Eyebrow Tightening: Procedure Description

Eyebrow Tightening One of the most effective ways to lift a face without surgery is thread lifting. This minimally invasive procedure easily solves problems with ptosis (omission) of the eyebrows and forehead, making the look open, eliminating the gloomy and tired expression on the face.

Lowering eyebrows with age is a natural process of aging tissues.

If in young people the outer edges of the brow arcs are higher than the inner edges, then after 50 years, the skin and muscle tissues weaken and the eyebrows gradually “slide down”, and in the upper eyelid surplus of skin forms.

In addition to defects caused by age-related changes of the skin, muscle tissue, eyebrow lifting with threads is recommended for other reasons:

  • asymmetrical eyebrows;
  • location too low;
  • ugly configuration of eyebrows;
  • dropping the tip of the nose.

Eyebrow lifting is performed on an outpatient basis. The doctor uses local anesthetics for pain relief. Procedure time - from 30 minutes to 1 hour. Immediately after eyebrow correction, the patient can go home.

Eyebrow Tightening Technique

  • The doctor anesthetizes the correction zone with anesthetics, treats the forehead and eyebrows with antiseptic agents, and marks the future punctures.
  • With the help of a cannula inserts a thread under the skin on the markup.
  • Unlike a needle, a cannula has a rounded tip that does not tear vessels, but gently moves through tissues.
  • Reaching the desired mark, the doctor fixes the thread on the fabric with a tooth located at the end of the material.
  • Next, tightens the eyebrow and secures the tissue with the help of another clove.
  • Thus, distributing the tissue along the thread, the doctor raises the eyebrows, which take on a new position and shape.
  • Depending on the type of thread, the suspenders may vary.
  • After fixing all the threads, the doctor examines the result and, if necessary, makes a correction.

It is interesting

Since the eyebrow and forehead lift are combined, in case of mimic wrinkles 14 days before the threadlift, botox injections are made. This procedure allows the doctor to reliably fix the result, as the muscles are immobilized by the action of botulinum toxin.

Rehabilitation after filament lifting

The procedure, though painful, is well tolerated by patients. After correction, there may be slight pains and bruises, but after a few days all unpleasant phenomena disappear, and the patient can return to the usual way of life.

At the same time during the month should consider some limitations:

  • not to carry out cosmetic procedures in the zone of braces;
  • refuse to visit the bath, sauna;
  • limit physical activity;
  • do not show strong emotions that provoke intense facial movements.

Brow lift result

Endoscopic brow lift Positive aesthetic changes can be seen immediately after the procedure. It is better to evaluate the effect of the correction on the photo taken before and after the threadlift. In addition to the fact that the outer edges of the brow arches rise upwards, making the face more natural and open, wrinkles in the corners of the eyes are also smoothed. The result is an excellent rejuvenation effect. After a threadlift, eyebrows and forehead remain mobile. Thus, the natural facial expressions are not disturbed.

If the eyebrow defect is associated with aging of the skin, then, at the request of the client, simultaneously with eyebrow and forehead correction, thread lifting is performed on other parts of the face and neck. With the help of threads, you can remove the second chin, smooth the nasolabial folds, remove the folds in the corners of the mouth, adjust the shape of the cheeks, chin and cheekbones, smoothing the shape of the face. In this case, the rejuvenating effect of the procedure becomes simply amazing.

The advantages of eyebrow lifting threads:

  • The procedure is performed for everyone without restriction, a contraindication is the presence of inflammation on the skin.
  • At the same time, the upper eyelid is tightened, which makes it possible to remove the defect of the impending skin without blepharoplasty, which is a more difficult and painful correction.
  • Together with a change in the position of the brow arches, a forehead lift occurs.
  • Depending on the materials from which the threads are made, the effect lasts from 1 year to 7 years.
  • The method of correction does not give complications and is safe.

Threads for brow lift are divided into several groups:

  • Biodegradable (absorbable) are eliminated from the body in a natural way.
  • Slowly absorbable - dissolve for a long time.
  • Non-absorbable - do not enter into chemical reactions with organic tissues.
  • Combined - part of the thread is absorbed with time, while the other part remains unchanged.

Threads for lifting can be smooth, with notches, with cones. Popular materials include the following: gold threads, Aptos, 3D mesothreads, Silhouette elevator software, Tissulift.

Endoscopic forehead and eyebrow lift: features of the operation

A more radical method of changing the position of the brow arcs is the operation.

Among the surgical methods of correction of the upper third of the face are the following:

  • Coronary - provides the highest possible result, as it corrects all possible defects, including removes excess skin.
  • Subcutaneous is similar in effect to the coronary, but the seam runs along the hairline and after the surgery the scar is in a prominent place.
  • Endoscopic - is a sparing operation, and therefore more in demand, but has limitations on the technique of execution, and does not remove excess tissue.

Endoscopic eyebrow and forehead lift allows to eliminate the following defects:

  • horizontal wrinkles on the forehead and nose;
  • vertical and oblique lines;
  • wrinkles at the outer corners of the eyes;
  • eyebrow and forehead ptosis;
  • ptosis of the upper eyelid;
  • ugly eyebrow shape;
  • eyebrow asymmetry;
  • dropping the tip of the nose.

Endoscopic brow lift has an advantage over the classical method in that the surgeon makes small incisions of about 1-1.5 centimeters in the scalp for working with the area being operated on. After surgery, the scars are invisible, and the effect is not inferior to traditional methods.

Temporal brow lift Work with modern equipment allows to avoid significant damage to tissues. A miniature camera embedded in thin tubes that are placed under the skin, displays on the monitor an image of thin tissue structures, which allows the surgeon to act as carefully as possible.

The method in which optical equipment is used is not suitable for individuals with a high and prominent forehead. The aesthetic result will be low in those people who have insufficient levels of collagen and elastin in the skin, as in this case the skin should be tightened naturally.

Endoscopic brow lift perfectly combines with blepharoplasty and a lift of the middle and lower parts of the face. If you need a significant rejuvenating effect, then complex plastics will remove 10 or more years.

But surgery has an impressive list of contraindications. If you can not radically change the appearance, you can use alternative methods of braces, which include fractional lifting, infrared lifting and other procedures.

How is the temporal brow lift?

An alternative method of eyebrow correction is temporal lifting (temporoplasty). It is used when it is necessary to remove the following defects:

  • the omission of the outer edge of the eyebrow;
  • wrinkles at the corners of the eyes;
  • overhang of the skin of the upper eyelid.

Temporal brow lift does not require serious surgical intervention. An incision for manipulation is performed on the scalp, in the temple area. The skin is tensioned, and its surplus is excised. This technique is most often resorted to by people who are just beginning to show signs of aging skin. The result of the braces is excellent, and the scars are invisible behind the hair.

Eyebrow lifting with skin excision: types of operations

Surgical intervention with an area of ​​incisions in the region of the brow arches contributes to the raising of eyebrows, smoothing the skin of the hyperalis, removing extra soft and fatty tissues in the eyelids.

There are several techniques of operations:

  • Transpalpebral lifting . The most requested operation. Manipulations are carried out through the incision in the natural fold of the upper eyelid. Unnecessary muscles and fatty tissue are excised and removed, and the skin is stretched. The operation lasts about an hour under general anesthesia. The result is raised eyebrows, smoothed skin of the abdomen, forehead and eyelids.
  • Corrugator excision . The effect of the operation can be compared with the effect of botulinum toxin, only in this case it is permanent. This is achieved by removing part of the corrugator - the muscle responsible for frowning eyebrows.
  • The cut over the eyebrow . It is considered outdated technology. The incision for tissue manipulation is carried out over the eyebrow. The operation is performed under local anesthesia. Allows you to remove excess wrinkles and tighten eyebrows. After the procedure, there is a noticeable scar.

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