Member circumcision: the essence of the procedure and indications for surgery
The procedure for circumcision is known since ancient times. In modern society, approximately one sixth of men do not have foreskin on the genitals. Why is this operation so popular? Why do men do it? Do all men need to remove the foreskin? These and many other questions are often found on forums on the Internet. What is circumcision of a member, for what reasons and how they perform the operation, let us consider in more detail.
Circumcision - this is the medical term for penile cutting. The essence of the operation is a circular excision of the foreskin. Depending on the purpose and reasons for circumcision, low and high styles are distinguished.
There are several ways to carry out the procedure:
- minimal;
- partial;
- tight
- free;
- moderate.
Centuries ago, circumcision was done in one way. The foreskin was maximized and cut off. Today, such an operation is performed more correctly and after the procedure the penis looks aesthetically pleasing, without coarse scars.
There are several major factors of circumcision of a member:
- religious beliefs;
- national traditions;
- medical indications;
- patient's own desire (fashionable, longer sexual intercourse, etc.).
Circumcision of a member at the request of religion is the largest percentage of men who have undergone such an operation. For example, the Jews absolutely all men should be circumcised. Religious circumcision is performed by Muslims, but not so categorically.
Circumcision of a member is common in southern countries (Africa, Asia). This requirement is taken for granted, since for many centuries men were necessarily circumcised. This is due to the fact that poor hygiene in hot countries led to diseases of the penis. Despite the fact that today there is no such problem, the boys are still cut off the foreskin.
Medical indications or prerequisites for circumcision of a member:
- Phimosis . This is the name of the disease, as a result of which the foreskin does not move away from the head of the penis. With a mild degree of phimosis, this defect is not pronounced, and the skin can be moved aside if the member is at rest. But with an erection, the disease becomes apparent. In the most severe cases, the head does not open, even when it is at rest. Urination becomes difficult, and urine may partly fall behind the folds of the skin. In this case, circumcision of the foreskin is done to avoid complications and alleviate the patient's condition.
- Paraphimosis . Arises against the background of the narrowing of the foreskin. In this disease, it infringes the head of the penis, forming a tight ring around it. This makes it difficult, and sometimes completely blocks the normal circulation. This condition can lead to tissue necrosis. Paraphimosis is a very dangerous disease that requires emergency assistance to the patient.
- Balanitis or balanoposthitis . Infectious diseases, especially in the chronic form, can cause the removal of the foreskin. The disease is caused by such venereal diseases as gonorrhea, herpes, candidiasis, syphilis. Other causes of the disease are not infections, it is diabetes mellitus, psoriasis (meaning autoimmune disease).
- Recurrent diseases of the genitourinary system : cystitis, pyelonephritis. For these diseases there is no indication for circumcision of the penis. But it is believed that excision of the foreskin reduces the risk of recurrence due to the fact that pathogenic bacteria have nowhere to linger outside. For the purpose of prevention, circumcision is recommended to reduce the risk of infection with sexually transmitted infections: papilloma virus, HIV infection, syphilis, genital warts and others.
- Premature ejaculation . There are no medical indications for treating a disease by removing the foreskin. But such an operation can be recommended by a doctor, since the head of the genital after circumcision becomes less sensitive, and this, in turn, increases the time of sexual intercourse. A man is able to completely get rid of the suffering associated with too short sexual intercourse.
- Fusion of the head with the skin in the elderly . In this case, the foreskin can completely block the urethra, making it difficult to urinate.
Thus, it is possible to single out only a few testimonies for which a member should be circumcised. In other cases, the cause of the operation is the desire of the man himself. The exceptions are the children for whom the parents decide, guided by their considerations.
Men often go to such a procedure for their chosen ones. One like long sexual intercourse, the other is very scrupulous in matters of hygiene. It is believed that sexually transmitted infections can cause cervical cancer.
Segmentation in the folds of the foreskin is an excellent breeding ground for disease-causing organisms. Therefore, a circumcised man, in a certain way, protects his partner from dangerous diseases.
Benefits of removing foreskin:
- facilitating penile hygiene;
- more attractive appearance (some women look unpleasant wet head);
- prevention of infectious diseases;
- prolongation of intercourse due to lowering the sensitivity of the head.
Disadvantages of removing foreskin:
- pain after surgery;
- decrease in pleasure from sex (decrease in sensitivity);
- discomfort from rubbing underwear;
- appearance (not everyone likes).
What does penis look like after circumcision
The appearance of the penis immediately after circumcision is not very attractive. Numerous stitches on the skin do not look aesthetically pleasing. But after a couple of months, a slightly noticeable scar, about a millimeter wide, remains in place of the operation, which does not spoil the appearance of the sexual organ.
How a member looks after circumcision depends on which method of removing the foreskin was chosen: standard (hard) or incomplete (partial). If it was removed completely, then the member in the state of rest looks the same as during erection, that is, the head is completely naked. In the case where the removal was partial, the remaining skin mimics the foreskin, partially covering the head of the penis at rest.
There is a myth that after circumcision a member becomes shorter. But it is not. The organ itself is not affected in any way during the operation. Cut off only the foreskin, which is a fold of skin that covers the head. After cutting the penis visually looks larger, but in fact its size remains the same.
Circumcision of the penis: the course of the operation and the rehabilitation period
Circulation is to be trusted only by qualified specialists. Despite the fact that this action is considered simple and carried out over many centuries, there is still the possibility of complications with poor quality removal of the foreskin.
Among them are the following risks:
- infection of the wound and, as a result, inflammation and suppuration of the operated area;
- cutting off too much skin, after which the man will experience discomfort during erection;
- soft tissue damage to the penis;
- the formation of a tightening ring;
- the occurrence of coarse scars;
- deformation (curvature) of the penis;
- cracks in the skin of the penis;
- long healing process.
Circumcision of the penis is performed on an outpatient basis in a clinic. The operation takes about half an hour. On the same day a man can go home. Hospitalization of the patient is carried out only in the presence of comorbidities in severe form.
The course of the operation:
Stage 1 At the first stage, the patient is given anesthetics. The operation is very painful and can cause a shock. Children up to 14 years old, the procedure is performed under general anesthesia. For adults, local anesthesia is provided. An anesthetic injection is made directly to the sexual organ.
Stage 2 The doctor treats the penis with disinfectants. The base of the member clamps with a rubber band, and the last one pulls back with the help of special clamps.
Stage 3 Circular excision of the foreskin is performed with scissors or a scalpel. The doctor leaves a small area of skin
If partial circumcision is done, more skin tissue remains. In the future, it will partially cover the head, imitating the foreskin. In the case of the formation of scar tissue with phimosis, it is removed completely. This protects against recurrence of phimosis and the formation of a narrowing ring.
Simultaneously with the circumcision of the foreskin, plastic frenum is performed.
4 stage . The doctor sutures the inner and outer petals, including the bridle area, with self-absorbing sutures. A penis bandage is applied to the penis.
Often circumcision of the penis is carried out using a laser or electrocoagulation knife. Modern equipment reduces the risk of wound infection and reduces blood loss during the circumcision procedure. However, this does not prevent infection after surgery. Therefore, in the recovery period for the sexual organ should be carefully looked after.
Rehabilitation period
The first two weeks, you must do the dressings, and the seams are treated with antiseptic agents and special ointments. In constant visits to the doctor there is no need, but the bandage must be changed daily. Care of the operated area during this period is very important for the formation of a gentle postoperative scar.
If there is a need to remove the stitches, the doctor does it 2 weeks after the circumcision. Before manipulation, the doctor makes application anesthesia. The procedure takes a quarter of an hour.
No less important during this period to carry out hygienic procedures. The penis needs to be washed in warm soapy water before the next dressing. Do not be afraid that the seams will disperse, but, nevertheless, care should be delicate.
When the blood appears, treat the wound with an antiseptic or rinse with potassium permanganate. If puffiness has arisen on the genital organ, then you can make warm baths with the addition of salt. In order for the wound to heal faster, patients are advised to take methyluracil tablets.
Particular attention should be paid to underwear, since during this period both the wound and the open head of the penis are very sensitive. Therefore, you need to use underwear made from natural soft fabrics. For a child, it is better to choose swimming trunks to be tighter, since outdoor games can cause excessive friction of the penis. Men, on the contrary, need to choose freer swimming trunks. An adult can control his movements, and the extra pressure causes inconvenience. In addition, adults tolerate such an operation more painfully. Friction of the naked head on the tissue causes an involuntary erection, and with it pain.
For 2 months after circumcision of the penis is not recommended to have sex. With all the doctor's prescriptions, the occurrence of complications is unlikely. Wounds heal quickly enough, and after a few months you can forget about the operation.
In which cases you should immediately consult a doctor:
- strong pain in the penis (not relieved by analgesics);
- pronounced edema, which does not subside within a few days;
- fever;
- suppuration and yellow discharge;
- blue head of the penis.
Whether or not to circumcise the penis is often a matter of personal choice. If parents decide for a person because of his age, then you should consult a pediatrician and a pediatric surgeon about the appropriateness of such a procedure. Some human rights organizations condemn parents for such decisions, believing that they violate the rights of the child, taking away part of the body without his consent.