Eyelid surgery without surgical intervention: professional rejuvenation techniques
The skin of the face is especially in need of care, as more than other parts of the body are exposed to the environment. Sooner or later, age-related changes lead to a loss of elasticity, skin elasticity, and this primarily affects the eyelids.
To look still attractive, women resort to surgery. But this method of rejuvenation is not for everyone. For those who are afraid of the word surgeon, there are alternative methods for restoring the delicate and sensitive area around the eyes.
Eyelid surgery without surgery interests many women. But it should be understood that getting a good result without surgery is possible when age changes affect the eyelids slightly. The skin around the eyes begins to change at the age of 35. And from this time you need to start caring for the eyelids more intensely.
Plastic eyelid correction is called blepharoplasty. There are the following ways to lift eyelids:
- surgery;
- thread correction;
- cosmetic procedures (lifting).
Performing an eyelid surgery is not necessary if the following deficiencies are found:
- fine wrinkles in the form of a net;
- age up to 45 years;
- ptosis of the upper eyelids at an early stage;
- mimic wrinkles;
- slight flaccidity of the skin;
- dark circles and slight swelling in the lower eyelid.
These symptoms do not cancel the operation, and if you wish, you can resolve the issue of rejuvenation of the eyelids more radically. But lifting is not worse helps to eliminate unpleasant phenomena. It is important to correctly select the desired method.
Photorejuvenation . Allows you to get rid of existing wrinkles and prevent the emergence of new ones. Laser light streams trigger cell regeneration processes, increase skin turgor. To achieve the desired effect, spend up to 7 sessions.
Microcurrent therapy . The impact on the cells is low-frequency currents. This hardware procedure is less effective than similar ones with the use of a laser and radio waves, but also fights age-related changes over the centuries. A lasting effect can be obtained after 10 sessions of MTT.
Laser polishing . The essence of the technique in the launch of cell regeneration processes. After exposure to the laser, the dead cells of the epidermis evaporate, and microdamages occur in the deep layers, which stimulates the recovery process. The procedure is carried out at least 4 times.
Contour plastic . The injection method consists in filling the subcutaneous space with hyaluronic acid preparations. As a result, wrinkles are smoothed, and the active substance contributes to the improvement of skin elasticity and elasticity. The effect lasts about six months.
RF lifting . Radiofrequency therapy in the radio frequency range is considered one of the most effective methods for lifting eyelids without surgery. Radio waves affect the protein, which is composed of collagen and elastin, contributing to warming and folding it into a tight spiral. This provides a powerful lifting effect. In addition, such an effect triggers the process of lipolysis, as a result of which excess fat is broken down. A lasting effect is achieved after 6 sessions. Indications: wrinkles, flabbiness, ptosis.
Laser biorevitalization . The procedure allows you to restore the necessary amount of hyaluronic acid in the skin. With the help of infrared radiation aimed at the skin of the eyelids, low molecular weight drug fills all layers of the skin. The effect can be seen after the first procedure. The skin becomes fresh and elastic. For smoothing wrinkles and lasting positive results,
Fractional thermolysis . The latest laser rejuvenation technique. It is a type of laser peeling. Relieves wrinkles, age spots, bags under the eyes.
Botulinum therapy . The effect of eyelid rejuvenation is achieved by introducing botulinum toxin A under the skin. Xeomin and Dysport preparations reduce the contractile activity of the muscles around the eyes. This allows you to smooth facial wrinkles and prevent the emergence of new ones. The desired effect is achieved a week after the injection and last
Mesotherapy . This is an injection method of facial rejuvenation. Under the skin, special preparations are introduced for eyelid tightening. They include a complex of active substances: vitamins, hyaluronic acid, minerals, etc. To solve this or that problem to improve the appearance of the eyelids, the beautician chooses a drug that will give the optimal effect. Injections are carried out by the course.
Which of the lifting procedures to choose, tell a professional cosmetologist after examining the skin of the eyelids. The doctor can offer several options, and the woman is already guided by price, duration of effect and the acceptability of the procedure. It is useful to read reviews on the Internet about how to deal with the hanging centuries and choose the one that is more suitable.
The price of a lifting starts from several thousand rubles and depends on the method and the number of procedures. Laser techniques are a bit more expensive than injections. For example, the price of RF lifting is 9,500 rubles, fractional thermolysis is 5,000 rubles, microcurrent therapy is 1,800 rubles. The most expensive method - RF lifting is not found in all locations. The procedure can be done in large cities: St. Petersburg, Moscow, Kiev, Ufa, Chelyabinsk and several others.
Eyelid surgery at home: recommendations for daily care.
Cosmetic lifting successfully solves the issues of removing eyelid sagging, wrinkles, age spots, ptosis. Non-surgical eyelid lift restores youth, skin tone and natural, natural appeal. Such procedures are not cheap, and not available to everyone. But if you constantly care for sensitive skin around the eyes, you can achieve positive results without the help of professional beauticians.
In addition, the timely care of the centuries will delay age-related changes.
What does the eyelid lift at home include?
Professional cosmetics . Specially designed for the rejuvenation of cosmetics contain active substances that change the skin at the cellular level. After a few months of applying such cosmetics, you can see a positive effect. The skin becomes elastic, and fine wrinkles around the eyes disappear. This is due to the improvement of local metabolism, stimulation of collagen production, active moisture.
Drinks . If the skin of the eyelids has become dry and has lost its elasticity, it is helpful to drink green tea. Reception of this drink mitigates the damage caused to the skin by sunlight, as well as contributes to the production of elastin. Chamomile tea soothes the skin, so it should be drunk for those who are prone to the formation of mimic wrinkles.
Water Every day you need to use at least one and a half liters of water. It moisturizes the eyelids from the inside, removes harmful substances.
Vitamins C and E These vitamins nourish the skin, make it supple and resistant to aggressive media. Eating foods containing these vitamins improves the appearance of the eyelids.
Exercises for the eyelids . Daily special exercises improve muscle tone, which contributes to the natural tightening of the eyelids.
Ice to wash me. It is useful in the morning to wash your face and eyelids with an ice cube. It perfectly tones the skin of the eyelids, refreshing it.
Hygienic care . It is important to remove cosmetics daily with special moisturizers. Avoid washing with soap containing aggressive ingredients that dry the skin. For a complete nutrition of the dermis, you should apply cream, oils and other cosmetics on your eyelids.
Folk remedies . It is useful to make masks and compresses, caring for thin and sensitive skin around the eyes.
Make up To correct wrinkles, folds and hanging eyelids will help correct makeup. Shadows should choose only light colors. The colors preferred fresh shades: blue, green or purple. If there are dark bags under the eyes, then they should be clarified with special correctors. Important is the correct arch of the eyebrows.
Non-surgical eyelid lift will be more effective if you follow a number of rules:
- sleep for at least 7 hours, as an incomplete sleep leads to fatigue, which adversely affects the eyelids;
- wear lenses for eyes no more than 12 hours a day;
- give up cigarettes;
- reduce the amount of salt if there is swelling;
- eat well;
- stop squinting, if you have vision problems, you need to wear lenses or glasses;
- Avoid excessive emotions, as they lead to the formation of mimic wrinkles.
Gymnastics for eyelid tightening - a universal means of strengthening muscles
Lowering eyelids talk about muscle loss of elasticity and poor blood circulation in the tissues. In this case, special gymnastics will help to tighten the eyelids.
- Close your eyes for a few seconds. Then open as wide as possible while keeping your brows still. In this exercise, only the eyelids should work. Repeat 10 times.
- Throw back your head, while covering the upper eyelids, as much as possible dropping them down. Hold this position for 5 seconds. Repeat exercises from 5 to 10 times.
- Use your index fingers to press on the skin at the outer corners of the eyes. Overcoming resistance, open the upper eyelids as much as possible. Perform
10-15 times. - Fingers pull the skin near the temples back. Open and close the eyelids. Repeat 5 times for half a minute.
- Raise your head, look up and open your mouth. Blink frequently for 30 seconds without stopping. Repeat several times. This exercise is useful for tightening eyelids more often for those who work at the computer.
- To improve the tone of the lower eyelid, you can drum with your fingertips in this area.
- With your fingers, make circular movements in the temple, closer to the outer corner of the eyes.
- Close your eyes and massage the eyelids and skin around.
The main condition for gymnastics for eyelid tightening is regularity. It must be performed daily, morning and evening. After some time, such exercises will become a habit and the muscles will always be in good shape, which will eliminate sagging eyelids.
On the Internet you can find numerous sets of exercises for the rejuvenation of the face from the famous Russian doctor Margarita Levchenko. In her opinion, gymnastics and face massage can significantly prolong the youth of the skin.
Masks for eyelid tightening at home: folk recipes.
In addition to exercise, you can tighten the eyelids with the help of masks. Recipes of traditional medicine are aimed primarily at removing edema of the eyelids and improving skin tone. Especially popular masks for lifting the upper eyelids. This is due to the fact that the skin on the upper eyelid begins to sag faster.
Masks for bags under the eyes, puffiness and redness:
- Banana and butter. Crush the fruit, mix with melted butter. Apply to eyes for 10 minutes.
- Parsley. Chop the greens, put on the eye area and cover with a damp cloth. Action time up to 15 minutes.
- Sage. Prepare a decoction at the rate of 1 tsp. dry grass per 100 grams of water. In the cooled broth moisten the sponges and apply to the eyes for
15-20 minutes. - Cucumber. In the first variant, attach cucumber rings to the eyelids. In the second - grate the cucumber, wrap the mush in cheesecloth and apply to the eyes. Action time about 20 minutes.
The best mask recipes for upper eyelid braces:
- Prepare the following ingredients: a tablespoon of olive oil (you can substitute another vegetable) and raw yolk. Whisk the components of the mask, moisten the sponges in the mixture and apply to the upper eyelids for 15 minutes.
- 50 grams of milk and 4 spoons of soda mix thoroughly. Dip sponges into the liquid so that they are well soaked, and attach them to the eyes. The duration of the mask should not be more than 15 minutes.
Recipes masks for eyelid tightening at home can be found on forums dedicated to facial care. It is worth trying different options in order to find the best.
Cosmetic creams for eyelids
Whatever miraculous properties the masks do not possess, the cream for the lifting of the upper eyelid is a prerequisite for the complex care of sagging skin.
Numerous eye creams on the market promise to eliminate wrinkles and sagging skin, tighten eyelids, remove swelling .
When choosing a cosmetic product should focus on the fame of the manufacturer and reviews of the tool.
Eye lift cream should include the following ingredients:
- Retinol (vitamin A). Increases collagen production, maintains water and acid-base balance of the skin.
- Ascorbic acid (vitamin C). It is a powerful antioxidant, increases the skin's resistance to external aggressive environment.
- Tocopherol (vitamin E). It gives the skin elasticity, fights free radicals, preventing premature aging.
- Alpha lipoic acid. Actively fights against fine wrinkles, makes skin more elastic.
- Hyaluronic acid. Perfectly moisturizes the skin, retains moisture, makes it fresh and supple.
- Alpha hydroxy acid. Softens and cleanses the skin, promotes its renewal.
- Plant extracts, salts, minerals nourish the skin with beneficial substances.
Cream to tighten the upper eyelid can be prepared at home. The following ingredients are needed for this: 1 tsp. solid cocoa butter, 2 drops of fennel oil, 2 drops of sandalwood oil. Melt the cocoa butter in a water bath, add the remaining ingredients and leave to cool. In the morning and evening to lubricate the eyelids homemade cream.
How to use oils to tighten eyelids
The effect of cosmetic products for the care of the eyelids can be enhanced using natural essential oils.
These include such as:
- peppermint oil - tones and refreshes;
- peach oil - rejuvenates, eliminates wrinkles, restores elasticity;
- pine oil - smoothes wrinkles, gives the derma elasticity, protects it from harmful effects;
- Rose oil - moisturizes, eliminates dark circles under the eyes.
Essential oils for eyelid tightening can be added to creams that are used daily after washing. Calculation of proportions: on 20 ml of cream - 4 drops of oil. To achieve the best effect, you should make a mixture of oils, for example, 2 drops of pink and 2 drops of pine.
Vegetable (olive, sunflower, etc.) oils for eyelid tightening are used as an ingredient in masks. You can make oil compresses. To do this, the sponge is soaked with warm vegetable oil and placed on the eye area. This procedure softens the skin of the eyelids, making it more elastic.