Ligamentotomy: types, indications and contraindications for the procedure

Indications for ligamentotomy Content:

The phrase “size is not the main thing” has long become a classic thanks to numerous anecdotes and comedies. But in fact, not every member of the stronger sex is satisfied with the shape and size of his penis.

According to anonymous polls, many men are willing to spend big money on a variety of devices and creams, which promise an increase in the penis almost tens of centimeters in a matter of days.

But frankly, no lapping can affect the length of the penis. The only truly effective and efficient method is ligamentotomy - surgical penis enlargement .

If you look at the diagram of the anatomical structure of the lower part of the male urogenital system, you can clearly see that the penis is supported and attached to the musculoskeletal structures of the pelvic region with the help of a ligament, which is called a ligament. The essence of the operation for lengthening the penis is the surgical cutting of this ligament, which provides a physiological increase in size.

In this case, the doctor cannot predict in advance the outcome of the surgical intervention, it all depends on the individual characteristics of the patient and their compliance with the recommendations in the postoperative period.

It is worth noting

As a rule, ligamentotomy adds from 3 to 5 cm of the length of the penis in an erect state.

Ligamentotomy surgery There are two types of such surgical intervention: classical and with the addition of elements of adipose tissue. But in the opinion of doctors, the second type is much less frequent. Usually the blood flow in the lipid tissue is slowed down, which is fraught with the development of various infectious complications. Also ligamentotomy differs by type of access.

Previously, an incision was made in the pubic area, currently in most clinics the doctor excises a ligament through an incision in the scrotum.

Although the price for this type of surgery is higher, its advantage is speed, minimal risk of complications and the absence of visible scars.

This type of operation is classified as plastic, so there are no strict medical indications for its implementation.

However, a number of congenital or acquired pathologies are accompanied by a pronounced decrease in the size of the penis, these are:

  • congenital hypospadias, in which the external opening of the urethra is located not in the head of the penis, but in its lower part, in severe cases in the scrotum;
  • anatomical curvature of the genital organ, Peyronie's disease, in such a situation, ligamentotomy is usually the stage of several plastic surgeries;
  • insufficient length of the penis due to impaired endocrine function of the hypothalamic-pituitary system (for example, with hypogonadism);
  • genital trauma.

In the absence of any pathologies, ligamentotomy is fully justified if, in an erect state, the size of the penis does not exceed 10–11 cm. But in any case, the patient determines the expediency of the operation. The task of the doctor is to explain in detail the procedure for performing the operation, the risk of side effects.

Also, before performing a surgical procedure, it is necessary to exclude possible contraindications:

  • malignant neoplasms of the reproductive organs;
  • bleeding disorders;
  • intolerance to drugs used for anesthesia, suture material, disinfectant solutions;
  • bacterial infections;
  • exacerbations of chronic diseases;
  • infectious and inflammatory processes localized in the lower parts of the urogenital system, including venereal diseases.

The risk group includes patients with diabetes mellitus, pathologies of the cardiovascular and nervous system, autoimmune diseases. With such diagnoses, the doctor strongly recommends weighing the benefits and possible risks of postoperative complications.

Ligamentotomy: before and after, preparation for surgery, methods of conducting and rehabilitation period

Plastic surgery to increase the length of the penis is carried out only in a hospital. Genitalia are abundantly shrouded in blood vessels, therefore, 1-2 days after surgery, the patient remains in the clinic.

Preparation for the procedure includes standard activities:

  • complete blood count with the determination of prothrombin time and clotting;
  • specific PCR tests to exclude sexually transmitted diseases and infections transmitted by the hematological route (HIV, hepatitis, etc.);
  • electrocardiogram, if necessary, ultrasound of the prostate and pelvic organs;
  • allergy test for drugs used for anesthesia.

When it is necessary to conduct ligamentotomy The sensations of “ligamentotomy before and after” depend on the procedure of the operation. It is easier for the surgeon to perform a ligament excision through an incision above the pubic bone, but for the patient, access through the scrotum is more painless and safer.

Ligamentotomy is performed under epidural or general anesthesia. The procedure itself, taking into account the need for the patient to start and exit the anesthesia, lasts up to 40-50 minutes. A bandage is applied to the incision area, the sutures are removed after two weeks.

In the early postoperative period, pain, slight edema, and redness appear in the area of ​​the surgical suture. Quite normal short-term (1-2 days) increase in body temperature to subfebrile numbers. For the prevention of infectious complications, appropriate care for the area of ​​suturing is necessary; antibacterial drugs and analgesics are indicated. You should also refuse to wear tight linen, for 14-20 days to strictly limit physical exertion.

Sexual contacts are strictly contraindicated until complete healing of the postoperative wound. Starting from 3-4 days after surgery, wearing an expander for fixing the male sexual organ in the desired position is indicated. Otherwise, the excised ligament will heal in the previous position and the results of “ligamentotomy before and after” will not be noticeable.

Ligamentotomy: reviews, features of use of the extender, possible complications

Plastic surgeon Over time, areas of connective tissue that form new ligaments form on the site of the cut ligaments. Their size depends on the correct postoperative procedures to preserve the results of the surgical intervention.

A few days after the ligamentotomy, an extender is put on the penis. It is fixed in such a position to ensure proper tension on the ligaments and muscles of the penis, but at the same time to prevent the occurrence of pain and severe discomfort.

It is worth noting

Extender is not intended for permanent use. It is categorically contraindicated to leave overnight.

At first, the device is worn for 1.5-2 hours per day, then this time is gradually increased to 5.5-6 hours. It is necessary to carry the extrarender until a new ligament is fully formed to replace the ligaments excised from the operation. It usually takes 3 to 7 months. Modern devices are made of hypoallergenic plastic or latex and practically do not cause discomfort.

With the appropriate qualifications of the doctor, complications after surgery are encountered in isolated cases.

It is rarely possible:

  • suppuration of postoperative suture;
  • infection of the testes, orchiepididymitis;
  • bleeding;
  • changing the shape of the penis;
  • unstable erection;
  • disturbances in the nervous sensitivity of the penis and scrotum;
  • the occurrence of adhesions and scars.

Ligamentotomy, reviews of which are mostly positive, brings not only an aesthetic result. An increase in the penis is accompanied by the emotional comfort of the man, the disappearance of the complexes, and an improvement in the overall quality of life.

Discussion of such an operation is conducted in various medical forums. Most experts consider it quite safe both in terms of and during the rehabilitation after surgery.

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