How to tighten your hands: the main causes of sagging skin of the hands, the methods of correcting the defect
Flabby, loose skin of the hands can significantly degrade even the ideal figure of a woman, adding to her an extra ten years. At the same time, this problem is encountered even among young girls quite often, because during training, attention to the arm muscles is not so much paid, for example, to the stomach or thighs.
According to statistics, the problem of sagging hands today is observed in more than 60% of women over the age of thirty years, so the question of how to pull up your hands at home in the shortest possible time is more than urgent.
Why skin sags
Before you tighten your hands with exercises and other effective techniques, you should understand the main factors that may cause a person to deteriorate the muscle tone of the inner surface of the hands.
These reasons are:
- Pure physiological factors, such as aging of an organism, very often lead to the formation of sagging hands. Usually, this condition is observed in women after 30 years. This is justified by the fact that the body begins to work more slowly, so its cells are no longer as quickly saturated with oxygen and useful substances as it was before.
- Very fast weight loss, which led to a sharp burning of fat cells. The skin in this state simply does not have time to be drawn in, therefore it becomes sagging.
- Exposure to ultraviolet rays can easily lead to loss of skin tone and sagging. It can happen with a long stay in the open sun.
- Overweight person, as well as poorly balanced nutrition. In this case, people often hang fat deposits, because the muscles are poorly developed.
Moreover, the complete absence of any physical activity can lead to sagging of the skin of the hands.
Massage and self-massage
A massage for pulling hands is very effective. You can do it yourself, but the procedure will be more effective if it is carried out by a specialist.
The main massage movements in this case should be done in the area from the shoulder to the elbow, where the skin sags the most.
Movement with this massage should be circular. The duration of one session can be 15-20 minutes. Special massage equipment (massagers) also work fine.
How to remove slack hands at home
How to tighten your hands yourself, is largely determined by the specific reason that caused this defect.
At the same time, experts highlight the following mandatory measures that need to be carried out with an integrated approach to return the tone to the arm muscles:
- To give up bad habits, such as smoking and drinking alcohol, because they are extremely negatively displayed on the state of the skin.
- Drink plenty of fluids. Thus, drinking 2 liters of water a day, a person to accelerate the metabolism, which in turn, will help get rid of excess fat.
- Adhere to proper nutrition, which will help lose weight, as well as saturate the body with nutrients.
- Avoid stress that can lead to uncontrolled intake of junk food.
- Train regularly.
Exercises for lifting hands with dumbbells
The best exercises with dumbbells for hands are:
- Take dumbbells in hand and strain the press. Perform squats and simultaneous attacks with your hands with dumbbells forward.
- Perform alternate lifting hands with dumbbells.
- To pump the muscles of the inner side of the arms, bending them at the elbow joint. In this case, you need to firmly hold the dumbbell.
Dumbbells with a weight of 1 kg are suitable for initial classes. As you train, the weight of the dumbbells can be increased up to 3 kg.
Exercises from loose arms without dumbbells
The complex of training for hands without dumbbells includes three main exercises. To perform the first exercise, you need to sit on the floor and bend your knees.
Next, hands lean hands and strain the muscles. Slowly rise and fall to the floor, bending your elbows.
To perform the second exercise, you need to sit on the edge of the bed and lean on your hands with your hands behind you. Slowly lower the body, using the arm muscles.
For the third exercise, you need to rest your palms on the floor or simulator. Perform pushups 10 times for 1 approach.
Necessary and balanced nutrition
Immediately it should be noted that nutritionists do not recommend to adhere to strict diets for people with loose skin, as this will further complicate their problem. On the contrary, it is desirable for a person to observe a well-balanced diet, which will be rich in vegetables and fruits, greens, boiled lean fish and meat.
Very useful will be nuts, dairy products and cereals, which should be eaten daily.
In turn, a person completely rejects fast food, sausages, sweets, alcohol, and spicy food. Moreover, under strict prohibition of fatty foods and sugary carbonated drinks.
Masks, folk recipes to help
For tightening the skin of the hands as ancillary measures, you can apply folk recipes masks. For this purpose, a great tool from jojoba oil. It should be mixed with grape oil and applied with a rubbing motion after a shower.
The scrub of honey and ground coffee also shows good results. With caution to apply this tool should be people prone to allergies.
Armoplasty: features of the operation, the effectiveness of surgical tightening hands
One of the most effective methods of dealing with saggy skin is wrapping. As the main ingredients for such a procedure, you can use honey with ground coffee, algae or clay.
After applying this mixture of skin to our hands, it must be carefully rewound with cling film and for twenty minutes to keep hands warm. Upon completion of the procedure, remove the film and take a contrast shower.
Also a prerequisite for the rapid restoration of skin tone of the hands is the use of mixtures for peeling. Great for this purpose is suitable coarse salt, which must be mixed with sour cream.
When conducting a peeling, this mixture is recommended to be thoroughly rubbed into the skin in circular motions.
Plastic surgery of this defect
The surgery for the correction of the skin of the hands is called an armoplasty. It is performed by a plastic surgeon strictly according to indications.
The essence of armoplasty is to make a cut from the elbow to the armpit area, eliminate excess fat, loose skin and then stitching. The results of the armoplasty technique are satisfactory in most cases, but there is a risk that a person will have noticeable scars. The possibility of infection, edema, pain, tissue necrosis and other complications is also not excluded.
What preparations containing vitamins and microelements will help to cope with sagging skin on hands
The best vitamin preparations to combat sagging hands are:
- Supradin. It can be in the form of tablets, syrup or candy for chewing. Take this drug should be at least a month.
- Cosmetics Alphabet is a specially designed vitamin preparation for restoring the beauty of women. It should be taken seasonally in spring and autumn.
- Vitrum Beauty. This drug helps to improve the elasticity of the skin and slow down aging. The course of treatment is 1 month.
Before using any drugs for laxity of the skin, it is important to first consult with your doctor for contraindications.
Prevention of skin sagging on the hands
Reducing the risk of sagging hands will help proper nutrition, giving up bad habits, the practice of contrasting soul and the use of moisturizers.
Also, do not forget about the need for regular workouts, taking vitamin complexes and controlling your weight.