How to increase the buttocks at home
Many women and men are unhappy with the shape and size of their buttocks, but they are not in a hurry to increase them with the help of an operation. Why not? The operation is very expensive, quite dangerous, it requires regular check-ups with a doctor and, possibly, additional surgical procedures. How to increase the buttocks without the help of a plastic surgeon? Choose one of three options:
- option 1 - exercise;
- option 2 - diet;
- Option 3 - special clothes and shoes.
The gluteal muscles (a total of three paired muscles — a large gluteus, an average gluteus, and a small gluteus) are among the strongest muscles in the body. Exercises, such as the buttock bridge and leg press, will help improve the shape of the buttocks and make the gluteal muscles stronger. They also contribute to an increase in the size of the buttocks, although they do not guarantee that you will receive exactly those forms, the fullness and size of the priests you dreamed of.
How to increase the buttocks with exercise
- Leg press
A good alternative to squats for people with sore knees and back problems, as there will be no axial load on the spine. To perform the leg press in the simulator under the slope, take a prone position. Put your feet on the top of the platform, they should be at the level of the width of the shoulders or slightly wider. Remove weight from the support and lower the platform, bending the knees. The platform should be at a level where the legs will be bent below the angle of 45 degrees. Repeat the exercise 8 to 12 times.
- Lunge
This is not a very difficult exercise, but very effective for improving the relief of the muscles of the buttocks and the front of the thigh. To perform a lunge, spread your legs shoulder-width apart, holding the dumbbells on the sides. Step forward while inhaling and as you exhale bend the knee in front of the standing leg and go down until the standing leg behind touches the floor. On the inhale, return to the starting position. Do the same with the other leg. Perform the exercise 8 to 12 times for each leg.
- Buttock bridge
Lie on your back on a hard surface, bend your knees and let your feet firmly rest on the floor. Hands can be either on the stomach or along the body. While inhaling, squeeze the buttocks and begin to raise the hips, until the body forms a straight line from the shoulders to the knees. Hold for a couple of seconds at the top of the trajectory, squeeze the buttocks even harder and on the exhale return to the starting position. Repeat 10 times.
- Barbell
Place the bar - on the shoulders along the trapezius muscle. Sit down to feel that your hips are parallel to the floor. Shoulders and chest forward, buttocks down.
Repeat the same procedure for 10 minutes, using a heavy weight to increase the mass of the buttocks.
- Raising legs
Lie on your back, legs together. Bend your legs and slowly lift them. Pull your toes. Then straighten your legs, with your fingers pointing towards the ceiling. Slowly lower the legs, at a distance of 3 cm from the floor.
Beginners should perform all exercises in the gym under the supervision of a trainer, so that they are as effective as possible. In addition, the trainer will tell you other exercises useful for the gluteus muscles.
Start practicing
How to increase the buttocks with diet
- Proper nutrition helps those who want to increase the buttocks without leaving home. You should give preference to sources of fat, protein and carbohydrates. Why protein? It is useful for the recovery of muscle tissue. Fats can increase testosterone production, and carbohydrates will give the body the energy needed for effective workouts.
- All these nutrients can be obtained from vegetables and fruits, lean beef and chicken breasts, whole grains, seeds and nuts. These dishes should be consumed frequently throughout the day. Frequent meals will give your muscles the necessary nutrients to make it easier to eat more calories and increase overall energy levels. Your first meal should be soon after you wake up. After breakfast, eat every
2-3 hours.
How to increase the buttocks with clothes and shoes
There are several options for those who are looking for easy ways:
- wearing high heels;
- wearing a corset, slimming the waist;
- wearing corrective underwear.
Wearing high heels creates an arch in the lower back, giving the buttocks a more resilient and distinct look.
You can also try wearing a corset. How it works? Excess fat moves to the hips from the abdominal area. That is, the tummy is visually hidden, and the buttocks look much larger. The minus option is that with prolonged wearing of a corset (more than 12 hours a week), oxygen starvation can begin, the functioning of internal organs worsens, headache, heart palpitations, edema and natural tone of muscles can be affected.
An alternative to the corset is corrective underwear - slimming pants made of thick fabric. It is undesirable to wear them all day, as the pelvic organs will be constantly squeezed, which may cause abdominal pain and problems with intestinal motility.
Buttock implants: options for surgery
Buttock implants (gluteoplasty) are often used in plastic surgery to improve the shape of the “fifth point” of the patient (or patient). Not only will you look better with them, you will also have self-confidence, as well as success with the opposite sex, thanks to the luxurious forms.
The cost of installing gluteal implants in clinics in Moscow and other large Russian cities is from 120 to 200 thousand rubles.
The procedure for the establishment of such implants is no more difficult than the plastics of the contour of the lips , and after healing, there is an inconspicuous scar that cannot be easily detected even with intimate contact.
- Those who decide to install implants in the buttocks are concerned about whether they will leak. Breast implants that are filled with saline or silicone may burst and leak, but the implants used to improve the shape of the buttocks are covered with silicone elastomer and the filler in them is very dense. Therefore, you should not be afraid of fluid leakage.
- Also, do not be afraid to exercise or sit on the implants in the buttocks, as they will be placed slightly higher than the bones on which you actually sit.
The actual surgical procedure for installing implants can be performed under general anesthesia, spinal anesthesia or sedation.
Although the operation for placing implants in the buttocks is fairly simple, there are many technical aspects to the procedure. It can be performed differently depending on the training and experience of the surgeon.
Implants are installed through an incision, which eventually heals so well that only your proctologist will see it. In most cases, the implant is placed under the layers of the gluteus maximus muscle and fat. The buttocks enlarged in this way have a natural look and can be a little more firm to the touch than natural ones.
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Before surgery, the surgeon and patient should discuss the following questions:
- The choice of implants : they are either round or oval. Like breast implants, the implants in the buttocks come with either a smooth or textured surface. Neither the shape nor the texture of the surface of the implant does not greatly affect the result of the operation. Inside the implant can be either solid silicone or silicone gel. The first option is used most often. A solid implant is an excellent choice, as it cannot rupture and leak the contents. The decision on what type of implant will be used depends greatly on the preferences of your surgeon.
- The location of the incision : after you and the doctor have chosen the type of implants, the next task is to decide on the type of incision. The incision for placing the implants in the buttocks may be in several places.
Closer to the top of the buttocks. Although the scars may be hidden under the underwear or bikini, this option is not recommended, as the scar can be clearly seen when you are bare. In addition, two cuts are required.
- At the base of the gluteal folds, in the area where your “cheeks” are found in the upper part of the hips. This choice will leave you with two scars, which can also be very noticeable.
- One incision, which is located in the center of the sacrum. This is a small vertical section from 5 to 7 cm, which is well hidden. The only drawback is the higher rate of transmission of infection compared to other cuts due to its location next to the anus. However, the infection is generally well treatable with antibiotics, and thanks to proper care for the wound, it can be completely avoided.
- Higher or lower muscle : the next step after selecting the type of incision is the decision to place the gluteal implants. This will again largely depend on the preferences of your surgeon. There are many implants that were placed above the muscle, and then looked like a sack of potatoes. Many plastic surgeons prefer to place implants inside the gluteus maximus. This immediately solves several problems: first, it gives the implant more support and prevents it from moving too far down the buttock. Secondly, it gives an additional layer of coverage, so that the implant feels more natural to the touch. Finally, an additional tissue cover protects the implant from infection. If the gluteal implants were placed above the muscle and the wound was infected, it is very likely that this is the fault of the implants. In this case, the implants must be removed and it will take three months before new ones can be installed.
- With or without liposuction, the priests : “pumping out” fat in combination with an implantation procedure can give the buttocks more embossed and attractive contours. Most patients and patients had flat buttocks, and at the same time excess fat in the upper outer part of the buttocks. Therefore, the buttocks looked flat from the side, but wide and flat from the back. If you combine the implantation procedure with liposuction of the upper outer part of the buttocks, this will give the best results of the operation.
Please remember that every plastic surgeon has his own opinion about liposuction.
How is the implantation of the buttocks and what happens in the postoperative period
Buttock augmentation surgery is an outpatient procedure that takes about an hour. If liposuction is done simultaneously with the implantation of the buttocks, this may take an additional half hour.
- During the operation, the patient or patient is placed face down and a vertical incision is made from 5 to 7 cm between the buttocks, under the tailbone.
- The dissection continues on both sides of the sacrum until the doctor reaches the gluteus maximus.
- The muscle fibers are moved apart and pockets are created for implants. Surprisingly, the bleeding is very small.
- The implants are inserted into the "pockets" and the muscle closes over the implants. The middle section is then closed in layers.
- If liposuction is done along with the implantation of the buttocks, then it is performed through separate incisions.
- In the cavity where the implants are located, drainage is installed, and the muscles and skin are sutured with self-absorbing threads over time.
After the implantation procedure, you will need to wear compression underwear for about two to three weeks. This will provide additional support for the buttocks.
The first week after the operation is the most difficult, in many reviews there are complaints of pain when walking or being in a sitting position. Therefore, in the Russian clinics, the patient is left in the hospital for
Discomfort disappears a week later, and normal physical activity can be resumed 14 days after surgery. Doctors do sports not earlier than six weeks after implantation of prosthetic buttocks.
You can sunbathe after three weeks after surgery.
Final results will be noticeable three months after surgery. During the first three months after surgery, you may experience a slight increase in temperature, and the area above the buttocks will be insensitive.