Temporal lifting: indications and contraindications
The procedure for men and women of middle age who have already discovered the first signs of aging on their skin is called a temporal lifting. With age, the upper eyelid drops slightly and the first wrinkles appear around the eyes, these problems make the eyes look a bit dull and therefore add a couple of extra years. The operation itself is not complicated and lasts no more than an hour, and the recovery will take no more than 10-15 days. If the procedure is carried out qualitatively and all the requirements of the specialist are met, then the result will definitely please you, and no one will even guess about the intervention of the surgeon's doctor. Temporal lifting is performed as follows: the surgeon makes an incision in the temporal areas of the scalp, tightens the skin, followed by fixation of tissues and cutting off excess skin.
It is worth paying attention to this procedure to those who have already encountered the first signs of aging around the eyes. You may have noticed problems such as crow's feet, wrinkles under the eyes and a lowered eyelid or corner of the eyebrow. All this can be fixed easily and painlessly by resorting to the temporal lift. The same lifting can be part of a complex face lift , so that all its parts look harmonious.
There are no contraindications to the procedure itself, the only thing that can be problems with anesthesia is if you have an individual intolerance to preparations from this spectrum.
But before the operation, it is necessary to observe a number of rules and prepare for it responsibly:
- It is necessary for two weeks to abandon blood-releasing and hormonal drugs.
- A few days before the operation, you should not go to the sauna or the bath, and there should be no alcohol in the body.
- Do not eat at least 6 hours before the operation and water - for two hours.
After the procedure, it is worth for a while to refuse to visit a bath, sauna, solarium. Physical activity is contraindicated. It is also just necessary to protect postoperative sutures, and therefore refrain from washing your head for a while. There may be slight pain in the eyebrows.
Forehead lifting: preparation and operation
A rejuvenating procedure aimed at eliminating the first signs of aging of the upper face with the help of surgery of plastic surgeons is a lifting of the forehead. The procedure takes place in several stages.
Due to the fact that the operation takes place under general anesthesia, standard preparation is required, as well as for any other operation. The physician must collect all necessary tests to prevent possible risks. You will also be required to follow certain rules: a few hours before the operation you should not eat or water, and you should hygienic procedures a few days ago, wipe off the nail polish, do not apply any creams on your skin. Sometimes doctors recommend refraining from taking alcohol and going to the sauna or bath a few days before the operation.
Follow all directions of your doctor. The result of the procedure depends on this, and most importantly your health.
Performing an operation
During the operation, they try to cause minimal damage to the skin of the face, and therefore, often lifting the forehead with special video-optical equipment, which helps to avoid cuts and all actions of the surgeon are performed through two small punctures in the area just above the forehead. Soft tissues exfoliate from the bone and slightly tightened, after which they are fixed with the help of mini-screws.
Postoperative period
The procedure itself is completely harmless and rehabilitation is fast enough, 2-3 weeks will be enough for healing. The first week the patient is forced to wear a compression mask, and after two weeks the doctor removes mini-screws. During the month it is worth refraining from physical exertion, trips to the sauna, solarium, bath. You must carefully take care of the places of punctures or cuts and use a special cream, protect your face from the influence of the sun, do not dry your hair with a hairdryer. Such care for damaged places will last about a year.
Despite the fact that the procedure is quite simple and completely harmless, in some cases complications are possible, although the risk is very small. The most common problem is bleeding. Cuts or punctures may start bleeding with swelling.
In order to take any action in time, you need to stay in the clinic for the next 10-12 hours, or at least maintain close contact with your doctor. The doctor will quickly stop the bleeding and relieve swelling. It is likely that you will need to consult your doctor again to remove the accumulated blood under the skin.
A more dangerous and less common complication is the formation of slings and ulcers, during the die-off of skin on cuts or punctures. At the site of injury remains a very unpleasant scar.
Another unpleasant consequence may be weakening of the facial nerve, most often it is caused by the action of the anesthetic and the symptom disappears within 12 hours after the operation, in some cases it may last for several weeks. If a long time has passed, but the symptom has not disappeared, it is necessary to consult a doctor, perhaps the nerve was badly damaged and needs treatment.
In rare cases, hair loss is possible, but this trouble is temporary and most often the loss will stop after 4-6 months.
Forehead lifting results
Lifting is a rather popular rejuvenation procedure. Despite a number of complications that may be encountered, women and men continue to resort to surgical interventions, because this method is effective, and you can see the result in a few weeks.
The seams on the places of cuts or punctures are almost imperceptible, because in some cases the seams cover the hair or they are so small and insignificant that it is difficult to find them to a non-professional.
Today lifting is the most effective procedure, and there are practically no alternative methods. You should not be afraid of surgery, because medicine and modern cosmetology have already gone very far and therefore the risk of complications is very small.