Physiotherapy after blepharoplasty: appointment and indications
One of the first targets of aging are our eyes. It is by them that one can determine the age of a person In addition, bags under the eyes or small wrinkles, they are also called crow's feet, give the face a frowning and tired look. They are capable even of young girls to add years.
With age, there are problems with the centuries. The upper eyelid hangs over the eye, and unwanted bags appear on the lower eyelid. Excess fluid, drunk before bedtime, in the morning is reflected in the swelling of the eyelids. In such a situation, biorevitalization will help to solve this problem positively. A more complex problem with the overhang of excess skin on the eyelids will be solved only by blepharoplasty .
How does rehabilitation go after blepharoplasty?
Postoperative rehabilitation lasts up to 12 days, physiotherapy after blepharoplasty plays a special role. For some time, in the area of operation, there is moderate pain, there is a slight discomfort in the form of heavy eyelids and mild eye irritation.
- In the postoperative period, edema and bruises appear on the face, so ice is placed on the place where the surgery was performed.
- After surgery on the second day, the patient needs to perform special exercises for the eyes, ascribed to the doctor.
- Two or three days you can not load your eyes with reading, watching TV and working at the computer.
Not often, but it happens that after the operation, a person can not completely close his eyes. All temporary inconveniences will disappear soon (unpleasant sensitivity to light and tearing).
- In the first three days after the operation, you need to bury your eyes with special antiseptic drops that prevent the infection from developing.
- You can start using cosmetics only after ten days.
- Two weeks after rehabilitation is not recommended to wear lenses. Contact lenses replace comfortable glasses.
- In ten days, the bruises will disappear, and hematomas formed on the eye proteins will disappear only after three weeks.
Under a big ban will be sports, visits to the baths and saunas, and the food taken should not be salty and spicy. Do not drink large amounts of water.
During the passage of rehabilitation is strictly prohibited the use of alcohol and smoking. Smoking has never yet added health and good complexion to anyone, therefore, it becomes possible to permanently get rid of this habit in the postoperative period in order to maintain an attractive appearance for many years.
Stitches after plastics are removed in the period from three to six days. After the operation, the patient will flow into his usual rhythm of life in six to twenty days. Scars will be noticeable for about two weeks, on the eleventh day it is allowed to use masking agents.
How to speed recovery?
- To avoid hemorrhage due to high blood pressure, discard the hot shower and bath.
- Physical activity is strictly prohibited in the gym, fitness center and in the country, replace them with physiotherapy. After blepharoplasty, only they are shown.
- Wear dark glasses when going outside, as they will not only protect your eyes from bright light, but also hide traces from the operation.
- It is necessary to coordinate medication with a plastic surgeon.
A slight swelling will be visible for several months. To reduce the rehabilitation period, it is useful to perform all physiotherapy after blepharoplasty, prescribed by the doctor.
Microcurrents, massage and gymnastics with blepharoplasty
Microcurrents after blepharoplasty have a mild effect on the vital activity of skin cells and muscles, blood lymphatic vessels. This has a beneficial effect on the withdrawal of stagnant fluid, improves the appearance of the skin, forms the correct oval of the face.
Microcurrent therapy is completely painless, removes irritation, reduces swelling, inflammation, helps to heal wounds and scars more quickly. It is useful in the presence of acute or chronic pain, before surgery and after it, to strengthen the tone of the muscles around the eyes.
This therapy actively combats acne and cellulite, treats hair, arthritis and rheumatism.
The main use of microcurrents after blepharoplasty in hardware cosmetology is lifting, in another it is called a lift. This therapy ideally stimulates the processes that affect the youth and elasticity of the skin - cell metabolism, blood microcirculation. Thanks to these actions, the skin is tightened.
Such stimulation acts simultaneously on the skin, blood vessels and muscles, saturates the deep layers of tissue with moisture, removes toxins, awakens the activity of cells, improves blood circulation many times.
Blepharoplasty of the lower eyelids is done in the following cases:
- bags under the eyes and the appearance of excess skin around the eyes;
- the presence of small and large wrinkles near the eyes;
- with swelling under the eyes.
How will massage the lower eyelids after blepharoplasty?
One of the undesired complications after surgery is eversion of the lower eyelid, in which they do not completely close. This problem occurs when excessive removal of the skin or in violation of postoperative recommendations.
To remedy this situation, it is enough to perform special gymnastics and lymphatic drainage after blepharoplasty. This type of massage will increase the circulation and outflow of lymph from the damaged tissue many times, and this will lead to the rapid withdrawal of edema. The course of massage will improve blood flow in the facial tissues, which has a beneficial effect on the healing of postoperative stitches and scars.
Exercises and exercises for the eyes after blepharoplasty
The combination of special exercises for the eyes after blepharoplasty, which plastic surgeons recommend to patients, ideally stimulates the activity of the eye muscles, and through their active work, blood flow increases and congestion of the subcutaneous lymph is eliminated.
The systematic implementation of special exercises for the eyes for several weeks will accompany the speedy elimination of postoperative edema and create excellent conditions for the rapid resorption of hematomas. Such gymnastics restores the tone of the circular muscles of the eyes.
Before doing gymnastics for the eyes after plastic surgery, you need to do a little warm-up: first look forward, then take your eyes to the left to roll back, after a while - to the right, then up and down (must be done 5 times).
After the warm-up, proceed to a set of special exercises for the eyelids:
- The first lesson . Head up, move your eyes to the ceiling and start blinking for thirty seconds.
- The second lesson . Close and with a score of three open your eyes, as wide as possible, look into the distance. Then again firmly tighten the eyelids so that the eyebrows are motionless. Repeat this lesson
5-6 times. - The third lesson . We close our eyes and place our index fingers on the upper eyelids. They should be at an angle to the nose or perpendicular to it. Start to open your eyes, regardless of the resistance of the fingers. After a few seconds, close again. It is very important that when performing the exercise eyebrows remain motionless.
- The fourth lesson . Throw back your head, lowering your gaze to the tip of your nose. After 5 seconds, level up and look straight.
- The fifth lesson "Chinese" . Close your eyes, apply finger pads to your temples. Lightly pull the skin back and release. Repeat
5-6 times.