are removed. Sometimes, for example, in the presence of an umbilical hernia, it is necessary to make horizontal and vertical incisions.

Miniabdominoplasty is performed through a small incision in the lower abdomen. Excess fat and skin tissues are removed through it, after which cosmetic intracutaneous sutures are applied.

Endoscopic tummy tuck is the most benign option and has many positive reviews. In the course of this procedure, barely noticeable punctures are made, through which the dispersed muscles are connected without affecting the skin.

The main indications for abdominoplasty of the abdomen after childbirth are:

  • The presence of keloid scar after cesarean section.
  • The presence of sprains, the formation of umbilical hernia as a result of gestation.
  • The sagging of tissues and the presence of stretch marks that lead to asymmetry.

Contraindications to abdominoplasty:

  • If in the near future another pregnancy is planned.
  • Pulmonary and heart diseases.
  • Diabetes.
  • Obesity.

The rehabilitation period after abdominoplasty lasts about six months, depending on the complexity of the case, compliance with all the recommendations of the doctor and the general condition of the body.

In order for the recovery and healing process to accelerate, it is necessary to quit smoking 10 days before the graft and not to smoke for 4 weeks after the procedure.

The price of abdominoplasty can vary greatly and depends on the prestige of the clinic and the specific case. For example, in Irkutsk the average cost of abdominoplasty is 25,000 rubles, in Barnaul from 60,000 rubles, in Novosibirsk 70,000 rubles.

Liposuction of the abdomen after childbirth: when it is used

Liposuction of the abdomen after childbirth is a fairly effective procedure if there are problems only with the presence of localized body fat that does not disappear after weight loss. In the event that there are scars or a divergence of the muscles, liposuction will be effective, only carried out in parallel with abdominoplasty.

Classical liposuction is carried out by inserting a cannula into small incisions, its end is connected to a special apparatus and the fat is brought out due to the vacuum. This type of liposuction for many years remains the most popular, but there are other methods: laser, tumescent, radio frequency.

However, the recovery period, regardless of the type of liposuction used, is the same. Subject to medical recommendations, he usually passes without complications.

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