Laser polishing of the eyelids after blepharoplasty
Plastic eyelid correction was done more than 3,000 years ago in Ancient Egypt. Then, as now, we tried to remove all the defects and make the skin smooth and even as in youth. Today, the possibilities of plastic surgery make it possible to look young even at a very mature age. One of the most popular methods of getting rid of age-related changes in the eye area is laser blepharoplasty.
Almost all women, before turning to a plastic surgeon, think for a long time and weigh the pros and cons. Of course, because of unforeseen complications, no one is immune. Large bruises and hematomas under the eyes, infection of the skin and the appearance of ugly scars may appear, as a result of which laser resurfacing of the eyelids after blepharoplasty will be necessary, which will smooth the skin and remove all defects.
Why laser polishing is better than cuts with a scalpel:
- The width of the wound from the laser is much smaller than from the scalpel. This contributes to rapid healing, minimal injury and a short period of rehabilitation;
- The high temperature of the laser immediately burns small vessels, making the bruises and swelling after blepharoplasty still noticeable;
- Scars are not formed on the wound. When cut with a scalpel, the scar will still be and it will have to be polished and smoothed over time;
- A mini-burn appears on the wound walls that prevents pathogenic microorganisms from entering the blood;
- No need to lie in the hospital under the supervision of doctors. A few hours after the procedure, the patient is sent home;
- The lifting effect lasts up to five years, sometimes up to 10 years. Laser blepharoplasty is produced by carbon dioxide and erbium rays.
Carbon dioxide penetrates deep into the skin. This reduces the risk of bleeding, but it can lead to a burn that causes unpleasant pain.
Erbium beam in the form of a beam of light penetrates 1 μm deep, so the risk of a burn is reduced to zero. This is very important in the plastic of delicate eyelid skin.
If cosmetic procedures do not bring the desired result, large bags under the eyes or eyelids have gathered a lot of excess skin, blepharoplasty will help get rid of these problems.
Laser blepharoplasty of the upper eyelids is a procedure during which excess skin is removed from the fold of the upper eyelid.
An incision is made in the natural folds and removes excess skin and fatty layers. Eyebrow lift can also be additionally performed.
Blepharoplasty of the lower eyelids allows you to get rid of bags under the eyes, hernias, puffiness. An incision is made on the ciliary edge of the eyelid or on its inner side.
During the circular blepharoplasty, both centuries are corrected at once.
After blepharoplasty done with a scalpel, scars always remain, albeit minor ones. Laser polishing allows you to fix uneven terrain and strongly pronounced signs of damage.
The course may consist of
During each procedure, the upper layers of connective tissues are removed, so that even deep scars and uneven scars completely smooth and lighten. After laser polishing, the cells are quickly restored and the entire period of rehabilitation the scars become even.
Such therapy is safe even for the most sensitive and thin skin of the eyelids, allowing:
- Remove wrinkles in the corners of the eyes;
- Tighten slack skin;
- Remove puffiness;
- Align the skin around the eyes.
Recovery after laser polishing lasts up to two weeks and does not cause pain and discomfort.
Grinding after blepharoplasty: the need for a procedure
Bleporoplasty around the eyelids should be successful if you contact a competent specialist. The disadvantages of this surgery are that there will be bruises in the next few weeks after the operation under the eyes. There may also be swelling under the eyes, incomplete closure of the eyelids and dry eyes, but the last symptoms disappear within a few days after surgery. In order to heal faster, you should do exercises for the eyes every day, and also not forget to drop the drops prescribed by the doctor.
If possible, smoking should be postponed, since nicotine contained in cigarettes will weaken the blood vessels and thereby slow down the healing of the eyes.
Side effects such as eye bleeding may occur. In this case, you need to postpone all attempts at self-treatment and call your doctor, otherwise the delay may cost you your eyesight. Also, do not take any third-party drugs without the permission of a doctor, they can provoke the bleeding described above.
Make it a rule to consult a doctor in any controversial points, or situations causing questions.
It is necessary to cancel large loads, such as lifting heavy things or taking hot baths. These body movements can contribute to an increase in blood and eye pressure, which can also cause eye bleeding.
Below is a complete list of side effects that may be caused by grinding after blepharoplasty:
- The above swelling and redness of the eyes can be observed in many patients. It is possible that the edema will pass in the first few days, but there have been cases when the patient has edema for several weeks or even several months. Redness can last very long. In any case, you should contact your doctor if you suddenly notice a delay in postoperative syndromes;
- Most likely, if you had acne before the surgery, because healing creams may be applied to your face every day, acne after them may form a lot;
- Laser resurfacing can cause a decline in immunity, which is why the patient can easily catch a cold and flu virus, and diseases that are in a dormant state in the body (such as Gerpis) can also come out;
- It is possible to cause such an effect as hypopigmentation - this is any change in skin color in humans. Usually, the skin darkens, but sometimes lightening of the skin is observed. This syndrome is one of the most innocuous, but it is also not very easy to cure. For each person has its own approach. A universal solution to this problem has not yet been found;
- In some cases, scars may appear. Scars are quite rare, but the possible manifestation of side effects, they can then be polished;
- There is a risk of a terrible problem - it is the eversion of the century. This side effect looks very scary. Appears rarely, and if you are confident in your surgeon, then this problem is unlikely to affect you.
There is such a subspecies laser polishing, as non-affective. It can also cause a lot of trouble. Some of them are listed below:
- non-celiac grinding can exacerbate many infections, herpes is in the first row in terms of the likelihood of aggravation
- Dark skinned people can start to turn white dramatically, a process called hypopigmentation;
- symptoms like redness and swelling may occur for several days;
- if the laser is polished, then there is a possibility of scars and blisters.
For outpatient resurfacing, the anesthesia will depend only on the area of work. In the event that only some elements of the face will be sanded, as a rule, local anesthesia is performed. In the event that the entire face will be sanded, anesthesia may be general.
The procedure involves burning the outer layer of skin and slightly heating the inner layer. After the outer layer is destroyed, the patient must wait for a period of regeneration of the skin. After regeneration, the patient's skin looks very soft and silky.
Local anesthesia is administered an hour or two before the intended operation. A protective mask is worn on the eyes. Usually, this mask is just a piece of bandage wound around your eyes. Before the procedure, as a rule, a cryogenic gel and a water spray are applied, and then the face is rubbed with a cryogenic liquid. Improving the tone and appearance of the skin, mainly due to the regeneration of the skin. The procedure does not last for a long time, from about twenty minutes to an hour and a half, but usually several visits occur, so that the skin becomes even more toned.
Immediately after laser resurfacing, the skin may be swollen. From the pores ooze nugget will be yellow.
If you try to tear off dried dried blood, it can lead to cracks and scars, so perseverance and patience are the best way out of this situation.
If the itch continues for too long, you can always contact your doctor for further help. Most likely, the attending physician will apply a thick layer of ointment on the surface of the face, after which he will band it with a special bandage.
Ice and other painkillers should be applied to alleviate pain after surgery.
Restoring the face after grinding, you should wash with a solution of salt and vinegar, as well as various table salt. It is recommended to smear the face with vaseline and other healing ointments.
If the pain is very strong, it is best to sit at home for a few days, as there is an opportunity to catch any virus.
Strong physical exertion, it is necessary to postpone if possible. Cosmetics can be applied on the face only after a few weeks, otherwise there is a risk of inflammation.
Most likely, the skin will be red, in a state close to the edematous. It will help to cope with this cold. You can apply ice to the place where the operation was actually performed.
Akvafor - a very powerful tool in the fight against edema and serving sukrovitsy, perhaps, this is the first tool in rehabilitation, after surgery. Cetaphil is perfect for cleaning small wounds after surgery. You can buy this product in a pharmacy, it is relatively expensive and you should only use it with cold water in order not to cause irritation of the skin. As for the cream, it must be applied to the face a lot, in order to be sure of the skin's moisture. Do not feel sorry for the cream and your money. All of the above procedures prevent the formation of scabs.
If, despite all the procedures, scabs have appeared, you should immediately consult a doctor. In no case can you scratch and touch the scabs with your own hands.
For a quick healing of the skin, you should drink as much water as possible. Approximately two hundred and fifty milliliters every hour. Antivirals should be taken if the procedure has affected the mouth. A few days after surgery, after healing, antihistamines should be taken.
It is important to note that all medicines should be taken as much time as was established by the doctor. No more and no less.
Cream on the skin should be applied regularly. If you regret the cream, you will carelessly treat the health of your own skin. It is important to regularly cool your face with ice poultices. Make it a rule that if you are in pain, the first thing to do is to put ice on your face.
Cosmetics that can be used can only be mineral based; all other cosmetics can cause irreparable damage to feminine skin. It is better to refuse from cosmetics at least for a week.
You shouldn’t spend much time in the sun during a month, as this can cause serious irritation of the upper integument. If you still need to be in the sun for a long time, you should buy a maximum tanning unit. The sun can cause a serious complication of the skin.
In a month, there will be no trace of irritation. From now on, the skin will remain so soft and beautiful for many years.