Blepharoplasty of the upper eyelids: description of the procedure and indications for correction

blepharoplasty upper eyelids Hanging eyelids, wrinkles, "heavy look" - all this is a result of age-related changes in the skin. The plastic surgery section, designed to eliminate such defects is called blepharoplasty of the upper eyelids. This procedure returns the eyes of youth and beauty.

It is a mistake to assume that eyelid surgery is indicated only to people in old age. It is possible to improve the aesthetic appeal of the face at the request of the patient, if he feels psychological discomfort from the features of the eyelid structure, for example, when the outer corners are greatly lowered. An experienced doctor will change the shape of the eyes, as close as possible to the result that people want to get.

Eyelid surgery will help correct birth defects that cannot be eliminated by cosmetic procedures. Among them are pathological stretching of the skin, fatty hernia, epicantus, expressed in a fold hanging over the lacrimal canal, and others. Such procedures are performed at any age, but still, the main reason for contacting a plastic surgeon is skin aging. The first wrinkles that occur after 30 years are perfectly eliminated by non-invasive eyelid correction. After 45 years, surgery becomes more preferable.

Indications for upper eyelid blepharoplasty:

  • reduced muscle tone;
  • excess adipose tissue;
  • the presence of a hernia;
  • century ptosis;
  • wrinkles and skin flabbiness;
  • lowered corners of the eyes;
  • Asian cut.

The essence of the procedure is to remove excess skin, fat and hernia. The operation is performed using incisions and tissue excision with a scalpel or laser . The duration of eyelid correction is from 40 minutes to 1.5 hours, depending on the complexity of the defects. After surgery, you must follow certain rules for eye care. The maximum effect of the plastic eyelids can be observed in 2-3 months, when the tissue is fully healed.

Blepharoplasty of the upper eyelid is a surgical operation and therefore has significant contraindications.

The doctor will not make a correction if the patient has the following deviations in the state of health:

  • diabetes;
  • bleeding disorders;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • oncology;
  • AIDS;
  • hepatitis;
  • infectious diseases;
  • eye diseases: conjunctivitis, dry eye syndrome and others;
  • chronic diseases in the period of exacerbation.

It is impossible to do surgery for pregnant, lactating women and during menstruation.

Upper eyelid surgery: the course of the operation and the rehabilitation period

plastic upper eyelids Surgery on the upper eyelid is carried out after the exclusion of contraindications. To this end, the surgeon conducts a conversation with the patient, during which he identifies health problems: chronic diseases, allergic reactions, and so on. After a preliminary consultation, the patient is examined by a general practitioner, an oculist, and he passes blood and urine for tests.

At the next appointment, the doctor tells the patient about the features of the operation and explains the rules for eye care during the recovery period.

How do blepharoplasty of the upper eyelids?

In the operating room, the patient assumes a horizontal position. The doctor treats the eyelids with disinfectants and applies anesthetics. Anesthesia for upper eyelid grafting is selected depending on the complexity of the defect and the patient's desire. If the workload is small, then local anesthesia is done. A complex rejuvenating operation, when a moving, fixed eyelid is being corrected, a brow lift and so on, requires the use of anesthesia.

After anesthesia, the surgeon performs incisions on the eyelids on the markup that he made earlier. Marking is applied to the fold area of ​​the eyelid in the form of a spindle or ellipse. The widest part falls on the middle of the eye. The lines are evenly narrowed to the outer and outer corners, repeating the contours of the cut eyes. If you need to change the shape of the eyes, the surgeon makes markup for the correction.

The doctor separates the skin and removes excess fatty tissue or hernia. In the case when it is necessary to fill the hollow places, redistributes the fat in the desired zone. These procedures are very responsible and the maximum accuracy of the specialist is important here. If the hernia is not completely removed, then after a while the pathological tissue will grow again. In case of excessive fat removal, the eyes will look hollow and the desired aesthetic effect will not be achieved.

If the problem of the eyelids is due to weakening of the muscles, the doctor makes an incision in the scalp and tightens the upper part of the face. For older patients, eye rejuvenation is often combined with a brow lift and forehead lift.

If you need to perform correction of the upper and lower eyelids simultaneously, the surgeon performs the appropriate actions on the fixed eyelid. This type of blepharoplasty is called circular.

After all the manipulations, the surgeon stitches up the incisions and applies a cooling bandage to the eyes. If local anesthesia was used, the patient can go home in a few hours. When using anesthesia, the stay in the clinic is increased to 10 hours and longer.

upper eyelid surgery The rehabilitation period after surgery on the upper eyelid

The first few days, the patient may feel pain in the eye area. For 7-10 days on the eyelids there are swelling, bruising, hematoma. Less commonly, bleeding from incisional areas and tearing are possible. All these symptoms go away on their own with proper care.

Early complications may result from an infection of the eye during surgery or in the postoperative period. If symptoms of conjunctivitis are observed, the temperature rises and the eyelids hurt a lot, but you should immediately consult a doctor.

From the later complications of plastic surgery of the upper eyelid, the following can be distinguished:

  • cysts form at the seams;
  • tears do not pass;
  • seams diverge;
  • in the place of the seams appeared scars ;
  • eyes hurt in bright light;
  • more than 14 days does not subside swelling ;
  • eyes become asymmetrical;
  • eyelid skewed.

Late complications require examination by the doctor who performed the operation. The surgeon identifies the cause and prescribes the treatment. If the complication cannot be cured by conservative methods, surgical correction is performed. For example, cysts on the sutures, which do not fall away during treatment, are surgically removed.

A poor aesthetic result is an infrequent but possible complication. If the surgeon made a wrong calculation and cut too much tissue, the eye section may change or the eyelid will become asymmetrical. In this case, a second operation is assigned, which will eliminate the defect.

How to care for eyes after blepharoplasty?

To avoid complications after surgery on the upper eyelids, you must clearly fulfill all the requirements of the doctor. The first few days after the procedure can not be undertaken independent attempts to care for centuries, providing it to an experienced medical staff. If you need to participate in the treatment of the century, then you need to thoroughly disinfect hands and care products. In this way, infection of a fresh wound can be avoided.

The swelling will disappear faster and the pain after the operation will not be too intense if you apply a cold compress on your eyes on the first day. Pain relievers will help relieve pain.

During the rehabilitation period, you need to sleep only on your back. In this case, the head and shoulders should be raised. This position of the body will help high pillow.

upper eyelid lift After removing the sutures, it is necessary to regularly lubricate the operated area with special creams. If eye drops are discharged, drip them according to the instructions of the attending physician.

Do not expose eyes to direct sunlight. Therefore, in the first month should wear sunglasses. In addition, this precaution will protect from prying eyes, since the eyelids heal completely after about 2 months.

During the healing of the eyelids can not be long to watch TV or sit at the computer. It is forbidden to visit the bath, sauna or swimming pool. Exercise should be limited.

Such a simple eye care will provide quick rehabilitation after surgery, and within a few months all suffering will be left behind. And youthful eyes and open eyes will delight for many more years.

Reviews of the plastic of the upper eyelid are almost always positive. Rarely, but still there are dissatisfied patients. Some complain of complications after surgery, others - of difficulties during the recovery period.

Before making a decision about plastic surgery, it is useful to read the opinion of patients who have performed such a correction. On the forums there are reviews of people from various cities: Moscow, Minsk, Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk. In this way, you can learn in detail about clinics and practicing surgeons. This will help with the choice of the location of the operation.

The cost of blepharoplasty varies from 10,000 to 70,000 rubles. It consists of various factors: the complexity of the defect, the cost of anesthesia, the qualifications of the surgeon, stay at the clinic, and so on.

Methods of correction of the upper eyelid

Among the methods of blepharoplasty there is a so-called sparing operation.

upper eyelid correction Transconjunctival blepharoplasty of the upper eyelids attracts many people. Its advantages are as follows:

  • there are no seams on the eyelids;
  • does not change facial expressions;
  • errors that change the incision or create a skewed century are excluded;
  • easier rehabilitation period;
  • low percentage of complications.

The difference of such an operation is that the incision for performing manipulations is carried out on the inner side of the eyelid. But transconjunctival blepharoplasty in the upper eyelids is not done, as it does not eliminate the main defects shown for such a correction.

Alternative options for lifting the upper eyelid - injection or hardware correction. These eyelid plastics techniques are shown in cases where there are no deep wrinkles and strongly overhanging skin. They help smooth facial wrinkles, remove the mesh from wrinkles, correct the shape of the eyelid and rejuvenate the skin.

Correction of the upper eyelid with hyaluronic acid fillers nourishes the skin with moisture, tones, improves its elasticity and smoothes fine lines. The anti-aging effect lasts from 6 months to 1 year. Mimic wrinkles are removed by injections with preparations containing botulinum toxin A.

The lifting of the upper eyelid using the hardware method is carried out by stimulating the body cells to the regeneration processes, the production of collagen and elastin, which are responsible for the smoothness and tone of the skin. The impact on the eyelid tissue will be realized with the help of laser and radio wave radiation. Non-surgical blepharoplasty with the help of devices is an excellent alternative to the surgical method of eyelid correction when you need to increase skin elasticity, smooth fine wrinkles, remove bags under the eyes.

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