Plastics of the hips and buttocks: methods and methods of correction
Often playing sports does not help a woman to correct her figure or its separate parts, however intense they are.
What to do in this case, a woman who is not happy with her figure? Modern medicine offers quite effective methods for solving this problem.
Recently, such a procedure as plastics of the hips and buttocks has become very popular. This complex of operations is aimed at correcting the shape and volume of the buttocks and is called “ gluteoplasty ”.
The specificity of the method depends on the clinical picture of the problem. So, depending on the nature of the situation, the following methods of gluteoplasty are distinguished:
- The use of silicone implants is important in case of insufficient volume, lowered or flattened buttocks. With this method of increasing the priests, a cut is made between the buttocks near the tailbone. After forming the space under the large gluteal muscles, a silicone implant is placed in it. Also in this case, lipofilling may be used. It is carried out through the puncture of the skin, allows you to lift the upper part of the buttocks and adjust the shape of the priests without scarring. Note that to solve the problem with the help of physical loads in this case will not work, therefore, such procedures are so popular today;
- Lowered buttocks and smoothed sub-plicial folds are eliminated with the help of a suspender. This pattern is observed mainly after significant weight loss. As a result, an excess of skin forms on the body in the area of the priests, and soft tissues hang down. This procedure is carried out as an independent operation, and in combination with a hip lift or body lift.
The use of threads for tightening the buttocks
- Buttock lift with filaments is called “filament lifting”. It is a minimally invasive measures to correct the shape of the buttocks. They are tightened through the use of special threads (they are also called Brazilian). The latter are similar in their characteristics to those used in facelift.
- The advantage of this method is the use of only local anesthesia, as well as a rather short time interval required for the whole procedure. A special guide needle with thread in it is inserted under the skin along a previously marked path. Threads "cling" into soft fabrics with the help of special cones, hooks or notches. After that, the specialist carries out the tightening of the upper end of the thread, which leads to the tightening of all sagging fabrics. As a result, you only need to fix the thread in the new position.
- The advantage of this method is called easy and fast recovery, as well as long-term results. However, practice shows that after a couple of years the procedure should be repeated.
Non-surgical correction method priests
For opponents of the use of implants to change the shape, there is a different method for correcting the shape of the priests. The plastic of the buttocks without implants is called lipofilling. This procedure allows you to partially tighten the skin in the gluteal zone by increasing the volume of fat mass. However, it will not be possible to achieve huge changes with its help.
- The essence of this technique is that beforehand, using special cannulas, fatty tissue is pumped out of the human body. The material is processed and applied later for injection to the patient. Thus, a qualified doctor adjusts the volume of the buttock.
- Rehabilitation after the procedure is quick and painless. However, experienced specialists recommend combining this method with one of the above procedures for greater efficiency and a longer result.
Surgical methods for the correction of the buttocks
It is possible to carry out the correction of the shape and volume of the priests using the surgical method. Surgical tightening of the buttocks or surgical lifting is performed exclusively under general anesthesia, because it lasts around
Surgical lifting techniques differ in the location of postoperative scars:
- horizontal at the top of the buttocks;
- diagonal, starting at the side and going down to the groin;
- along the gluteal groove.
Most popular today is the third option, because it allows you to hide the inevitable scar under the natural fold of skin. As a result, the woman's ass gets an appetizing look, not overshadowed by an ugly scar.
The remaining options may not be very profitable in this regard, because it is not always possible to veil a scar reliably in such cases.
After the incision is made, the excess skin is excised, and the remaining tissue is tightened and straightened. At the end of the operation, the doctor applies a standard cosmetic suture.
Rehabilitation takes a long time. During the first 3 weeks of this time, a person experiences the greatest discomfort in the form of marked tissue swelling. However, most patients tolerate this period easily and positively.
As a result, the patient gradually returns to normal everyday life, but for several months he is not recommended to play sports. After all, if the body does not fully recover and begins to experience overload, it threatens with complications. But the effect of the procedure is maintained for life, and the woman gains confidence in herself and the beauty of her figure.
Elimination of skin sagging with papas liposuction
Liposuction of the priests allows you to surgically change the nature of fat deposits or partially remove them in a certain area of the priests. This allows you to give this part of the body an appetizing look and decently reduce its size.
It is worth noting
This is not a method to combat obesity, but only an effective way to deal with its effects. After all, you can only remove some of the fat.
When performing such an operation, a hollow tube is inserted under the skin. With its help, forward-backward specialist advances the destruction of adipose tissue.
Then vacuum suction comes into play, removing the softened fatty tissue through the cavity in the tube. At the end of the operation, a cosmetic stitch and aseptic sticker are applied to the patient, and a special compression knit is put on.
Note that liposuction of the priests is a rather painful procedure. Many patients experience huge hematomas and long-term pain in the area where corrective measures were taken.
Difficulties in correcting the shape of the priests
In rare cases, the patient has complications after gluteoplasty. They occur if the patient had contraindications to the operation, which for some reason was not drawn to the attention of a specialist.
It is not necessary to carry out lifting priests, if:
- the patient noted the presence of diabetes mellitus;
- with problems with blood clotting;
- acute inflammation, exacerbation of chronic diseases;
- during pregnancy or lactation period;
- with individual intolerance to anesthesia.
Also, complications are threatened by the correction of the shape or volume of the buttocks, if not the most successful method was used or the qualifications of the doctor were low. In other situations, lifting the priests is rarely called an operation dangerous to human health, but the plasticity of the hips and buttocks will help make your figure even better.