Plastic bridle foreskin: indications for surgery

Bridle surgery in men Content:

The bridle of the foreskin of the male organ performs important functions. This strip of tissue, connecting the head of the penis and the foreskin, regulates the movement of the second relative to the first during erection. That is, when the penis increases in size, thanks to the bridle, the foreskin moves down, exposing the head. At the same time, the bridle does not allow the skin fold to be omitted below the desired area, fixing it securely.

An important function of this genital area is the sexual pleasure of a man. In the bridle is a huge number of sensitive receptors that affect orgasm. Ideally, the bridle gives men only pleasure, and if it causes unpleasant sensations, then serious problems have arisen in this area of ​​the body. To eliminate the defect, plastic bridles of the foreskin are required, in a scientific way - frenulotomy.

Pathology bridles in most cases are congenital.

Due to individual anatomical features, this area of ​​the penis may be too short. Pathology is often accompanied by a narrowing of the foreskin called phimosis . Usually ailment can be noticed at an early age. In a small percentage of boys aged 14–15 years, pathology occurs during puberty, when organs grow very quickly and unevenly.

In addition to the anatomical abnormalities of the genital organ, the pathology of the bridle can be caused by external causes:

  • Mechanical damage , injuries become a cause of violation of the integrity and elasticity of the bridle. Wearing too tight clothing causes microtraumas on this part of the organ, which can lead to accretion of the foreskin and head during tissue regeneration. During intercourse, a rupture of the frenulum can occur, which after healing forms coarse scars, reducing the elasticity of the tissues.
  • Chronic balanitis and balanoposthitis cause deformations of the tissues of the head, foreskin and bridle. This, in turn, leads to the development of phimosis and injury.
  • Diabetes mellitus in the phase of decompensation (no treatment) adversely affects the state of the vessels, increasing the risk of bridle pathology.

The fact that the bridle needs diagnosis and treatment is indicated by the following factors:

  • when the head of the penis is exposed, pain occurs;
  • after intercourse, bleeding and fissures appear on the bridle;
  • in a state of erection, the head of the sexual organ is lowered down;
  • there is a feeling of tension of the frenulum during erection.

If a man periodically appears such signs, then this is a serious reason to think about the state of his health. Since the problem with the bridle can cause serious complications that interfere with harmonious sexual relations.

Health risks associated with bridle pathology:

  • profuse bleeding upon rupture;
  • premature ejaculation;
  • the development of phimosis and paraphimosis, accompanied by pinching the head and circulatory disorders;
  • pain during intimacy;
  • inflammatory processes on the background of frequent injuries;
  • scarring of tissues due to prolonged healing after rupture.

Plastic bridle foreskin Rupture of the frenulum and, as a result, heavy bleeding are quite common. During rough sex, thin fabric may simply tear due to strong tension.

Since the bridle is replete with nerve endings and blood vessels, when a man breaks, he suffers acute pain that can lead to shock, and the blood does not always stop on its own. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Independent healing of tissues after rupture of the bridle can lead to the formation of coarse growths.

This is explained by the fact that the tissues of the genital tissue heal slowly, and the constant injury of the wound with clothing increases this period even more. As a result, scars are formed at the point of rupture, which leads to loss of elasticity of the organ. And this, in turn, causes bridle injury over and over again.

A short bridle often provokes the development of such a disease as premature ejaculation. In this small area of ​​the genital organ is the largest cluster of sensitive receptors. Due to the fact that the frenulum is subjected to strong tension during intercourse, there comes a fast and uncontrolled orgasm. Thus, men can develop pathologies that affect their sexual life: erectile dysfunction, erotrophobia (fear of sex), impotence.


Pain, blood, lack of sex - these terrible phenomena can be caused by the pathology of a small organ called the bridle of the foreskin. Therefore, do not self-medicate at home or hope that everything will heal itself. You should contact a competent specialist for advice and undergo appropriate treatment.

Indications for plastic bridle foreskin:

  • disproportionately short bridle;
  • organ tissue tearing;
  • phimosis and paraphimosis;
  • premature ejaculation (with comorbidities of the frenulum);
  • formation of scar tissue after rupture of the frenulum.

Plastic surgery on the bridle is a complete surgical intervention and therefore has limitations to its implementation. Often, the plastic of the bridle of the foreskin is done simultaneously with circumcision . In this case, the doctor solves two problems - eliminates phimosis and solves the problem of short frenulum. To exclude pathologies that prevent the plastic organ, the patient should be examined by a urologist and donate blood and urine for research.

Contraindications to surgery on the foreskin bridle:

  • inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  • infectious diseases;
  • oncology;
  • bleeding disorders;
  • AIDS, hepatitis;
  • the presence of sexually transmitted infections.

Bridle Surgery Techniques for Men

Plastic Bridle Frenulotomy is a quick and simple operation, which is characterized by an excellent result, which guarantees a 100% solution to the problem of bridle pathology.

The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis, using local anesthesia. The injection is done directly to the sexual organ.

For patients under the age of 18, anesthesia is administered intravenously.

The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes.

Operation methods:

  1. Classic bridle surgery for men with a scalpel. This traditional method of tissue incisions is still used most often. Its disadvantage is significant blood loss and the possibility of infection of tissues during surgery.
  2. Plastic bridles laser - a modern way to conduct operations. Laser equipment is successfully used in medicine for a variety of manipulations with body tissues.

Many patients prefer the virtually painless and bloodless method of surgical intervention using a laser. Indeed, the laser beam affects the tissue more gently than a scalpel. When organs are cut with a laser, the process of coagulation of vessels and cells occurs, and the liquid instantly evaporates. Thus, blood loss becomes minimal. Due to this, the recovery period is more easily tolerated, and the places of the incisions sealed with the beam are almost imperceptible after the healing of the tissues.

However, the practice of plastics bridles laser revealed serious shortcomings of this method. The most attractive advantage of laser surgery is the absence of seams. But unlike other organs, which can be in the rehabilitation period in a calm state, the penis is mobile.

Even a slight erection can lead to the divergence of laser-welded tissue.

Thus, before the wound edges heal, repeated fixation of their position is required. Otherwise, the constant divergence of tissues forms a rough scar.

Bridle lengthening surgery Another significant advantage of the laser over the scalpel is the impossibility of infection during surgery.

The laser beam cuts the tissue by heating them to 400 degrees Celsius, which eliminates wound infection. Therefore, when deciding on the method of operation, it is necessary to take this factor into account, since more than 10% of all postoperative complications fall on inflammatory processes and infections.

Regardless of the method of surgery chosen, the operation on the bridle of men can cause a number of complications obtained during the operation or during the rehabilitation period:

  • severe pain;
  • pronounced swelling of the body of the genital organ;
  • bleeding from wounds;
  • poor aesthetic results;
  • scarring of stitches;
  • infection of the penis.

All complications are treated on an outpatient basis and do not require hospitalization. Pain is usually relieved by analgesics, and swelling is reduced after using anti-edema ointments. The issue of dissatisfaction with the appearance of a member after surgery is solved directly with the surgeon.

How to make plastic bridles: types of operations and rehabilitation period

Plastic surgery on the bridle differ in technique. It depends on the severity of the defect and related complications. The most popular are the plastic of the short bridle and the operation after its rupture. In addition, surgeons often combine surgery with circumcision, since bridle pathology and phimosis are easier to eliminate at the same time. No less popular is the operation to lengthen the bridle with the VY technique . Consider the types of operations in order.

  1. Bridle rupture after active sex should be eliminated in the clinic. Independent accretion of a wound can cause comorbidities and further considerably darken the sex life of a man. Immediately after the rupture of the bridle, you need to put a tight bandage and hurry to the reception to the urologist. The doctor in this case sucks in the wound, imposes an antiseptic dressing and prescribes medications that promote better tissue healing and prevent infectious infection.
  2. Plasticity of the short frenulum is performed by the method of transverse dissection of the fold. If there is scar tissue or other growths on the bridle, they are cut. After the incision and other necessary manipulations, the fabrics are stitched in the longitudinal direction. In this delicate area, thin, self-absorbing threads are commonly used. The operation is performed for 10 minutes, and soon the patient can go home.
  3. Bridle removal is carried out in the case when, as a result of tearing and self-adhesion of tissues, the bridle is completely scarred. If the doctor sees that there is no useful tissue left, then he cuts a fold and sews up the wound. Such an operation is called frenulectomy.
  4. The operation for lengthening the bridle is similar to the plastic short. The difference lies in the shape of the cuts. For the purpose of lengthening, the doctor makes an incision along the fold in the shape of V, and sutures in the shape of Y. Thus, the bridle can be lengthened by 1-1.5 centimeters.

Plastic short bridle with growths Bridle surgery is more considered a cosmetic procedure than a serious surgical procedure. However, timely access to a doctor in order to eliminate the defect will help to preserve the functionality of this part of the body and save you from serious problems.

Rehabilitation after surgery on the bridle lasts about a month. At this time, you need to carefully care for the sexual organ and eliminate intimacy for at least two weeks.

In the first days, the patient needs to do the dressings with a sterile cloth, use antibacterial ointments and other drugs that the doctor has prescribed. As an additional tool can be recommended baths with chamomile or oak bark. During the recovery period should limit physical activity. During the week after surgery, it is undesirable to wet the genitals when bathing. To do this, a man needs to wear a condom, tighten at the base, and after completing bathing, take off.

After wound healing and the formation of a tender scar, it is recommended to use lubricants to soften friction during sex.

This tool should be applied to the genital for at least a month.

Reviews of plastic bridles are almost always positive, as this operation does not spoil the appearance of the penis, and the improvement in sexual terms erases all the unpleasant memories of the procedure. But still there are negative comments.

Most often angry reviews are written by men who are dissatisfied with the aesthetic appearance of the sexual organ after the operation. Therefore, it is very important to choose the right clinic and entrust the plastic of the bridle to a qualified doctor.

Comparative review of prices for a bridle:

  • Moscow - from 4500 rubles;
  • Chelyabinsk - from 4000 rubles;
  • Ufa - from 4700 rubles;
  • Novosibirsk - from 6000 rubles;
  • Kazan - from 4,000 rubles;
  • Samara - from 5,000 rubles.

It is worth noting that the average price for plastic bridles from about 10,000 rubles and above. Thus, the minimum prices indicate the cost of the procedure itself, excluding preliminary surveys and consultations.

The cost of surgery may vary depending on the complexity of the defect, associated pathologies, the qualifications of the doctor, the price of drugs and other factors.

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