Defloration of the hymen: indications and contraindications
Deprivation of virginity occurs only once in a lifetime. And, as a rule, it passes without difficulties. But very often there is such a problem as the difficulty of breaking a hymen.
In some cases, direct medical intervention is required. It was for these purposes that a procedure called defloration of the hymen was created. What it is, how it is carried out, what are the contraindications discussed in this article.
What it is
Defloration of the hymen (surgical, artificial) is an operation to eliminate the hymen, carried out in any medical institution for urgent needs or the immediate desire of the patient. Often, girls seek the help of surgeons. The main reason is the painful deprivation of virginity, the chaff is too strong and much more. It should be noted that even with the testimony of doctors, the need for an operation, it will not be carried out without the direct consent of the patient.
Who needs defloration
The whole problem lies in the fact that from the age of majority (which falls on the end of the development of sex hormones) the virgin membrane loses its elasticity, and the longer the process of deprivation of it depresses, the more problems arise with defloration.
There is a female congenital pathology known as atresia of the hymen, in other words, overgrowth. This is an unpleasant disease, which leaves little to no chance of natural deprivation of virginity.
In which cases defloration is necessary:
- With too dense hymen. It complicates the natural defloration, gives a huge discomfort and strong pain during intercourse.
- Unusually increased elasticity of the hymen. As a rule, with natural defloration, the chaff is practically not damaged or partially torn.
- Pathology, full overgrowth of the hymen. It can be either congenital or acquired disease (as a possible complication after an illness on the genitals). This anomaly is fairly easy to detect. At the time of puberty, there is an accumulation of menstrual blood. As a result, girls practically do not go through periods and appear severe pain in the lower abdomen.
Of course, defloration of the hymen can be carried out not only for natural reasons. Some girls prefer to lose their virginity surgically.
A number of contraindications
As with any operation, there are certain indications and contraindications. In general, compatibility with defloration is ascertained by taking a urine and blood test, and only after the doctor confirms the possibility or impossibility of the operation.
What are the contraindications provided by experts:
- Weak blood clotting.
- Transferred infectious or sexually transmitted diseases.
- Oncological diseases.
In other cases, with positive test results, the doctor admits the patient to the operating table.
Artificial defloration: preparation and post-operative care
The operation can not be attributed to complex, and preliminary preparation is not difficult. The first step is a gynecological examination, which asserts the need for such a procedure as artificial defloration. Next - a comprehensive examination of the patient.
Basically, this is a series of tests consisting of:
- General urine analysis.
- Blood test, to check its clotting.
- A blood test to determine the group and Rh factor.
- Analysis for infectious or viral diseases.
Preparation is necessary to identify possible contraindications, the selection of an individual method of anesthesia and the appointment of an operation for a day far enough from the beginning and end of the menstrual cycle. In any case, the last word remains for the gynecologist. It is he who establishes compatibility, conducts an inquiry about how natural defloration took place, whether there were any painful sensations. It is very important to answer the questions as clearly as possible, without hiding some details. This can significantly affect the operation and the possible consequences.
How is the operation?

The operation is performed on an outpatient basis, after the introduction of anesthesia (local anesthesia is usually used, but in the case of acute painful sensations, doctors use general anesthesia). After that, the surgeon dissects the hymen. A few years ago, an ordinary scalpel was used to cut the hymen, but modern technologies allow the operation to be performed with a laser.
A tampon soaked in with an antiseptic is placed in the vagina and after 10 minutes the operation is completed.
The process occurs fairly quickly (no more than half an hour) and the patient is immediately released home. However, in the event of complications, the process can be significantly delayed.
The problem is that girls with a particularly hard chimp can accumulate too much menstrual blood. If this happens, after cutting, a thorough cleaning of the vagina from it, getting rid of coagulated clots (with too intensive blood clotting) and re-disinfecting and processing the dissected hymen is necessary.
Possible effects and side effects
Unfortunately, the postoperative period may be accompanied by certain complications or side effects. In general, they do not pose a danger to the girl, but can cause significant discomfort. Based on medical practice, the chance of complications is extremely small, but the probability remains.
What kind of consequences can be after artificial defloration:
- Acute or pulling soreness in the lower abdomen, in the first week of the postoperative period.
- Unusual discomfort.
- Infection due to the use of non-sterile instruments or improper maintenance of personal hygiene.
- Open bleeding
If the above symptoms make themselves felt, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist to determine the source of the complications and their immediate elimination.
Postoperative care
Postoperative care is perhaps one of the most important details of the whole process. It depends on her early healing of dissected chaff and restoration of genital organs.
In the first week after the operation, hygiene must be strictly observed in all available parameters.
It is also necessary to use antiseptic solutions (inserted into the vagina with tampons) to exclude the possibility of infection.
Excessive physical exertion is completely prohibited. Sexual acts are also prohibited.
After the expiration of the week, you must come to the consultation and examination to the doctor. True, this time, the examination will be carried out not by the gynecologist, but by the surgeon. As soon as the wound heals and the doctor indicates that there is no threat, the patient can calmly return to the normal rhythm of life.
Of course, the first week may be accompanied by slight discomfort in the lower abdomen or light painful sensations. But do not worry - this is a standard regenerative process in the body.
Patient Reviews
To tell about the experienced operation is a very difficult moral act. After all, the case concerns an intimate area, and few girls can share experiences from their personal lives. However, some are happy to talk about the procedure, sharing both experiences and wishes. As a rule, negative opinions are practically absent:
- Olga, 24, Moscow.
“A few days ago, suffered defloration. Honestly - for a long time could not decide. According to the preliminary inspection, no deviations were revealed, full compatibility with the operation. Decided to go. The process was quick, and rather quickly they let me go with the operating room home. At first, no pain and discomfort was felt. I thought that everything would be much worse and worse. I wish all unsure girls that you should not be afraid to lie under a scalpel for a significant improvement in your life. ”
- Catherine, 21, Nizhny Novgorod.
“The only thing terrible in this procedure is the name. It is very difficult to prepare morally. At first, I was afraid, but a friend convinced me of the opposite. And for good reason. Conducted under local anesthesia, it was slightly painful. The next few days, it was difficult to move, but in general, the postoperative period was uneventful. I am pleased with the result, because all the suffering suffered until finally ended. "
- Anna, 19 years old, St. Petersburg.
“How many times have we tried to deprive me of virginity with my boyfriend - do not count. And every time there was unbearable pain. And after, it became indifferent, I decided to go to the bitter end. When I was looking for a solution, I stumbled upon an artificial defloration. The next day I made an appointment. Preparation, analyzes, operation. All standard. Honestly, there was heavy bleeding, severe pain. But on the 15th day it all ended. Finally began a normal sex life. Life has become easier and more joyful. ”
As you can see, typical postoperative complications were observed in most patients. But in general, the procedure was more than successful. On the moral side, it is very difficult to prepare yourself for this. However, do not hesitate. Improving your own life, full and painless sexual intercourse, depends directly on the girls. It is necessary to make this decision and go to the bitter end.