Removal of the testicles in men: indications and contraindications

Male testicular removal

To prescribe a patient for surgery to remove the testicles, the doctor must have sufficiently strong arguments. Surgical intervention in this case is performed only with urgent need, when no treatment can not help.

The removal of the testicles in men is also a medical term, such as orchiectomy or castration. There is a unilateral orchiectomy — the removal of one testicle, and a bilateral test is the removal of two testicles. In the case of bilateral surgery, the patient loses sensitivity in the groin area.

There is also chemical castration. With this method of treatment used drugs that inhibit sexual importance. At the same time, sexual intercourse becomes impossible. Usually, chemical castration is enforced on individuals who have a craving for sexual abuse.

Also, chemical castration may be prescribed to patients who have never been able psychologically to accept surgery. In this case, to reduce testosterone in men use this type of sterilization. Male emasculation is considered a simple operation. After its implementation, practically, there are no serious complications. It is very important to properly prepare for orchiectomy so that later there will be no problems.

Indications for surgery:

  • Malignant tumor in the testicle. With the development of this disease, surgical intervention is necessary, in which the affected testicle is completely removed in order to avoid a threat to life.
  • Increased testosterone levels. In men, the sex hormone above normal can cause serious problems in the development of a disease such as prostate cancer. Therefore, you should immediately block various testosterone compounds. In this case, the testes are removed, which perform the function of its development. Such an operation can be prescribed if the patient has the diseases that accelerate the growth of testosterone.
  • Torsion of the testicle may be congenital or acquired. This is a clear indication for surgery. As a result of torsion of the seed channel in the testicle, practically, blood does not flow. In this case, the tissues of the body begin to die off gradually. Such a disease in childhood is congenital. In adult males, it may appear due to constant physical exertion.
  • Cryptorchidism. At puberty, the process of formation of organs responsible for sexual reproduction ends. If during this period the testicle does not descend into the scrotum, this is an indication for surgery.
  • Injury. There are cases when the testicles are subjected to serious injuries with blunt or cutting objects. Due to damage to the scrotal organs, orchiectomy is sometimes necessary.
  • Sex change. Men who want to gain female sex are operated on to remove two testicles.


Removal of the testicles of a man is carried out only for medical reasons. Even the weakest chance that this body can be saved becomes a contraindication to the operation. This rule does not apply to operations for changing the sex of a man. In this case, castration enters one of the stages of the sex change.

Scrotal surgery and possible complications

The doctor's consultation

In general, the patients of such operations are men aged, especially those who have a tendency to develop such diseases as testicular cancer, prostate cancer and various forms of orchitis. Cancer of the prostate in men is most common, and the principle of treating tumors is to remove organs associated with a malignant tumor.

The testicles perform hormonal functions, supplying the male body with testosterone. There is the formation of germ cells, through which the conception of the child. The operation on the scrotum leads the endocrine system to a pathological condition and infertility. Before surgery, the doctor must inform the patient.

Orchiectomy is not a complicated operation and is performed permanently in the urology department. Usually, the doctor recommends surgery using general anesthesia. If the patient has contraindications to him, then local anesthesia is applied. The operation of unilateral orchiectomy lasts for an hour. If rehabilitation proceeds without complications, then it passes within 7-10 days.


Surgery to remove the testicles in men requires special preparatory measures. The doctor carefully examines the patient's medical card, directs him to pass tests and conduct diagnostics. You should also take a blood test for possible infectious diseases and other pathologies. A blood test will show the hormonal background of the patient.

The patient is referred to a cardiologist for possible cardiovascular diseases. The doctor also individually selects anesthesia for the patient. Such preparation is necessary in order to avoid side effects and unanticipated action on the part of cardiac activity during surgery.

In addition, a month before the castration, the patient goes to the urologist for a consultation. If any abnormalities were identified, the operation will be rescheduled for another time. Before the operation, the man must give up sex for two weeks. The fact is that you need to keep the seminal fluid in its present form, and with frequent sexual intercourse, the patient will have a small number of sperm cells in secret.

Two days before the procedure should stop drinking alcoholic beverages that adversely affect the work of the heart. Alcohol contributes to a strong expansion of blood vessels, so the patient during the operation may have significant blood loss.

How is going

At a consultation with a doctor, the question of what kind of anesthesia is best used is decided. Often the patient himself asks for the operation on the scrotum to be performed under general anesthesia. Depending on how many testicles are removed, the procedure lasts from 1 to 2 hours.

During the operation, the following actions are performed:

  • anesthetic is injected into the scrotal suture;
  • an incision is made along the scrotal suture about 5 centimeters;
  • the testicle through a cut is brought outside;
  • they pinch it and cut off the spermatic cord;
  • the rest of the cord is inserted into the scrotum;
  • the incision is closed with a cosmetic seam.

After carrying out this simple procedure, the patient is immediately released home. Because of the anesthesia, it will be difficult for him to get to the place alone. It is better if the patient is accompanied by close people. At home, the patient rests for several days, after which he can attend work and other public places.

Postoperative care

Scrotal surgery

After surgery in the male genital organs, swelling and discomfort are manifested. The doctor prescribes painkillers, and also recommends applying a cold to the sore spot. For 7-10 days you need to use a special device for the scrotum. In order not to injure organs, you should wear wide trousers, preferably 1-2 sizes larger. It is very useful to walk in the air and engage in simple exercise. At the same time, sexual intimacy and hard work are absolutely contraindicated.

During the postoperative period, the patient should pay special attention to the care of the sore spot in order to prevent complications. Especially you need to learn how to properly care for the place where the incision was made. Genitals need to wipe gently up to 2 times a day.

Within 2-3 weeks should bathe only in the shower, while using soft soap varieties. Ligation is done by experts in strict compliance with all medical regulations. In addition, you need to drink 2.5 liters of plain water per day.

After this operation, testosterone production drops sharply in the man’s body. This condition negatively affects the patient’s daily life. As a result of the loss of the hormone, the man loses interest in sexual relations. In addition, he begins to gain excess weight, feels constant fatigue and pain in the chest.

To remove these symptoms, the patient is prescribed a course of hormonal treatment. At this time, all close people should be with an understanding and careful attitude to the man. If his condition does not return to normal for too long, it is better to sign up for a consultation with a psychologist who will help solve this problem.

Such an operation as the removal of male testicles, practically, does not cause side effects and complications. Basically, after surgery for the first time, pain, small excretions of blood, increased body temperature can be felt. Sometimes there may be the appearance of purulent education, seam divergence, swelling. In this case, you should seek help from a doctor.


Reviews of patients about the removal of the testicles are different. With a one-time orchiectomy, the general condition of the patient remains the same and quickly returns to normal. Therefore, in general, such patients have no complaints about the treatment.

With full castration, as a rule, the consequences are inevitable. Especially strongly felt the psychological state of a man who is very worried about such an operation.

Reviews of men who are waiting for orchiectomy for sex change are always friendly and joyful. They are full of hope and feel good and confident. However, do not believe all reviews of people, even those who have already undergone such procedures.

The fact is that after such an operation, patients take an excessive amount of synthetic hormones. Of course, they have a strong effect on human health.