Scar after blepharoplasty: why it occurs and how to treat
The skin around the eyes has a very thin, sensitive structure and is influenced by many negative factors, which include poor nutrition, polluted ecology, lack of sleep, and poor-quality cosmetics. All this leads to thinning, loss of elasticity and premature aging. To eliminate the tired look and return the skin around the eyes of the old elasticity and aesthetic appearance, many people use blepharoplasty .
This plastic surgery is used to correct the upper and lower eyelids. It can be carried out separately on the upper or lower eyelids, or maybe circular, that is, at the same time affecting both.
Most patients hope that scars will disappear completely after a month of blepharoplasty, and if this does not happen, they begin to worry, despite frequent warnings by surgeons that any scar requires a sufficient amount of time to become unobtrusive and to disappear.
After the sutures are removed, which, as a rule, is carried out on day 3 or day 5, scars begin to form at the site of the incision. Like any other scars after blepharoplasty, there are several healing stages.
Stages of healing:
- 1-4 week: granulation occurs, the scar overgrowth after blepharoplasty with new connective tissue. At the expiration of the first month, a small pink scar is formed in the incision area.
- The next
1-2 months: the scar gradually becomes barely noticeable and turns into a white thin line.
As a rule, alignment and smoothing of scars after blepharoplasty takes about
If the healing process is very slow, it is recommended to contact the surgeon who performed the blepharoplasty, he will advise the necessary procedures to accelerate healing, or he will revise the scar to avoid the growth of connective tissue.
An important factor in the prevention of undesirable consequences, such as an increase in connective tissue and the appearance of a colloidal scar, is the implementation of recommendations, which are usually voiced by a plastic surgeon:
- Do not rub or stretch the skin around the scar.
- During the entire period of healing it is necessary to avoid ultraviolet exposure. You should refuse to visit the solarium and not be in the sun without sunglasses.
- Undesirable physical exertion.
- It is necessary to refuse visiting baths and saunas.
- When taking a bath should not use too hot water and allow the seams to get wet.
- Limit salt intake to avoid edema.
An extremely important condition for the absence of complications is following all the recommendations of the doctor regarding postoperative care. These recommendations should include instructions for the use of medicines and ointments.
The doctor also provides the necessary information about all the natural postoperative symptoms and how to recognize signs of incipient complications.
Darsonval and Kontraktubeks and other gels for use after blepharoplasty
According to surgeons, much of the success after blepharoplasty depends on proper care and recovery measures.
To speed up the healing process of scars after blepharoplasty, it is recommended to apply a course of lymphatic drainage, ultrasound, or microcurrent therapy for
He proved himself well and has a lot of positive reviews. Darsonval after blepharoplasty is a physiotherapeutic device that acts on the mucous membranes and tissues by high-frequency currents.
It is interesting
The device is named after the name of the developer - French physicist and physiologist J.A. D'Arsonval - and has been successfully used on a large scale since the end of the 19th century in physiotherapy and cosmetology.
The darsonval high-frequency impulse currents are absolutely painless. They actively stimulate the skin, resulting in an effect on the nerve endings, the blood circulation is greatly accelerated. At this time, tissues are actively saturated with oxygen, which greatly activates and accelerates regeneration processes.
The course of darsonvalization can be conducted both in the clinic and independently, if there is an apparatus. As a rule, the course consists of
Before carrying out the darsonvalization course you should consult a doctor.
There are contraindications:
- intolerance to electric current;
- pregnancy;
- oncological tumors;
- poor blood clotting;
- use of a pacemaker;
- thrombophlebitis;
- heart disease;
- hirsutism;
- couperose;
- epilepsy;
- the presence of chronic diseases.
It is worth noting
Before using darsonval, it is forbidden to apply liquids containing alcohol to the skin, as the skin may ignite.
Along with physiotherapy, gels, ointments and anti-inflammatory eye drops are widely used to reduce bruising, swelling and accelerate regeneration after blepharoplasty.
During the recovery period, to improve the elasticity of the eyelid skin, a cream with an extract of Chinese fungus is often used. The course of its use is 2 weeks. The cream is applied 2 times a day.
Is it possible to smear Contractubex on scars after blepharoplasty?
Gel Kontraktubeks after blepharoplasty is the most popular and recommended by doctors for healing scars. It has absorbable properties and perfectly smoothes healed tissue.
You can start applying the gel immediately after removing the sutures, it has no contraindications, except for individual intolerance to parabens.
Contractubex reduces the multiplication and growth of cellular tissue, which prevents the growth and appearance of colloidal scars.
- Along with this gel after blepharoplasty, decongestants are widely used, blocking histamine receptors and reducing the permeability of the vascular wall for plasma. These gels include Lyoton, Lokoid.
- In the presence of edema and postoperative hematomas and bruises, it is recommended to use Troxevasin gel. It has anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous effect and has antioxidant and venotonic effects, prevents capillary fragility and permeability. Dermatics gel is also effective. The mechanism of its action is aimed at smoothing and softening the scar, the elimination of violations of skin pigmentation.
Care should be taken when applying gels after blepharoplasty. As a rule, they are applied to the scar with a cotton swab, neatly distributed in small quantities throughout the scar. Do not rub the gel or apply in too large quantities. Use the selected gel is recommended
Scars and colloidal scars after blepharoplasty.
In some cases, the negative effects after blepharoplasty performed are insignificant and do not require special treatment, as they are a natural reaction of the body to injury and disappear after a while.
However, sometimes an individual's reaction to a surgical procedure leads to persistent complications that require medical or surgical intervention. Such reactions include the occurrence of colloidal scars after blepharoplasty.
Scarring after blepharoplasty is a rather rare phenomenon that represents excessive growth of connective tissue in the area of damage to the skin.
The clinical picture of the formation of a colloidal cicatrix is as follows:
- A couple of weeks after primary healing, denser areas of connective tissue are formed in the area of the scar. There may also be pain, itching or burning.
- After some time, solid, convex formations with a smooth surface appear in the scar tissue. Redness or pallor of the skin in the area of colloidal scar formation may be noted.
- A typical indicator of the formation of a colloidal scar after blepharoplasty is that the scar takes a much larger area than the initial damage to the skin. Also sometimes, outgrowths rising above it appear in the scar area.
There is no single effective treatment for all colloidal scars. As a rule, the method of treatment is selected individually. Frequent cases of application of several techniques simultaneously.
Methods for treating keloid scars
Laser polishing . The main advantage of this method is the lack of risk of damage to surrounding tissues. However, it is impossible to completely remove the keloid scar using laser technology, you can only make it less noticeable.
The use of injections . The essence of this method is that in the course of several courses, injections of steroids or immunomodulators are injected into the fabric of a colloidal scar. This method is the most effective and often with time the scar disappears completely.
Surgical excision of scar tissue . This method is used in extreme cases, with very noticeable, large scars. An excision performed by an experienced specialist can completely eliminate the colloidal scar after blepharoplasty, but sometimes the effect may be completely opposite, and an even larger scar will form at the surgical site.
The use of creams and ointments . That method is the safest and involves the use of special gels and ointments, which in some cases give a positive effect.
Cryotherapy This method is the use of liquid nitrogen at very low temperatures. When applied, the scar becomes much lighter and thinner.
To avoid the formation of a colloidal scar after blepharoplasty, it is important to notice tissue growth and start timely treatment with more conservative methods such as physiotherapy , ultrasound, electrophoresis and the use of external agents, as well as adhere to the general and individual preventive recommendations of the doctor.
Injection treatment for scars after blepharoplasty: what need injections
The course of treatment with the help of drug injections is the most effective way, with a minimum of complications. Treatment with scars after blepharoplasty can be carried out by one of these methods.
Corticosteroid administration
This method of treatment of scars after blepharoplasty is one of the most effective. Corticosteroids reduce the proliferation of connective tissue by reducing the synthesis of collagen. One of the most commonly used steroids is triamcinolone acetate. It is inserted into the scar tissue with an interval of
The use of immunomodulators.
This method is relatively new in the treatment of scars with injections after blepharoplasty. It is carried out by introducing Interferon into the scar tissue and is used mainly to prevent relapses. The drug is recommended to be administered every other day for two weeks, then 1 injection is given once a week for three months.
The use of drugs that reduce cell hyperproliferation
The traditional drug used in this method of treatment is hyaluronidase. It breaks down hyaluronic acid, which serves as the main component of connective tissue. Thus, it increases tissue permeability and improves fluid movement in the interstitial spaces, which significantly reduces swelling and softens scars. Injections are carried out every other day, a course within a month. If necessary, the course of injections can be repeated after a couple of months.