Why do you need eyebrow transplantation and how is it performed?
Thick and beautiful eyebrows - a common phenomenon in our days. But too thin or almost missing eyebrows immediately catch the eye. When the eyebrows are thinning, the appearance of the face changes, it can affect self-esteem and relationships with the opposite sex.
Due to the development of hair transplant methods in the last 10 years, eyebrow transplantation, performed properly, can provide excellent aesthetic results.
Candidates for the procedure are men and women who want to make thinner eyebrows thicker or touch up small areas of lost hair that are the result of excessive plucking, injuries, low-quality paint, aging or autoimmune causes such as alopecia (loss of hair on the scalp and other places on the body).
- Alopecia is the result of an erroneous attack of the immune system on healthy hair follicles. This condition is often compared to a “swarm” in the form of specific T cells that attack the hair follicle.
- It is not known that it activates autoimmune reactions in alopecia areata, but studies show that this may be a combination of genetic predisposition and environmental triggers outside the body, such as bacteria or viruses.
The advantages of eyebrow transplantation:
- This procedure is practically painless and recovery takes 5 to 7 days, regardless of whether the entire eyebrow was restored or only part of it. Usually one operation is enough, although sometimes the patient prefers to go through the second to achieve greater hair density. Re-buildup of eyebrows is best done 8 months after the first surgery, so that all its consequences can be seen.
- One of the best aspects of eyebrow transplantation is that it is easier to perform this procedure than many other plastic surgeries, such as liposuction of fat on the abdomen or blepharoplasty of Asian eyes. Eyebrow extensions usually require a transplant of 50 to 400 grafts on the eyebrow. And each graft (graft) contains, as a rule, one or two hairs.
- The results of eyebrow hair transplantation are almost impossible to detect, since the transplanted hair is similar in appearance to the existing ones.
Contraindications for eyebrow transplantation:
- coagulation problems;
- lidocaine intolerance and other drugs for local anesthesia;
- diabetes mellitus (the likelihood of postoperative infection);
- undertreated trichotillomania (a psychological disease in which the patient pulls out a beard, eyelashes and other hair on his body).
How eyebrow transplants are performed
- The first step is to “design” the eyebrows, that is, the patient, together with the doctor, decide on the desired shape and thickness of the eyebrows (how many hairs will be in each of the transplanted grafts) and on which part of the body to take “donors”. Usually, this is the area behind the ears or the back of the neck, since there the hairs are the thinnest and are well suited in thickness to the hairs on the eyebrows.
- During the operation, which is performed under local anesthesia, the doctor draws the eyebrow contour with a surgical marker (to indicate their normal anatomical position and symmetry, discussed during the preoperative consultation).
- The patient is given a mirror to inspect the intended circuit and provide feedback before the doctor proceeds with the surgical procedure.
- The patient is then given a local anesthetic to numb the area of the face, and the surgeon begins to remove the donor hair follicles. This is done in three ways.
- The first : with a scalpel cut a strip of skin from the donor site.
- Second (Follicular Unit Extraction or FUE method): hair is removed by rotating piercers with a diameter of
1.8–5 mm. This method is less preferable; after it, shallow scars remain on the donor site. - Third : the doctor cuts out the donor area at the back of the head and a micropipe with a diameter of
0.5-0.9 mm removes the most healthy follicular associations.
- These grafts are then treated with special formulations for better survival.
- Next, eyebrows are punctured on the skin, grafts will be placed in them. Punctures are made in such a way that the hair follicles grow in the right direction and at the right angle to the skin.
- The duration of this procedure depends in part on how much hair is transplanted. If the minimum amount (from 50 to 100 grafts), then eyebrow transplantation should take from two to three hours. If more, the procedure will take from three to five hours. As a rule,
150-250 grafts are placed on each eyebrow. The reason for the dependence of the operation time on the number of grafts lies in the fact that each individual hair must be precisely placed on the eyebrow. This is almost a jewelry job.
What happens after a hair transplant on the eyebrows and whether there are alternatives to surgery
The patient may leave the clinic with a slight discomfort in the area where the hair was transplanted.
The morning after surgery, you should gently wash the eyebrows. This should be done at least three times a day after surgery and twice a day for a week.
- After each shower, you should apply an antibiotic ointment on your eyebrows to soften the crusts and easily remove them in the future.
- The smallest crusts around each transplanted hair and redness in the eyebrows will continue for the first five days or so. After that, the preserved pinkness of the skin can be masked with cosmetics.
- Some patients may have large bruises and swelling around their eyes after a hair transplant on the eyebrows. They usually pass within a week.
- Stitches, if used in the donor area, will dissolve on their own in a few weeks. After that, a thin scar will remain.
- Exercise, which may cause sweating, should be avoided for several weeks after the procedure to reduce the risk of infection.
The time of physical recovery after a hair transplant on the eyebrows is from five to seven days.
Transplanted hair grows at the same rate and on the same principle as the hair on the scalp. Regular eyebrow care will be needed. After the operation, you can pull out the eyebrows, paint them, cover with wax and cut to the desired length. Over the next six months, eyebrows become more and more thick.
Most patients can return to work three days after the procedure. However, it is advisable to wait five to seven days, if not all signs of an operation on the eyebrows have disappeared.
Risks after eyebrow hair transplant
When restoring eyebrow hair there are very few risks. They may include:
- prolonged redness of the eyebrows;
- weak growth of transplanted hair;
- expansion of the donor site where hair was taken for transplantation;
- possible risk of infection.
The length of the results of hair transplants on the eyebrows
- Results are permanent. Be patient with the majority of hair follicles (follicles) to reach the growth phase. Then it will be possible to get a clearer picture of the final results.
- After
8-12 months, you can expect final results.
Eyebrow hair transplant alternatives
- There are other ways to visually change the thickness of the eyebrows, for example, tattooing, folk remedies (castor or almond oil, etc.) or daily use of makeup.
- But these methods have their disadvantages, and the main one is not a long and natural solution to the problem.
As a graft for eyebrow transplants, the doctor takes the hair straight from the patient's head, so the hair is well taken root and grows, while makeup can be accidentally washed off, and tattooing done unsuccessfully, on the contrary, will not succeed and it will have to live from several months to two years old. Or resort to several sessions of laser eyebrow removal , each of which costs about 1000 rubles.
The cost of eyebrow hair transplants and reviews of the procedure
- In Moscow, St. Petersburg, Ufa, Novosibirsk, Chelyabinsk and other major Russian cities, the price of eyebrow restoration is from 40 to 50 thousand rubles. For comparison: in Kazakhstan, brow browning will cost an average of 525,000 tenge (103 thousand rubles).
- Reviews of the operation are mostly positive, which is explained by the minimum risk, the duration of the result and the speed of postoperative recovery even in people with thin and sensitive skin. The side effects of hair transplant on the eyebrows include the fact that the eyebrows grow too thick and have to be cut regularly.