Scrotal lift: what is being done and what are its possible consequences?
The scrotum is a male organ consisting of a two-compartment sac of the skin, which is located under the base of the penis and contains two testicles. The testicles are suspended in the scrotum with the help of the spermatic cord. The two chambers are separated from each other by a gasket of leather, known as a septum. The scrotum consists of 7 layers, also called testicular shells. The base of the scrotum is covered with pubic hair after the start of puberty.
Men who are unhappy with the size or shape of their scrotum may feel insecure during sexual contact and feel physical discomfort and excessive sweating in the groin when wearing tight clothes, jogging, riding a bike or riding a motorcycle. In addition, with age, the skin of the scrotum shrivels and sags, which looks unaesthetic.
A scrotal tightening, also known as lifting the scrotum, can solve this problem by increasing the tone and elasticity of the scrotum. This is an outpatient operation that does not require an overnight stay in the hospital and gives a quick and long-lasting result. It is becoming increasingly popular, along with Asian eyes blepharoplasty and a circular face lift.
Benefits of scrotal suspenders
- A large scrotum can make a man complex about his own body and make it difficult for some physical actions. When tightening the muscles and skin of the scrotum and physical and moral discomfort can be significantly reduced.
- Some people who had previously behaved shyly in the bedroom (as a rule, because of the caustic comment of their partner) often feel sexual emancipation after the operation, their self-esteem rises.
- Lifting the scrotum effectively corrects the congenital low-hanging scrotum, as well as the scrotum, which has dropped due to aging or as a result of injury.
Who is the scrotal lift surgery suitable for?
There are several important factors that come into play when deciding on a male intimate plastic.
- One of the most important factors is the health of the patient. In healthy men, the risk of complications during or after surgery is significantly lower than in men with any diseases, and recovery is faster. As for age restrictions, they do not exist.
- Next, a man should ask himself about the motives for performing a scrotal suspender. As a rule, this procedure is performed by people who want to increase self-esteem. But is it really necessary to go under the surgeon's knife in order to be more like your partner?
- Thirdly, you need to have realistic expectations regarding the operation and discuss them with the urologist during the first consultation. It is possible that these expectations will be unrealizable.
Is the scrotum lift safe?
All surgical procedures, including intimate plastic in men, are accompanied by a certain degree of risk. And it does not matter whether they are performed for medical reasons or for cosmetic purposes.
- The doctor will carefully examine the patient’s medical history and current state of health of the patient before deciding whether it is safe to proceed with the operation. It is important that the man fully disclose to the doctor all the necessary information, including the taken supplements and possible allergies to medications.
- Any surgery, including tightening or reducing the scrotum, carries the risk of complications such as bleeding, scarring, symptoms of infection, poor wound healing, asymmetry, wound inflammation, keloid formations, chronic pain, and so on.
- The task of the scrotum is to protect the testicles from physical injury and temperature changes. Tightening the scrotum can negatively affect the scrotal tissue and cause infertility or reduce the viability of sperm.
- All these side effects will be discussed with the patient during the preoperative consultation.
How to perform an intimate tightening
There are several options for performing an intimate scrotum lift. It is important to discuss with the surgeon the reasons for the procedure and determine the desired results.
When considering surgery to reduce the scrotum, the doctor should rule out conditions such as varicocele, dropsy, hernia, swollen scrotum syndrome, or cancer.
- Testicular cancer is a serious disease and most often requires surgical intervention.
- Hydrocele and varicocele can cause an increase in the size and weight of the testicles and lead to stretching of the scrotum.
Once the underlying medical conditions have been ruled out, the patient and the urologist must determine the goals of the scrotum lifting and establish what constitutes an acceptable result.
There are a few things to consider.
- Is the patient concerned about the size of the scrotum on one or both sides?
- Does he only care about the size of the scrotum in a relaxed position, or does not like its appearance during an erection?
- Are there any medical reasons related to excessive stretching of the skin during an erection?
Some surgeons use a cross-section of the scrotum to correct its sagging. However, this approach to intimate plastic can create an unnatural scar at the base of the scrotum. It is usually clearly visible during erection. Therefore, many surgeons prefer to make an incision along the vertical seam between the halves of the scrotum. This is a natural and logical place for a scar.
In general, lifting the scrotum includes:
- Remove excess skin in the middle between the testicles.
- Strengthening and stretching the muscles that connect the scrotum with the penis.
- In most cases, self-absorbable sutures are used.
- Preserving the natural form of the scrotum, along with its normal sensitivity, is of paramount importance in intimate plastic.
There is also the option of tightening the skin of the scrotum, upper thighs and perineum with a laser. This method also allows you to even out irregularities and lighten pigmentation.
The complexity of the operation and the cost of it, as a rule, depend on the desired improvements and the specific basic anatomy of the patient.
Scrotal reduction can be part of a penis enlargement operation . This often leads to a more aesthetic appearance of the penis.
In most cases, intimate plastic surgery of the scrotum is performed under local or general anesthesia. Many patients prefer general anesthesia.
The procedure lasts about an hour, depending on the degree of sagging of the skin.
Postoperative period
- After surgery, a man may feel pain in the perineum for several days, but the swelling and discomfort will disappear within the first week.
- The doctor will prescribe antibiotics and pain pills to control discomfort and prevent the development of infection. If an erection becomes painful in the first days after surgery, it can also be corrected with medication.
- Ice packs can help reduce swelling or bruising.
- The patient will need to wear an absorbent pad during the first week, and also to refrain from physical activity.
- Compression underwear will need to be worn for 6 weeks after scrotal surgery.
- Resume sexual activity and intense physical activity will be possible within six to eight weeks after the intimate plastic.
- The improvement will be noticeable in the first few months.
- A decrease in the scrotum will not adversely affect either the penis or the urethra.
Mar.Mih- 06.06.2018 16:24:17
My spouse is strongly hampered by a long scrotum. Especially in the summer and when warming up. Difficult to walk, squeezed by underpants. Injured testicles. He asked the doctor to cut (tighten, cut) the scrotum. The doctor refused, they say, you have a dropsy from time to time and therefore the scrotum droops, you must remove the cause of the dropsy and so the scrotum itself tightens (shrinks). I ask Olga Zhigunov to say: Will the dropsy itself decrease if the scrotum is cut down? Surgery to reduce the scrotum is in fact easier than removing the conditions for dropsy.