How to raise eyebrows: application of botox

Eyebrow raising: before and after It has long been known that a beautiful, well-chosen eyebrow shape helps to make the look and face very expressive and eye-catching. Most cosmetologists believe that eyebrows are the first thing that people unknowingly pay attention to.

However, not every girl is naturally endowed with a beautiful bend of eyebrows and it is not always possible to give them the necessary form at home on her own at home. Eyebrows can be lowered and have an unattractive look. In such cases, do not do without the help of special clinical techniques.

There are several ways to raise eyebrows.

  • Brow lift with the help of threads is a non-surgical method to achieve beautiful eyebrow shape and smooth forehead wrinkles. Its essence lies in the fact that special threads are inserted under the patient's skin. They form under the skin a kind of frame that provides a lifting of the skin in the area of ​​the forehead, eyebrows, in turn, rise. The thread material is very diverse and is selected based on the patient's skin condition and wishes.
  • Another popular way to raise eyebrows is botulinum therapy , which is to administer botox injections. This method has good feedback and is suitable for those who wish to give a beautiful bend to the eyebrows, without resorting to surgery.

If the muscles around the eyes are in frequent tension, then the person has a frowning look, the face may acquire a stern expression, and the eyebrows will become lowered. When using Botox injections, the muscles relax and take a starting position.

Many patients wonder where to prick botox in order to raise eyebrows.

Botox injections are injected into the upper outer part of the ocular circular muscle, with the result that the muscle, which allows you to frown, becomes relaxed. This leads to the fact that the eyebrows acquire a graceful and smooth bend, the eyelids rise, and the fold between the eyebrows becomes smaller.

Also, the introduction of Botox occurs in the area between the eyebrows, which eliminates the tension between the brow muscles and does not allow the patient to frown. Eyebrows in this case diverge slightly to the sides and upwards.

It is interesting

Botox injections are the introduction of botulinum toxin A, which of all types is recognized as the most potent drug. It was first used to treat blepharospasm. The treatment has a positive effect. Since then, botulinum toxin has been a popular and effective tool in the fight against muscle spasm, as well as in the field of cosmetology for face lifting.

Eyebrow and forehead lift: before and after Raise the eyebrows with Botox can be in the case if there are age-related changes, as a result of which the eyebrows acquired a lowered appearance, with asymmetry, if the eyelid fell on one side, and also in the presence of wrinkles.

The procedure for the introduction of Botox injections are performed in the clinic, it is not painful and does not require anesthesia. Sometimes, if a patient desires and if he has increased pain sensitivity, a special anesthetic cream is used.

The procedure lasts no more than 10 minutes, and the visible effect is achieved after 3-5 days, its maximum manifestation occurs after a couple of weeks. It should be remembered that the result of this procedure is not eternal and, on average, lasts for 10 months.

After injection Botox is recommended:

  • To avoid swelling, avoid horizontal position during the day.
  • Do not rub or massage around the eyes.
  • For two weeks, refuse to visit tanning salons, baths and saunas.
  • Do not use tetracycline antibiotics.

Despite the considerable ease of the procedure, there are a number of contraindications for the introduction of Botox injections:

  • Pregnancy and lactation.
  • Dermatological diseases.
  • Oncological diseases.
  • The presence of epilepsy.
  • Blood diseases.
  • Individual intolerance.

Eyebrow lifting techniques

In addition to the use of Botox and threads , eyebrow lifting can be done with the help of fillers.

Fillers are injections based on hyaluronic acid of different density, or based on calcium hydroxyapatite. The principle of their operation is simple: adding volume in places of its shortage, the filler levels the necessary zone, eliminating wrinkles.

Botox injections The procedure lasts about 40 minutes, under local anesthesia. With the help of a special thin needle, the drug is injected under the skin, leveling it from the inside.

As a rule, there is no rehabilitation period, the marks from the injection are imperceptible, and the swelling disappears in a few hours. The result is visible immediately.

However, in some cases, non-surgical eyebrow lifting methods are ineffective.

In such cases, eyebrow lifting is performed surgically.

Eyebrow lifting with the help of operational methods is applied in the following cases:

  • If over the eyes formed looming skin or adipose tissue.
  • If the eyebrows are too low and give the face a sullen expression.
  • If there are deep horizontal wrinkles on the forehead.

Often, blepharoplasty and the introduction of fillers are performed along with the operating eyebrow lifting method.

Operational eyebrow lifting is carried out in several ways:

  1. Classic . A long incision is made along the hairline, the skin is separated from the muscles, fat and skin surpluses are removed. Then the skin is tightened, at the site of the incisions are stitched. Brows are shifted to a new position.
  2. Endoscopic . Through small incisions, an endoscope is inserted, which is a thin tube, provided with lighting and a small camera. This allows the physician to work with deep structures in the frontal area.
  3. The method of mini-access . This technique is also performed through microscopic incisions, but without an endoscope.

Postoperative scars are usually hidden behind the temporal hairline. Most of these operations are carried out together with the upper blepharoplasty, which in the complex allows to achieve the elimination of eyebrow folds and tighten the inner part of the eyebrows.

The technique of the operation is selected by a specialist based on individual characteristics. Lifting the eyebrows and skin of the forehead is carried out in a clinical setting and lasts from 1 to 3 hours.

During the rehabilitation period after eyebrow lifting, it is important to follow all the recommendations of the doctor. The results of the procedure become visible after 6 months and persist for many years.

The price of eyebrow lifting depends on the technique, prestige of the clinic and individual features.

The average price for eyebrow lifting in Moscow clinics:

Brow Lift: Optimal Ways

The reasons for lowering the eyebrows may be different, but most often this is due to age-related changes.

Before resorting to radical surgical methods, eyebrow raising can be done using more gentle methods:

  • Plucking To choose an individual, suitable form, you can consult with professionals and carry out the procedure in the salons.
  • The use of gymnastics . To bring in the tone of the facial and ocular muscles it is recommended to carry out the following exercise:
    1. Fingers need to grab the top edge of the eyebrow and lift it. Hold in this position for 3-5 seconds.
    2. Then slowly raise your eyes, look up. Count to 10.
    3. Fingers fix eyebrow and blink, counting to 10. This gives the load on the upper eyelid.
    4. Squeeze your eyes tight and count again to 10. Then relax, relax for a couple of minutes and do the same exercises with the second eyebrow.
  • The use of Botox injections . Sometimes one procedure is enough to significantly raise the eyebrows. The introduction of Botox relaxes the facial muscles responsible for lowering the eyebrows.
  • The use of fillers . Contour plastic involves the introduction of drugs based on hyaluronic acid, which is part of human tissues. It does not lead to complications and side effects.

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