Upper blepharoplasty: types of operations, indications and contraindications, especially
One of the types of aesthetic plastics, which is considered to be quite popular today in plastic surgery, is upper blepharoplasty. This type of manipulation is aimed at improving the appearance of the eyelids and dermis around this area.
Thanks to the procedure, it is possible to achieve an ideal state of the upper part of the face, to remove the changes that come with age, for example, the overhang of the skin in the eyelids area, which bring, in addition to aesthetic dissatisfaction, discomfort.
The difference between the upper blepharoplasty from the bottom
Among the types of operations distinguish the upper and lower types of blepharoplasty . The difference lies in the fact that in the process of the first option is getting rid of the overhang of the skin over the eyelids. Regarding the bottom - it is designed to improve the condition of the area under the eyes, that is, removes swelling, bags.
Who needs blepharoplasty of the upper eyelids
The operation of the upper blepharoplasty of the eyelids is carried out when the face shows signs of aging, the skin begins to sag, losing its tone. In this case, you can fix the tired appearance, raise the drooping eyelids, get rid of skin defects and get a great result.
Indications for manipulation, according to famous plastic surgeons, for example, such as Gvaramiya Alexey, are:
- the omission of the upper eyelids (ptosis);
- overhanging of the skin in the upper eyelid area;
- getting rid of fatty hernia in the specified area;
- omission of the lacrimal glands;
- loss of elasticity of the skin when the skin of the forehead and eyebrows is lowered over the eyes;
- aesthetic change in the cut of the eyes.
To whom blepharoplasty of the upper eyelids is contraindicated
Before conducting any kind of surgical intervention, even if of a corrective nature, if no other alternative to cope with the problem helps, a complete examination should be performed to identify possible diseases in which surgery is impossible.
So, upper blepharoplasty is prohibited in such cases:
- Diseases of the internal organs: disorders of the heart and system, kidneys, liver, stomach ulcers.
- Diabetes mellitus, hypertension.
- Oncological diseases.
- Changes in the thyroid gland at the pathological level.
- Infectious infections. They can cause complications after plastics.
- Eye inflammation, dry eye syndrome.
It is worth noting
It is not worth doing an operation to correct the eyelids if the person is constantly suffering from swelling. The unfortunate outcome in this manipulation is guaranteed, because over the upper eyelids will again form excess skin and in time it will again hang.
It is important to note that it is worth deferring surgery in such cases:
- Chronic ailments at the stage of relapse.
- Colds.
- Menstruation is in progress and 4 days before it starts.
Blepharoplasty technique
As a rule, the volume of surgery for the correction of the eyelids is individual and is found out in the process of consultation with a specialist.
After that, experts decide on the course of further step-by-step surgical intervention:
- At the first stage in the operating room, the doctor establishes for himself the scope of work, applying the intended lines of incisions for correction on the skin around the eyes.
- After the anesthesiologist makes an injection injection, based on the preferences of the patient, it can be both local and general. In addition, the surgeon also makes recommendations about the medication, depending on the complexity of the situation.
- The intervention process begins. By marking the surgeon makes a thin laser incision, is the elimination of a hernia, excess tissue. If a laser is used, then this method assumes a seamless version of the cut. In the case when there are hollow areas above the eyes, the specialist redistributes the fat to the required places.
- Next, the surgeon comes under the dermis, here he conducts the removal of part of the circular muscle. This stage is obligatory as it will allow to create a distinct fold behind which the scar will hide.
- The next step is the impact on fatty tissue. The tissue that protrudes in the center and on the inner side of the eye is also removed by a laser device. To obtain an enhanced effect, the surgeon can make a small incision in the scalp. Such upper blepharoplasty of the eyelids suggests a similar manipulation when an eye lift is needed in the case of weakened muscle tone.
- At the last stage, the incisions are stitched and the cooling dressing is applied to the scar.
By the time the operation ranges from 30 minutes to 1.5 hours. Further, proper care of the site of plastic is important. The unfortunate outcome of the operation is unlikely, although there are such cases.
Anesthesia for upper eyelid blepharoplasty
Often for blepharoplasty use local anesthesia, which is combined with sedative therapy. But it is also possible to carry out an operation under general anesthesia in the case when the patient has a fear of being in consciousness. Nevertheless, doctors no longer write more than one review, which is prone to the local variant, because the intervention is low-impact and non-durable.
Thanks to this method, complications after anesthesia can be avoided and within a few hours the operated can leave the hospital.
The patient will feel pain only at the moment of anesthesia, in the process of plasty no discomfort will arise.
The second option - medication sleep means the unconscious state of the patient, when pain is lost and throughout the body. In this case, consultation with an anesthesiologist will be obligatory. He must determine whether there is an allergy to the administered drugs so that rehabilitation from anesthesia does not have negative consequences.
Upper blepharoplasty: reviews, possible complications and the postoperative period
According to patient reviews, the operation is completely painless, the recovery period is not too long.
But be that as it may, it also happens that after the intervention a number of complications arise.
Possible complications
In most cases, surgery to correct the upper or lower eyelids is successful and does not lead to complications.
However, it is necessary to take into account the opinion of some patients who underwent upper blepharoplasty, their reviews indicate possible, minor, and sometimes quite serious complications.
To insignificant include:
- Puffiness and hematomas . The surgeon does not even consider these manifestations to be complications, since they are inevitable after the intervention. To quickly recover the patient uses cold compresses for 3 days constantly.
- The divergence of the boundaries of the wound . This type of complication is treated without scar formation. It occurs if an accidental injury was received, the suture does not heal well, there was a strong effect on the wound, after the suture was removed or during infection. Such a manifestation is most often found in those people who rub their eyes in a dream, squeeze their eyelids too much when closing their eyes or raise their eyebrows very high. When opening a wound in the first two days, it is processed and stitched again.
- The manifestation of cysts and scars . Despite the fact that the skin of the eyelids heals faster and more favorable than any other, the presence of scars happens. It is important that the surgeon performs the operation by stitching up the wounds symmetrically and carefully. When there is redness on the incision line for a month or a slight increase is noticed, then you need to carry out massage procedures, use a cream that contains vitamin E. Also, the doctor may prescribe injections of steroids in rare cases. As for the cysts, they will need to be deleted.
Serious complications include:
- Hypercorrection , which occurs in case of excessive removal of fat and skin, besides with excessive scarring and the formation of muscle adhesions. The surgeon can avoid this phenomenon only if he makes accurate measurements before the intervention.
- Ptosis and asymmetry , they are observed in the case when the preoperative identification of the existing eyelid folds, measurements and markings are conducted incorrectly. If the asymmetry is small, then it will pass with time. If the degree of asymmetry is serious, then one cannot do without surgical correction.
- Loftalm and chemosis are inflammatory processes that can look frightening in the photo. In the first case, the closure of the eyelids is incomplete, but it may pass within a week after plastics. It may also be a long-term manifestation that leads to dry eyes and causes keratoconjunctivitis. In this case, it is important to use means to lubricate the eyes. Chemoz leads to dryness of the cornea and conjunctiva, vision becomes not so clear and sharp, and the eyes themselves experience discomfort. Mild cases of the disease are treated by using ointments and artificial tears.
Eye care after blepharoplasty
After the operation, it is very important to follow the instructions of the specialist and the reviews of patients who underwent upper blepharoplasty confirm this fact. Special attention, in the opinion of many, should be paid to the care not only of the eyes, but also of the skin around them, including the seams.
It is worth noting
When caring for the eyes in the postoperative period, you can not wear lenses for the first 2 weeks, because the eyes have puffiness and the eyelids are inflamed.
Be sure to use special eye drops. Not be superfluous and a set of exercises for the eyes, which the doctor prescribes.
The skin around the eyes also requires care. 3 days after the intervention you need to apply cold compresses on the eyelids, as well as a special adhesive. For faster healing, you can use hypoallergenic means, cream. But before using you need to consult a doctor.
Caring for stitches is based on the imposition of a sterile dressing after surgery in a hospital; it must be removed in a few days.
The doctor prescribes ointments and creams that are mandatory to apply. The treatment of seams with antiseptic solutions will also help. And after the stitches are removed, you need to use a gel that will completely remove the inflammation and swelling of the eyelids.
Procedure cost
The price of the service on the plasticity of the eyelids implies differences depending on the region and the clinic in which it is held and ranges from 20,000 to 60,000 rubles. Also affect the price of the procedure called upper blepharoplasty reviews of real patients who used the services of a particular clinic.
They will help to decide on the procedure of surgical correction of the eyelids or refuse it not only informational materials, but also real reviews of patients who underwent upper blepharoplasty. It should be noted that conducting such operations in the practice of modern plastic surgery has been used for a long time, so in most cases the feedback is positive.
Maria, 32 years old, nurse : “I was not afraid of the operation, because I myself work in medicine. I chose local anesthesia, knowing that I would be faster at home and there would be no consequences from the medication. There was no pain when I was told that everything was over, I was surprised, because it took 35 minutes. There were strips on the seams, all neat, the eyelids swollen. Rehabilitation was just for me, I clearly saw that I did not feel any discomfort. Prescribed to drink antibiotics. There were bruises, but they disappeared after a week. The result is excellent, I do not regret. "
Irina, 37 years old, massage therapist : “I had plastic surgery right away in the upper and lower eyelids. At its age, the appearance was excellent, but the eyes were a little out. The operation is successful, everything is fine. The rehabilitation period was a bit heavy, but to suffer is for what. Look directly younger, no trace of surgical intervention. Girls, I recommend, who interfere hanging eyebrows and bags under the eyes. "