Lipofilling of the buttocks: description of the procedure and peculiarities of its implementation

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The perfect slim body is the dream of every woman in the beautiful half of society. However, not all nature rewarded with rounded shapes, including buttocks, besides, age takes its toll and is reflected not only on the face, but also on other parts of the body.

Exhausting hour-long workouts, strictest diets, taking various medications, massages and body wraps are all familiar to women who watch their beauty.

However, after 45 years, it is becoming more and more difficult. But do not despair, today there are many ways to return to the buttocks, breasts and other parts of the body youth and attractiveness. This is a different kind of hardware procedures, methods of plastic surgery. There is also another fairly effective and effective procedure that helps to cope with this problem - lipofilling buttocks. This method is relatively new, but despite this, it is popular with both the female and the male population, caring for its attractive appearance.

Method Description

The first procedures for transplanting one's own adipose tissue from problem areas were carried out in the 2000s. It is on this principle that lipofilling of the buttocks is carried out on patients. Lipofilling refers to plastic surgery, but even so, the technique is safe.

It contributes to the correction of the figure and the achievement of ideal forms, while it does not need to go on a diet and spend three hours in the gym. The method consists in pumping adipose tissue from a patient from some areas of the body and in its subsequent introduction (after special purification) to the gluteal region, where it is lacking. In this way, an increase in the buttocks.

The booty becomes round, with an increase in skin tone and the elimination of flabbiness. And all this without negative consequences. The procedure is safe, as it uses tissue related to the body that does not provoke rejection.

Conducting such surgery is shown to people after 25 years, after cessation in the body of anatomical restructuring.

Before starting the operation to “transplant” one's own fat, a specialist will prescribe some studies, in particular, clinical blood analysis, electrocardiography and ultrasound of the pelvic organs.

In addition, the doctor will analyze the proportions of the skeleton, so that the pumped-up butt corresponds to the length of the legs. A fortnight before the procedure, it was recommended to abstain from smoking.

Correction priests using its own fat cells is shown in the following cases:

  • with asymmetry of the buttocks;
  • in the absence of form and volume;
  • with insufficient content of adipose tissue in the buttocks;
  • with tissue deformation;
  • with sagging dermis due to a sharp loss of body weight;
  • with age-related changes in the muscles.

Where does the implant come from?

The implant for lipofilling buttocks is the patient’s own fat layer. To get fatty tissue, liposuction is first performed - a procedure for pumping out fat. To transplant fatty tissue, there must be areas where it can be removed. The average volume of fat for correction of the gluteal region is 500-900 ml.

Often, biological material is transplanted from problem areas, such as: the outer and inner thighs, back, sides, abdomen. The choice of the area from which fat will be pumped depends on its excessive accumulation. It turns out that the patient “kills two birds with one stone” with the procedure for correcting priests - losing weight (as excess fat is removed) and boosts the ass, makes it more elastic, gives it shape and volume. This is the main advantage of the procedure.

You should be aware that the lipofilling procedure of the buttocks has drawbacks and one of those is long-term rehabilitation, namely the process of healing of wounds.

Pain relief during the procedure

The method for the correction of the buttocks using its own adipose tissue is related to plastic surgery and, like any intervention, requires the use of anesthesia to make the process painless. General anesthesia is used extremely rarely.

Such manipulations are carried out exclusively after the patient’s consent and after the signing of documents for the use of one or another type of anesthesia. The use of painkillers is discussed with the patient on the eve of surgery.

Lipofilling of buttocks before and after, advantages and disadvantages of the technique

The technique, which consists in the correction of the priests with the help of fat, pumped out from the problem areas of the body and transplanted to the gluteal region, has many advantages. Photos of patients who agreed on lipofilling of the buttocks and their positive feedback are the best evidence of the effectiveness of the technique.

The main advantages of manipulation include:

  • high efficiency;
  • complete sterility;
  • security;
  • the use of natural biological materials;
  • minimal risk of implant rejection;
  • fast result and long lasting effect;
  • maximum naturalness of the resulting shape of the buttocks;
  • fast recovery period;
  • minimal risk of side effects;
  • minimal risk of an allergic reaction.

According to the patient reviews and the results on the photo, lipofilling has some drawbacks.

Correction priests with its own fat is fraught with:

  • inflammation of scars;
  • painful sensations during rehabilitation;
  • swelling and swelling;
  • bruises, hematomas and abrasions;
  • redness numbness of the dermis.

Lipofilling buttocks before and after In general, if the procedure was performed by an experienced surgeon in a good clinic, as well as if all the doctor's recommendations were followed regarding what can and cannot be done before and after lipofilling of the buttocks, complications do not arise as such.

Ignoring the recommendations of the doctor as well as the incompetence of the doctor can cause side effects.

Procedure progress

Before proceeding to the procedure, a series of examinations is carried out in order to exclude possible pathologies in which the correction of the shape of the priests in this way is contraindicated. Immediately before the manipulation, a sedative is administered to the patient, after which general or local anesthesia is performed. On average, the operation takes about an hour.

Both before and after lipofilling of the buttocks, there is no need to stay in the hospital, the patient is discharged home the very next day, with no complications, of course.

The procedure consists of several stages:

  1. The first stage consists of marking up the surgical field and the fence using a syringe and a thin cannula of the desired amount of fat from problem areas, that is, liposuction is performed.
  2. Next, the fat is cleaned and prepared for introduction into the buttocks. During cleansing, part of the fat is rejected, so the amount of pumped fat is always greater than that entered. In addition, approximately 20-30% of fat cells are absorbed, which is why in order to achieve the desired result, in some cases, several manipulations with an interval of 3-12 months are necessary .
  3. Next, the purified fat is transplanted into the buttocks. Fat is inserted through the incisions. 65% of fat cells are injected into the fiber, and the rest is injected into the gluteal muscle. In order to evenly distribute biological material, the doctor enters it from different points.
  4. Then the incisions are sutured. For this purpose, self-absorbable sutures are used.

Who can not carry out the procedure

Lipofilling, as well as any other method of surgical intervention, along with indications, has a number of contraindications.

Do not carry out such correction of the buttocks to women during gestation and breastfeeding, people with a hypersensitive dermis, minors and people suffering from:

  • vascular pathologies;
  • problems with blood clotting;
  • diabetes;
  • infectious diseases: hepatitis, AIDS, HIV;
  • benign or malignant tumors;
  • viral diseases;
  • skin ailments;
  • failures in the functioning of the central nervous system: depressive disorders, psychosis;
  • heart disease.

Lipofilling buttocks: reviews, effect and recovery period

Effect of the procedure Adjusting the shape of the priests with lipofilling is one of the most effective ways to improve the shape of the buttocks.

Responses to lipofilling of the buttocks of patients on the forums are mostly positive.

The effect after the procedure can not be seen immediately.

The result will be noticeable after one to three months. Full engraftment of adipose tissue is noted after about half a year.

Patients who have undergone lipofilling buttocks, leave positive feedback, and this is not surprising, because such an operation contributes to:

  • improving the form of priests;
  • giving the buttocks volume and elasticity;
  • elimination of flabbiness;
  • increase the elasticity of the dermis;
  • increase in size;
  • asymmetry elimination;
  • rejuvenation of the skin.


It should be understood that the result of the operation depends largely on the individual characteristics of the organism, the choice of clinic, the qualifications and experience of the plastic surgeon.

In some cases, if the operation to transplant one's own fatty tissue in order to increase the buttocks , was done incorrectly, complications may develop.

Lipofilling is fraught with:

  • asymmetry of the buttocks;
  • the appearance of irregularities and tuberosity of the dermis;
  • infection of fat cells;
  • desensitization;
  • prolonged intense painful sensations;
  • atrophy of adipose tissue;
  • hematomas and granulomas.

Recovery period. The fat transplant operation itself is only half the battle. And in many ways the effect will depend on how correct the rehabilitation was.

So the majority of women and men who decide on lipofilling buttocks, the reviews leave positive, but at the same time point out the need for strict adherence to all recommendations of the doctor regarding rehabilitation.

People who ignored the advice of the surgeon were ultimately dissatisfied with the result. It should be understood that the recovery stage is important. It affects the final result.

Doctors advise:

  • after manipulation, exclude sex and physical activity for a month;
  • refrain from visiting saunas, pools and baths;
  • avoid contact of the dermis with direct sunlight;
  • adhere to a proper and healthy diet, consume more fortified foods;
  • abandon the use of alcoholic drinks, energy drinks, fatty, spicy, smoked and fried foods, as well as convenience foods and fast food;
  • during the week to take antibacterial drugs prescribed by a doctor;
  • apply compresses and wear compression garments.

According to patient reviews, one of the major drawbacks of lipofilling of the buttocks is its high price. The average cost of lipofilling today is 40,000-100,000 rubles.

However, this price is fully justified by the complexity of the technique. In addition, if the surgery was carried out correctly, and the patient adhered to all the doctor's recommendations for recovery, then after the intervention there is no need for an additional correction. The effect after lipofilling persists for a lifetime.


The procedure consisting in the correction of the shape and volume of the buttocks is very effective. Numerous positive feedback from representatives of the fair half of society are proof of the effectiveness of the method. Almost all patients report quick results and lasting effects.

Valeria, 44, hairdresser. I tend to be overweight. It is for this reason that I often sit on diets. And because of frequent and dramatic weight loss, the skin in the priests area became flabby, stretch marks appeared. I learned that there is a way to correct the buttocks - lipofilling. I studied all its pros and cons and went to the clinic for a consultation. Very afraid, but everything went well. True, after the operation there was a certain discomfort and unexpressed pain, but soon it all passed. Two years have passed, and my ass is still the same perfect.

Inna, 39 years old, housewife. I have three children. After the first birth, only stretch marks appeared on my stomach, after the second and third I gained a lot of excess weight, which is why I sat on diets for a long time. The result - my 60 kilograms and loose skin due to a sharp weight loss, which is not particularly pleased. The decision to do lipofilling was made as soon as I learned about the technique. Everything went well, there were really slight pains in the cuts. The result is satisfied - the bottom is elastic, there are no folds on the back, and the stomach is perfect.

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