Endoscopic face lift and its benefits
Modern medicine can prolong youth, preserve beauty and attractiveness. Among the numerous procedures, a facelift, made by a special technology, allows you to do without scars and long rehabilitation.
Endoscopic face lift is a progressive method of rejuvenation. During the operation, minimal cuts and punctures are made in little visible places - in the mouth, on the scalp, behind the ears. They do not need stitches, so there are no scars afterwards.
This endoscopic lifting method allows you to deal with age-related changes on the face, neck, and décolleté. Wrinkles are removed, nasolabial folds become smaller, bags under the eyes disappear. The operation is performed using an endoscope with a microscopic camera. The doctor controls the process through the computer.
Endoscopic face lift is a low-impact procedure. The term of rehabilitation after it is small, complications occur rarely, the results are obtained, as after the classical plastic surgery.
In accordance with the wishes of the client, the location of the correction is selected. During endoscopic surgery (facelift), there are three zones of influence.
Correction of the upper third part of the face. There is a processing of the forehead , nose, you can correct the incision of the eyes. During this type of braces, you can raise the eyebrows, but often you additionally connect the plastic of the upper eyelids. The close relationship of the muscles does not allow such manipulations to be performed separately.
This type of endoscopic lifting is performed through incisions on the scalp. They do not exceed 3 cm. Hair does not suffer at the same time, continues to grow as before. After careful drawing of the skin together with the muscle fibers, they are fixed with the help of a special bioglue.
Tightening the middle part of the face. The purpose of this type of facelift is to remove wrinkles on the cheeks, in the corners of the eyes, in the gap between the nose and lips. Cuts are made at the temples, in the mouth at the upper lip. If there is a need, you can correct the nose, tighten the upper eyelid, even reduce the volume of the cheeks.
Facelift facelift. This type provides for the correction of the chin zone, treatment of the corners of the lips, cheeks, facial contours. Small cuts are made under the chin, behind the ears. If there is a problem of double chin, liposuction can be performed with additional plastic neck.
Manipulations of all three species are carried out separately or on the same day, but with short breaks between each zone.
Advantages of endoscopic lift
There are many ways to rejuvenate, but the endoscopic facelift has a large number of advantages, is constantly being improved, it overtakes the available methods:
- does not have large incisions on the face;
- the patient's age is reduced by an average of 10 years;
- positive results persist for a long time;
- it is possible to repeat the operation if necessary;
- the rehabilitation period takes little time;
- face after rejuvenation looks natural;
- even small wrinkles can be eliminated;
- the risk of complications is very small;
- during the operation, the blood flow and the lymph flow are not disturbed;
- low-impact surgery, edema and bruising rarely occur at the incision site;
- modern equipment reduces the risk of damage to blood vessels or nerve endings during surgery.
Endoscopic lifting has recently become very popular. This procedure helps to get good, stable results for less money. The main thing is not to miss the time to consult specialists.
Indications and contraindications to the procedure
This rejuvenation is designed for women and men from 30 to 50 years old; for the older age group, classical plastic surgery is needed. Facelift will help, if there was an omission, a change in facial contours. Under the influence of gravity, the skin of the face sagged, folds of wrinkles appeared, along with this the shape of the eyebrows and lips changed.
Numerous wrinkles are not removed by other cosmetic procedures, a double chin appeared, the upper eyelids became heavy, they cover the eyes. Numerous changes on the face led to a noticeable asymmetry.
Endoscopic lifting can be done without waiting for unpleasant age-related changes. If you wanted to make some adjustments in your face, then you can please yourself. For example, you can change the shape of the eyes (very popular in China), make expressive cheekbones, reduce cheeks, make higher eyebrows .
As with any surgical procedure, endoscopic lifting is performed with limitations.
- diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
- diabetes;
- thyroid pathology;
- oncological diseases;
- hypertension;
- pregnancy, breastfeeding;
- problems with blood clotting;
- facial injuries;
- infectious diseases.
To prevent possible complications, it is necessary to undergo an examination of the state of health before the operation.
How to align eyebrows: surgery and possible complications
The preparatory period begins with the choice of the clinic. This should be done not only on the Internet, but also according to reviews of real patients, on medical sites. Success depends on the doctor. In consultation with the surgeon, the upcoming surgery will be described, the incision sites will be shown, and in some clinics, 3D modeling of upcoming procedures will be done.
The patient should tell about their diseases, the presence of allergies. Next is a medical examination, testing. For 2 weeks should stop smoking, drink alcohol. 7 days to use drugs that can thin the blood. A light dinner is possible the night before the surgery. On the day of surgery, the patient does not eat or drink.
The operation is performed under general anesthesia, which is administered intravenously. Further, the correction of the selected zone is carried out, for example, hanging eyebrows or their asymmetry can be indications for facelift. Since it is good to align the eyebrows in this way, it is chosen very often.
Cuts are made in the temporal area and behind the ears. An endoscope is inserted into the hole, slowly moving it to the place of correction. The doctor is watching the manipulations on the screen.
Next, a specialist makes the necessary actions to achieve a result - removes excess fat, tightens muscles, cuts ligaments. Then fixes the skin and muscles in the right direction, the incision is clamped with special brackets (they are removed after a few days).
Then they move to the muscles of the upper eyelid, since you can align your eyebrows only with the correction of this part of the eyes. It is better to consult a doctor, and do a lifting to the entire eye area at once.
After surgery, the patient gradually recovers after anesthesia, another 2 days is in the hospital under the supervision of doctors, then he is allowed to go home. The recovery period lasts 2 weeks, has its limitations to avoid negative health effects.
Recovery stage
You can return to your normal lifestyle after 2 weeks. The recovery period is very important for the face, you need to carefully follow the recommendations of the doctor.
For about 5 days, you must wear a special bandage that will hold the muscles in a new position.
It is recommended to sleep on a high pillow, in order not to create excessive pressure on the blood vessels of the face.
You can not lift weights, bend over, do physical work.
Emotional stress, stress, long-term depression are also harmful. Face massage, decorative cosmetics will have to be postponed for 2 weeks. The doctor will prescribe special medicines to improve blood circulation, so that the bruises pass faster. You can put compresses with ice in their place.
If cuts or punctures were in the mouth, then it is necessary to rinse the mouth with decoctions of herbs to speed healing. You can not visit the baths, saunas, a month after facelift. Smoking is not allowed another month, as it complicates the healing of wounds.
The skin is restored after about 7 days. Stitches after surgery dissolve after 3 months. In some types of correction, a pressure bandage is applied to the patient, removed only after 1 month. The final result can be assessed 2 months after surgery.
Negative effects after endoscopic lift
The facelift operation is less traumatic, so complications are rare. Usually they are associated with non-compliance by patients with the recommendations of doctors during the recovery period.
In rare cases, there is the appearance of pigment spots at the site of cuts or punctures. Drugs are not used to remove them, after a few months they disappear on their own.
Sometimes bruises, swelling do not pass for a long time, aggravated by bleeding. Then the drainage of such areas is carried out, the contents of hematomas are pumped out, the bleeding vessels are cauterized, the problem is eliminated.
It happens that at the site of the seam does not grow hair. Most often it occurs on the temples or behind the ears. In this case, the seam is dissected, it decreases, it no longer prevents the hair from sprouting.
In some cases, there is a loss of sensitivity in places of incisions. This is often the case with smokers if they continue to smoke after surgery. Sensitivity returns within a year.
If the rules are not followed during the recovery period, wound infection may occur. You can also get unsatisfactory results. To avoid this, you need to choose the right clinic, a surgeon. Coordinate all the requirements for the upcoming procedure, to achieve full understanding.