How to remove the hanging eyelid using different methods and why it happens
Hanging or omitted upper eyelid, called ptosis in medicine, is a fairly common phenomenon. Someone, this defect does not interfere at all, but this problem does not give rest to someone.
And here a logical question arises - how to remove the hanging eyelid.
In fact, this can be done in many different ways, but in order to get the best result, it is important to start with the cause that provoked such a defect.
Causes of eyelids
The reasons for the overhang of the upper eyelid above the eye can be a great variety from the anatomical features of the human face, to acquired injuries or diseases that are required not only for aesthetic correction, but also for qualified medical assistance.
Suspended may be symmetrical for two centuries, in these cases we are more often talking about congenital features or one thing, and here we should speak about the acquired pathology.
The most common causes of the impending century of innate nature, consider:
- national characteristics;
- not fully developed muscles, upper eyelids autosomal dominant type;
- Gunn syndrome;
- congenital blepharophimosis.
The acquired causes of the overhang of the upper eyelid above the eye are:
- paralysis of the optic nerve, responsible for its movement;
- atrophy of the eye muscle tissue;
- aponeurotic age-related changes in muscle tendons;
- eye injuries;
- the formation of tumors;
- the presence of scars, leading to shortening of the skin of the upper eyelid.
Depending on how strongly the eyelid hangs down, three stages separate - an incomplete, partial and complete overhang.
Is it possible to get rid without surgery
In order to solve the problem of the impending century, it is not always necessary to resort to surgery, sometimes other equally effective methods will help to cope with the problem, it all depends on the degree of complexity of the pathology and the reason for its occurrence.
If the defect is purely aesthetic in nature, in some cases even properly done makeup will help to cope with the problem. If the pathology is associated with impaired operation of the optic nerve, its function can be restored with the help of appropriate medications or a physiotherapeutic procedure.
Elimination of the eyelids due to partial muscle atrophy associated with age can be performed with the help of special exercises or massage. Also find a lot of answers to the question of how to remove the hanging eyelid without surgery , help modern and recipes of traditional medicine.
Purchased ointments and creams
A variety of purchased ointments and creams that can be easily and conveniently applied at home can also help lift the eyelids. One of such means is Relief ointment, despite the fact that it is not a cosmetic preparation, due to its natural composition, which includes shark oil, it is able to have an almost instant effect and noticeably lift the eyelid and make the look more expressive.
Another way to answer the question of how to remove the hanging eyelid without surgery is the use of heparin ointment. It copes well with edema, and ensures rapid recovery of the defect. Also, this tool will help eliminate small facial wrinkles.
Zinc ointment will not less effectively cope with this problem, and, not only will it tighten the upper eyelid, but also help keep the skin young.
Of course, to combat this problem, there are special cosmetics, leading brands.
Exercises and Massages
The next option, how to remove the hanging eyelid, is to use the services of a special massage, which is offered in many beauty salons and beauty salons. However, such procedures can be carried out independently. There is nothing complicated about it. You just need to alternately massage each eyelid, slightly pulling up to the eyebrow, for five minutes on each side, and then change direction and massage the eyelid towards the outer corner of the eye for 5 minutes. To achieve the best effect, massage should be carried out daily.
Also, the defect can be eliminated with the help of special gymnastics, which is available for homework.
One of the step-by-step options, such gymnastics is given below.
- Exercise 1.
First you need to squeeze your eyes tight as much as possible, and then abruptly fully open your eyes and make several circular movements with the pupils.
- Exercise 2.
Next, you need to raise the eyebrows with the help of the muscles of the face, then close both eyes, linger for a few seconds, then open the eyes and lower the eyebrows at the end.
- Exercise 3.
Gently, with the help of the middle, index and ring fingers, lift both eyebrows symmetrically and stretch them slightly apart from each other. Hold up for 15 seconds, performing at this time fast blinking movements.
Each exercise should be repeated 5-10 times, and perform step-by-step gymnastics daily.
Contraindications and frequency of use
Contraindications to self-elimination of the overhang of the upper eyelids of the eye can be injuries that resulted in a defect, as well as some diseases of the organs of vision. Therefore, before starting a “struggle” with such problems, you should consult with your doctor.
Also, when applying various cosmetic and home remedies to reduce the impending century, it is necessary to take into account the individuality of the organism, the possible intolerance of some components of the remedies, which in most cases manifest themselves in the form of allergic reactions. Do not forget about the type of skin, because not any means equally well affects its condition, so, for example, for dry and sensitive skin, the use of products that include cucumber, aloe or parsley should be reduced to 2 once a week.
One of the most common surgical methods for solving the problem of the eyelids is blepharoplasty . The essence of the operation is to remove part of the excess adipose tissue and loose, sagging skin of the upper eyelid. The incision is made from the inner corner of the eye towards the outer, through which excess tissue is removed. After complete healing, no scars remain, and a small incision site is hidden between the folds of the eyelid.
Hanging eyelid: how to get rid of with the help of popular recipes
Long since, women have known many different popular recipes that help to cope with many cosmetic problems, among them there are those that tell what the hanging eyelid is, how to get rid of the problem.
Well cope with the problem of the impending eyelids, homemade tightening masks, for the preparation of which natural components are used. Below are a few recipes for such effective tools.
- Recipe 1. Egg mask.
To prepare such a tightening mask, it is necessary to beat a raw chicken egg together with a tablespoon of any vegetable oil, best of all flax or olive, but for the lack of this, sunflower and a pinch of sea salt will do. The resulting mixture should be gently applied to the upper eyelid, it is necessary to take a horizontal position and close the eyes, but not squeeze them tightly, and hold the mask for 10-12 minutes, then remove the gauze or paper napkin.
- Recipe 2. Potato mask.
Another option how to get rid of the impending century, is to prepare a mask based on potatoes. To do this, it should be chopped with a grater or blender into a mush, combined with one quail egg, taking into account the proportions 1: 1, pour a teaspoon of sauerkraut juice into the same place, and pour a spoonful of flour (wheat). The mixture should be applied to both upper and the area around them and wash off after 10 minutes.
Special compresses will help to effectively and quickly remove the hanging eyelid. However, it should be noted that this method of home cosmetology, as well as masks, will help only the woman, the cause of the hanging eyelids in which there is no eye disease or injury.
In this case, you can prepare a compress from a decoction of chamomile, calendula, parsley or on the basis of ordinary black tea. Also suitable for a similar procedure potato juice. The liquid should be slightly warm, but not hot, so that the skin is pleasant. It is best to use cotton pads, they must be moistened abundantly, slightly squeezed and put on top of closed eyelids for a quarter of an hour.
Those who by nature are hanging eyelids, how to get rid of can tell the master of visage. In fact, at first glance, such a big disadvantage can be eliminated with the help of a properly executed make-up.
Just a few simple rules should be remembered that will help visually correct the shape of the eyes:
- it is necessary to put shadows without closing eyes, passing the mobile, hanging eyelid;
- refuse arrows and eyeliner along the contour of the eye;
- abundantly apply mascara on the eyelashes of the upper eyelid, it is better that it is voluminous and lengthening;
- help to cope with the problem and false eyelashes;
- Do not use pearlescent and shiny shadows in make-up, only matte;
- pay special attention to the eyebrows, to emphasize their shape.
The effectiveness of the procedures
Despite the fact that there is a lot of advice on how to get rid of the impending century, many are interested in how effective these methods are. Here, first of all, it should be noted that everything depends on the cause of the occurrence of such a defect and the correct selection of a method to help cope with it. In some cases, enough massage or masks, while in others only the operation will help to cope with the problem.