Contraindications for blepharoplasty: internal and external factors
Blepharoplasty is called plastic surgery to correct the incision of the eyes and the shape of the eyelids.
The essence of the operation is to remove excess fat and skin around the eyes.
Blepharoplasty allows you to hide or minimize the age-related transformation of the skin, to improve the appearance of the eyes.
However, there are certain factors in which blepharoplasty is contraindicated.
The main contraindications for blepharoplasty:
- diseases of internal organs, primarily with problems of the cardiovascular system, liver, stomach, kidneys.
- diabetes;
- hypertension;
- oncological diseases;
- pathological changes of the endocrine system;
- inflammatory eye disease;
- skin diseases;
- blood diseases;
- autoimmune ailments.
There are certain physiological features, in the presence of which such a surgical intervention will not give the desired result. For example, when a person has persistent edema, blepharoplasty will not help, as the bags under the eyes will return with time.
In addition to the listed contraindications, there are several other temporary circumstances of a different nature, in which it is necessary to delay the blepharoplasty. Consider these reasons in more detail.
Is it possible to do blepharoplasty with a cold?
In the event of a viral infection, the patient is advised to postpone blepharoplasty until complete recovery. Otherwise, postoperative complications are possible.
At what age do blepharoplasty?
First of all it will depend on the type of blepharoplasty - classical or transconjunctival. In the first case, the operation involves the correction of age-related changes in the skin near the eyes. It can be carried out only after 35 years.
Transconjunctival blepharoplasty is a somewhat mild surgical procedure that eliminates unnecessary subcutaneous growths. Such an operation can be performed at any age. As you can see, there are no strict age limits. Surgical intervention is possible both in 30 years and in 70.
It is worth noting that, regardless of age, tests are performed before blepharoplasty, the results of which are followed by appropriate preparation for the operation. For example, at older ages, the use of local anesthesia instead of general is justified. This will help minimize the burden on the kidneys and liver. However, the final decision may be taken only by specialists.
Blepharoplasty after Botox
Many are interested in the question - after how much time after Botox can you do blepharoplasty?
It is necessary to look at the result of Botox injections.
- In the case of lifting the eyebrows, you should wait a little with the plastic until the drug ceases to act.
- If eyebrows are not raised after Botox injections, blepharoplasty is allowed.
Plastic surgeons recommend surgery no earlier than 2 weeks after Botox injections. Exact terms can only be said by the doctor after a personal examination of the patient
Blepharoplasty during menstruation
Most doctors do not recommend surgery prior to the end of menstruation. This is due to physiological changes in the body, which will cause increased bleeding, the formation of additional edema and bruises, a longer rehabilitation.
Experts recommend an operation after 4 days after menstruation, or 4 days before it begins.
Can I do blepharoplasty during pregnancy?
Pregnant women do not blepharoplasty. Any operation, including blepharoplasty, means the presence of anesthesia, incisions, stitches and a stressful state. All these factors can have a negative impact on the development of the fetus. Therefore, eye correction is better to hold after delivery.
Blepharoplasty during lactation
Can I do blepharoplasty of a nursing mother? No, in this case, blepharoplasty cannot be performed. The fact is that stress, which transfers the female body during the operation, and medicines taken during the rehabilitation period, can be transmitted through milk to the child. It can badly harm his health.
Blepharoplasty in the summer
A lot of controversy is happening about the optimal time of year for blepharoplasty. Especially often mentioned summer. Some argue that the hot season not the best way affects the postoperative period. Others believe otherwise. So is it possible to do blepharoplasty in the summer?
There are no specific prerequisites for banning blepharoplasty in the summer. For the most part, it all depends on the patient's state of health, his tolerance to high temperatures.
By the way, in Brazil, which is considered the birthplace of plastic surgery, the number of surgeries, in particular for eye correction, is regularly increasing. And in this country a hot climate prevails most of the year.
Let's look at the positive points in blepharoplasty in the summer.
- The sun has a beneficial effect on the immune system.
- The warm season helps to improve blood flow in the operated areas. Due to this, hematomas and edema will disappear more quickly.
- In summer, metabolic processes are accelerated. This will have a positive effect on the skin around the eyes, which shortens the rehabilitation period.
- In the summer, there are practically no sharp temperature differences between the street and the room. In winter, such fluctuations have a negative effect on the general condition of a person.
- After blepharoplasty, to protect the eyelids from the sun's rays, you have to wear glasses for a while, and in the summer they will not be surprising to others.
In addition, summer is the season of mass vacations. So the patient will be protected from annoying views or questions from work colleagues, acquaintances, etc.
Eye correction surgery can last from 30 minutes to 2 hours. It all depends on the degree of difficulty. The duration of the rehabilitation period is about