Penis enlargement operation: indications for procedure

Penis enlargement operation Content:

The size of own penis excites many men. According to surveys, about 80% of the representatives of the stronger sex at least once in their life thought that their member was a little less than they wanted. Most of them are quite satisfied with their genital organ. But there are some men for whom this issue becomes vital. For example, if the size of the penis with an erection does not reach 9 centimeters.

It is believed that the length of a member in a state of erection should be from 12 to 20 centimeters. The average is 16-18 centimeters. The physiological norm in which full sexual intercourse is possible is a length of at least 9 centimeters. With an excess of male hormones, penis growth of more than 20 centimeters is possible.

The ability of a man to best satisfy a woman only by the fact that he has a big dick is a rather controversial issue. For good sex, other factors are also needed: the skills and knowledge of men in the field of sex, a reverent attitude to their partner and other talents. But, undoubtedly, women emit representatives of the stronger sex with a large sexual organ. And if the partner constantly repeats about this man, then he begins to think about the operation to increase the member, even if there is no evidence for this.

Among penis length correction methods, the following are known:

  • Vacuum pump . An increase in the organ is achieved through enhanced blood flow to the genital organ. The disadvantage of the method is that its action is one-time.
  • Extender . Wearing a special device is a conservative method of penis enlargement. This is a long process, calculated for six months or more.
  • Surgery . Painful, but the most effective method of lengthening a member. The result has a lifetime.
  • Penis thickening with injections . Fast and relatively painless way. The disadvantage is the short duration of the effect (up to 1 year).

The indications for surgery should be considered small penis size, up to 12 centimeters. With a larger size, length correction is also possible. If the erect organ is more than 18 centimeters, the surgeon may refuse to perform the operation.

The medical indication for a penis enlargement is a physical defect, which is called micropenis. The body, the size of 3 centimeters does not allow a man to have a full sex life. And if the penis, which has a small size, is functioning normally and does not limit the reproductive ability of a man, there is no direct indication for surgical intervention.

The penis enlargement operation has both advantages and disadvantages:

  • Pros :
    • changing the physiological parameters of the penis for the better;
    • improving the psycho-emotional background of a man;
    • steady (lifelong) effect;
    • does not affect the general health of a man (unlike medications);
    • improves the quality of sex life.
  • Cons :
    • pain of the operation and the recovery period;
    • mandatory wearing extender;
    • possible complications;
    • the short duration of the thickening of the penis.

Enlarged penis surgery: features of operations

Enlarged penis surgery Many men, trying to increase the member with various home techniques, became disillusioned and stopped looking for a way out. But the reassuring phrases that size does not matter, just a reason to refuse to change life for the better. You should responsibly approach the question: “How realistic is it to enlarge the penis?”, Find alternative solutions and how to study the information on the topic.

All miraculous cocktails, compresses, ointments and pills advertised by ingenious rogues are nothing more than a myth. And plastic surgery, which has proven itself over many decades, is a real reality. It is not just theoretically possible, but increases the sexual organ! And such a transformation is simply explained - the term is extended by extracting the hidden part of the organ to the outside.

What is the essence of increasing a member surgically:

  • lengthening of the member occurs as a result of the release of the organ from the retaining ligament (the ligament is not removed, but dissected)
  • biopolymer matrix, implanted under the skin, provides rapid growth of connective tissue;
  • surgical treatment of tissues stimulates cell regeneration.

Thus, a new position of the sexual organ is formed, and the healing tissues fix it. But without the use of an extender to achieve a positive result will not succeed. Thanks to him, the bundle remains in the position that the surgeon has given it. And after a certain period of time acquires connective tissue, which, compacted, creates a new bundle. If the extender is not worn, the fabric will grow to its former position and surgical enlargement of the penis will be meaningless.

In order to understand more precisely the mechanism of the operation, you need to pay attention to the structure of the male sexual organ. Part of the penis is hidden in the pubis. The size of the hidden part is individual, from about 3 to 5 centimeters. The sexual organ is supported by a hanging ligament that undergoes surgery. When the ligament is cut between the pubic bone and the fascia of the beech (the tissue that connects the body of the penis), the sexual organ is released from the strong bond and extends outward.

The second, no less important part of the procedure is stretching the ligament and fouling it with a new cloth. Bundles are able to stretch or shrink if they are exposed for a long time. Knowing this feature, have long used special tools to extend the penis. Wearing an extender refers to a conservative method of increasing the penis. But after ligamentotomy it will also have to be fixed on the organ, but a shorter period (2-3 months). This is necessary so that the bundle does not return to its original position. With the same purpose, in the space formed after the dissection of the ligament, the adipose tissue of the patient is added.

Surgical penis enlargement Surgical enlargement of the penis scares some men with possible complications from an erection. But these fears are groundless. No body functions are violated. After surgery, urination and erection are still working.

You can increase the penis, if you give it a larger volume. A slender penis becomes no less a problem for men than a short one. The operation to thicken the penis is more simple and bloodless. It is carried out with the help of injections by fillers or the patient’s own adipose tissue. If a muscle transplant method is used, a full surgical operation is performed.

Thickening of the penis is carried out by several methods:

  1. The rectus muscle , taken from the abdomen, is placed under the skin of the penis. At the same time it is placed around the cavernous bodies of the penis. Own tissue is well established, the blood supply is not disturbed and the positive result of this procedure is guaranteed. Surgical muscular implantation is considered the most expensive and difficult operation.
  2. Synthetic gels ( fillers ) are introduced into the sexual organ. The operation takes place under local anesthesia and takes no more than half an hour. A few days later, a man can return to a full life. The disadvantage of the method lies in the short-term effect. A year later, the procedure will have to be repeated again.
  3. The patient’s own adipose tissue is injected under the skin of the penis. After some time, approximately 30% of the fat is absorbed. The rest of the fabric takes root, providing a lifelong effect.
  4. Introduction to the penis bioclagen matrix . The material stimulates the division of the cavernous bodies, with the result that the penis increases in diameter.

An enlarged member may be surgically implanted with an artificial prosthesis. Such an operation is called falloprosthetics. It is performed when, in addition to the short length of the penis, the man has sexual dysfunction (inability to have sexual intercourse). In this case, the penis is literally parted, and then assembled again. This operation is very complicated and expensive.

How is the operation to increase the member: preparation, progress of the procedure and the recovery period

Ligamentotomy is a fairly easy and quick procedure. It is carried out under general anesthesia, therefore it does not give patients any unnecessary feelings during manipulations on the penis. After dissection of the ligament, up to 2.5 centimeters of the hidden part of the trunk of the penis is released. Approximately at the same length, the penis is enlarged after wearing the extender. Stitches heal in a couple of weeks, and a new ligament forms in the third month.

Preparation for surgery:

How is the operation to increase member Ligamentotomy is a complete surgical intervention that requires a preliminary examination to exclude contraindications.

After discussing with the surgeon the possibilities of enlarging the penis, the patient visits the urologist for examination and gives blood and urine for analysis.

Blood sampling is carried out for the purpose of biochemical research, determination of blood group and Rh factor, exclusion of HIV infection and hepatitis.

The surgeon will not do the operation for the following ailments:

  • genitourinary diseases;
  • chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  • infectious diseases;
  • bleeding disorders;
  • diabetes;
  • oncology.

After the examination, the surgeon examines the results of the tests, and if everything is normal, he prescribes the day of surgery. On this day, the patient can not eat and drink water (only in limited quantities). If there are other recommendations, the doctor will report them the day before.

The course of the operation:

The patient is invited to the operating room and undergo general anesthesia. From this moment he relaxes, and medical workers, on the contrary, begin to work hard. Within 40 minutes or an hour they need to dissect the superficial fold. Behind it is the second, more powerful, which the surgeon does not affect.

The doctor makes an incision in the scrotum. The incision is made vertical or Y-shaped. In the second version, the surgeon works easier, as the review increases. But modern equipment of clinics allows the doctor to observe the whole process with the help of endoscopic equipment. In this case, the doctor makes the incisions minimal so that after healing they are invisible.

How is the operation to increase the term depends on the chosen method:

1 method . The classic method involves cutting the bond, stretching the inside of the penis and fixing it with a special extractor. In a classical operation, patients often experience the formation of adhesions.

2 method . Differs in the use of the patient's own fat, placed in the cavity formed after dissection of the ligament. This technique somewhat complicates the operation, but contributes to the rapid healing of tissues and eliminates the formation of adhesions.

After completing the necessary steps, the doctor sews up the tissue.

Extender Vacuum stretching is applied immediately after surgery. Thus, the area of ​​the penis is released from the pubic area. The operated member falls slightly below the position that was originally.

Penis thickening is carried out by various techniques, among which the most popular is lipofilling. This is a relatively inexpensive procedure with a long lasting effect. A doctor using a syringe with a thick needle or cannula performs the collection of fatty tissue from the abdomen, hips, lower back. It then transfers fat under the skin of the penis. The cannula does not damage cells and nerve endings, and is therefore a safe tool for such injections. Gel injections are a quicker, but short-term procedure.

Penis thickening by injection is carried out under local anesthesia.

The patient sees everything, but does not feel pain. 1-2 hours after the procedure, the man can go home.

Patients are often interested in the possibility of simultaneously increasing the penis in length and width. But it is undesirable to combine such operations. After lengthening the penis, the man is forced to wear an extender. This device tightly clamps the body of the penis, which should not be allowed after an increase in volume. Therefore, first an operation is performed to lengthen the penis, and after six months or a year, the organ can be enlarged.

A few days after the lengthening of the penis, the patient may experience pain, which is perfectly removed by analgesics. Dressing should be done every 2-3 days. Two weeks later, the doctor removes the stitches, and the need for dressing disappears. For 4-5 weeks a man should refrain from sex. And for three months every day to stretch a member of the extender.

How much can you increase member surgery?

How much does a member grow by using the operation Enlarging a member with the help of an operation will add 3-5 centimeters of length. It depends on the physiological structure of the genital organ, namely, the part that was hidden. But no less important factor affecting the result of the operation is the wearing of an extender. After surgery, the penis in the free state is increased only by 1-2 centimeters. Wearing the device stretches the bundle and thus the member increases by another 1.5-2.5 centimeters.

To achieve a stable result after surgery, the extender should be worn for at least two months. In the first days it is worn for 1-2 hours. Then gradually increase the time of wearing up to 6-8 hours per day.

Stretching a member with an extender is a painstaking exercise, but a necessary addition to the operation. The sheaf, being in a constant tension, is restored, but becomes longer. This ensures that after a few months the penis will never return to its former state.

Using the device for fixing a member in the desired position, do not overdo it. It is unacceptable to stretch the sexual organ so that painful sensations appear. A man should feel only light tension, no more. Rapid traction of the penis can reduce its thickness. But even if it is permissible for aesthetic reasons, for example, with a thick member, then this issue should be considered from a health perspective. As with a strong tension the blood supply to the organ can be disrupted, with all the ensuing consequences.

The result of enlarging a member with the help of an operation that gives the body of the body the desired volume depends on the method chosen:

  • injection fillers - up to 1 cm;
  • lipofilling (patient's own fat) - up to 1.5 cm;
  • muscle implantation - up to 3 cm.

The operation to increase the penis is not cheap. Prices range from 60,000 to 300,000 rubles and above. The cost is determined by the method of penis enlargement, the cost of examination and stay in the clinic, the qualifications of the doctor and many other factors.

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