Stitches after blepharoplasty: how to properly care
For this kind of operation, as for any other, you need to make certain incisions in the area of the eyelids, which later need to be stitched. But in order for the future, the skin and mucous membrane to recover normally after surgery, you need to care for this area.
During the rehabilitation period, you need to closely monitor the sutures and care for them so that the work of the surgeon is important and the expected effect is justified.
Immediately after surgery, the doctor must stitch the bandage. The eyelids in the next few days will be in a puffy state. Small bruises in this area may also occur. Stitches after blepharoplasty can be removed only after a few days or a week.
In the event that the doctor used special threads that dissolve, then there is no need to remove the stitches. In the process, they will resolve themselves.
It is worth noting
After surgery, the eyelid skin remains even more sensitive, it is not recommended to touch it. Any treatment or dressing may only be performed by medical staff. In this case, the patient's task is to adhere to all the recommendations of the doctor, not to touch or rub the eyelids with his hands.
Particular attention should be paid to the fact that after the operation for some time it is necessary to abandon the lenses, because when they are dressed, you need to delay the eyelids so that the lens is properly fixed on the eye area. This is not recommended for several days after surgery. Need to prepare glasses instead of lenses. Best of all, if there is a little darkened version of the points.
Stitches after lower blepharoplasty: main complications
During the operation, the stitches will be applied as close as possible to the lash line. Therefore, the stitches after the bottom blepharoplasty will be virtually invisible. But it will be only if the surgeon does everything right.
If the patient's skin is prone to scarring, then the scars after the bottom of this operation may well remain in the patient. It just happened that the scars remained, then after the rehabilitation period, the patient may be prescribed certain cosmetic procedures that will help to cope with such problems.
Serious complications can also occur if the patient's skin is prone to keloid scars. Subsequently, such scars can be managed only with the help of a professional medical intervention.
If you do not follow the recommendations of the doctor, the seams after the lower blepharoplasty may diverge, and they will need to be re-sewn. This, in turn, may incur not only an increase in the duration of the recovery process, but also visible scars on the patient’s face may remain.
On which day the stitches are removed after blepharoplasty and how to smear them
You may have blepharoplasty and complications may occur. The surgeon in this matter, it is important to comply with the measure, since if he removes too much fat tissue, it can lead to the appearance of cavities under the patient's eyes. Therefore, it is important for surgeons to approach this issue very seriously. Nonprofessional work of the surgeon can also lead to asymmetry of the eyes, increased tearing or, conversely, to dryness. This may result from improper operation. In the event that such complications are observed, experts most often prescribe such an operation again.
On which day are the stitches removed after blepharoplasty?
In order to fully appreciate the result of the surgeon’s work and the quality of the work performed, a sufficiently large amount of time must pass. This can be a period of 3 to 6 weeks. During this period, the eyelids will be able to fully recover, the scars will resolve and bruises will disappear.
- It is worth saying that normal eyelids will not be immediately. The first time there will be problems with swelling and dryness.
- After just a few days after the operation, you need to come to the doctor’s office again so that he can control the entire postoperative process. At the same time you should remove the seams.
Thus, the patient can remove the stitches within a few days after surgery. After removing the eyelids will immediately feel much better, because the threads will not tighten the skin.
During the rehabilitation period after the operation, you need to sleep only with your head held high and look so that your head does not tilt. Your doctor may also prescribe special painkillers for you. Also, doctors should advise how to properly wash the eyes.
What to smear seams after blepharoplasty?
Cuts after surgery should be regularly lubricated with ointment. If cuts were made on the conjunctiva, then the ointment should be applied for the lower eyelid. It may also serve to blur the view, but do not stop using the ointment.
After the operation, the doctors in the incision area impose a thin medical bandage or plaster. After a few days it can be removed. Immediately after removal of the bandage of the incision area, it is necessary to lubricate with antibiotic ointment.
The most popular ointments are Erythromycin, Levomekol, Sinyak-OFF. The first two weeks it is not recommended to use any kind of cosmetics in general, such procedures as lifting, moisturizing complexes and lymphatic drainage massage are performed.
A hematoma may occur in the postoperative period, because the skin in this area of the eye is very sensitive. According to external signs, it will resemble a bruise after an injury. This kind of hematoma alone without any drugs will disappear after a few days. You should not even use special ointments.
It is also necessary to focus on the fact that in the integrity of such an operation and the subsequent rehabilitation period are almost painless. But there may be pain if a brow lift was performed simultaneously with blepharoplasty. Usually, patients are limited only to ordinary analgesics.
The end result can be seen only in a few days or a couple of weeks, when the swelling subsides completely and the rehabilitation period ends. Eyes will have a fresh and youthful appearance. Those small seals that remain and have arisen in the area of the suture of the lower eyelid will resolve in the postoperative period without any problems.
Angelica 01/21/2018 11:52:09
Why is the lower eyelids sticking out, 5 days have passed since bio-plastic surgery of the lower ones. What will happen?