Removal of the foreskin bridle by surgical and laser means

Ways to remove the foreskin bridle Bridle foreskin is a fold of skin tissue on the penis, which is located in the middle between the foreskin and the head of the penis. Its main function is to bring the foreskin back to its original state after the head of the penis is exposed.

In some men, at birth, and in some cases as a result of injuries, the bridle may be pathologically shortened or not prone to sprains. Injuries, strokes and active sexual acts can cause it to rupture.

At the moment there is only one way to treat pathology of the bridle - surgical. As a result of surgical intervention, either the frenulum of the foreskin is removed, or a frenulotomy is performed - the plastic of the shortened frenulum due to which it can be lengthened.

The main indications for surgery:

  • Pain during intercourse.
  • Strong bridle tension during intercourse.
  • Multiple tears and scars on the bridle.
  • Phimosis.
  • Premature ejaculation.

Despite the simplicity of this procedure, the removal of the bridle of the foreskin is not recommended if you have:

  • infectious and inflammatory diseases;
  • sexually transmitted diseases;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • kidney disease;
  • oncological diseases.

The operation to remove the bridle of the foreskin is carried out by cross-cutting the bridle, then it is sutured longitudinally. Or made complete removal of the frenulum of the foreskin.

This operation prevents ruptures of the bridle in the future. For its implementation does not require hospitalization. Healing occurs after 10-12 days, during which doctors recommend to abstain from sex.

The procedure for removing the frenulum of the foreskin, depending on the evidence, is carried out surgically or using laser technology.

Surgery to remove the bridle: indications, methods and rehabilitation

Short frenulum of the foreskin The operation to remove the bridle of the foreskin is carried out for half an hour under local anesthesia. The technique is that a small incision is made across the penis, then it is sewn up in the longitudinal direction.

This procedure eliminates excessive stretching of the foreskin and turns the frenum into a barely noticeable suture, imperceptibly turning into a natural suture at the bottom of the penis.

Although the operation to remove the foreskin frenum is a simple procedure, complications may also arise after it, although it should be noted that this is a very rare phenomenon. In this case, complications can manifest themselves in the form of bleeding and infection.

However, it should be noted that large vessels are absent at the location of the foreskin, therefore bleeding is not dangerous for life and is easily eliminated in a home environment. To avoid infectious infections, doctors prescribe a cream based on antibiotics, which are recommended to use for 3-7 days.

Control examination by a doctor takes place on the second day after surgery, as well as a week later.

In general, the operation to remove the bridle of the foreskin is not a difficult, practically painless procedure, and the rehabilitation period after it passes without complications and rather quickly.

Also, the operation to remove the bridle can be carried out using a laser. The advantages of this method are that the implementation of the operation by exposure to a laser beam greatly reduces the risk of infection. The recovery period is halved.

However, there is an opinion that the operation to remove the bridle of the foreskin using a laser beam is not very effective, due to the fact that the anatomical structure of the penis implies a constant movement, changing its size and stretching, which is often the cause of the seams divergence.

The question of which method to choose when removing the flesh of the foreskin - laser or traditional, is decided in concert on the basis of the patient's wishes and medical indications.


Despite the simplicity of the operation, immediately before it is performed, the urologist must prescribe an examination, which includes the necessary blood tests, consultations of the anesthesiologist, the therapist, sometimes according to the testimony of other narrow specialists, electrocardiogram removal. If you have all the necessary tests, the operation can be carried out on the day of treatment.

After removal of the foreskin frenulum, the patient can immediately go home and appear for examination the next day, but can also, if desired, be kept under observation for a day.

Regardless of the method of operation, sex life is recommended to begin to lead no sooner than 2 weeks. You should also refrain from physical exertion for this period.

To avoid complications and speed up healing, we recommend:

  • Follow all directions of the doctor.
  • Refrain from intercourse until the end of the rehabilitation period.
  • Treat the surgical site only with the means prescribed by the doctor.

Circumcision and excision of the bridle of the foreskin in men: in which cases are shown

Bridle trimming is not necessary if there are no disturbing symptoms. However, many experts recommend it for prophylaxis.

The operation to circumcise the bridle in men can be:

  • In the excision of the bridle.
  • In trimming the foreskin with subsequent plasticity bridles, usually with phimosis.
  • In the excision of the bridle with further plastic to restore its anatomical length.

Laser removal of the foreskin bridle Circumcision of the foreskin, and with it the bridle can be carried out for medical reasons, or religious. In the case when circumcision is carried out according to medical indications, the most frequent reason for surgical intervention is phimosis, a pathological narrowing of the foreskin that makes it difficult to expose the head of the penis.

Phimosis can be either congenital or acquired as a result of injuries. When present, the patient has difficulty urinating, sexual intercourse, and often suffers from frequent inflammatory processes and edema.

The main danger of this disease lies in the formation of cracks in the foreskin and bridle, which, after healing, turn into scars. Sometimes the growth of the foreskin to the tissues of the head of the penis occurs, which causes severe pain when trying to open the head.

During the procedure, the excision of the frenulum and foreskin is performed, which leads to the restoration of anatomical functions.

Also phimosis can be operated with preserving part of the foreskin. Also, circumcision can be performed simultaneously with the plastic of the bridle.

Male circumcision is indicated in the following cases:

  • In the presence of congenital bridle pathology.
  • When detecting scar on the bridle.
  • In the presence of sclerosing diseases of the foreskin and bridle.
  • With injuries of the bridle or penis.

Benefits of Male Bridle Trimming

After the procedure for circumcision of the foreskin and bridle, as a rule, occurs:

  • Reducing the risk of infectious diseases of the reproductive system.
  • Reducing the risk of sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Reducing the risk of cancer of the penis.
  • Improving hygiene care for the penis.
  • Reduces the risk of infertility.


Surgery to cut off the frenulum and foreskin, in contrast to frenulotomy, is performed not only in adults, but also in infancy or childhood, if indicated.

At the moment, circumcision of the bridle of the foreskin can be done as a classic method, using a scalpel, and with the help of a laser. The operation lasts 30-40 minutes. The probability of occurrence of complications is very small, and in most cases without them.

During the rehabilitation period, it is important not to violate hygiene and to follow all the prescriptions and recommendations of the doctor regarding the admission of any drugs and the care of the postoperative wound. The scar heals after surgery rather quickly and becomes barely visible.

The seams are usually overlaid with special self-absorbable sutures, which disappear after about 10 days. Full healing and recovery occurs in 2-3 weeks, after which you can continue active sex life.

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