Gluteoplasty: description of the procedure, indications and contraindications, methods for correcting the shape of the buttocks

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According to scientists, men (as in principle, and women) primarily pay attention to the shape of the chest and buttocks. Candid photos of stars of show business, showing attractive forms, add fuel to the fire.

This played a significant role in the widespread use of such plastic surgery as gluteoplasty.

The essence of the procedure is reduced to the installation of implants that correct the shape of the buttocks.

Sports coaches are convinced that it is quite difficult to give the appropriate outlines to the muscles of the “loin part” of the body with our own efforts. Even with normal weight, this process will take many months of hard, hard training. However, not always exhausting classes in the fitness club will bring the desired result. In many cases, the anatomical features of the structure of this area do not allow to obtain an attractive relief.

The basis of this zone is the gluteus maximus muscle, in form it is similar to a rhombus and plays a major role in body fixation, flexion and extension of the body. Above the diagonal of the major gluteus maximus is the gluteus maximus, and below it is small.

It is worth noting

With slow walking, the gluteus maximus muscle almost does not work, it "turns on" only with fast running, squats and other types of physical activity.

Gluteoplasty (the name of the procedure is derived from the Latin name of the muscles of the buttocks - gluteus) is a surgical procedure in which the doctor sets the implants of the shape and size previously agreed with the patient. Like any other surgery, gluteoplasty is performed after appropriate preparation, medical examination to exclude possible contraindications and under general anesthesia.

The reasons for the violation of the shape of the buttocks are:

  • age-related changes that cause muscle weakening, skin laxity;
  • sedentary, sedentary lifestyle, hypodynamia, lack of appropriate physical exertion;
  • severe injuries, accompanied by a violation of the structure of the gluteus muscle;
  • overweight;
  • dramatic weight loss.

It is worth noting

According to some experts, the impairment of the shape of the buttocks can lead to a predilection for wearing high-heeled shoes. In this case, the bulk of the load falls on the muscles of the leg and thigh.

Correction of the shape of the buttocks can be performed using several techniques:

  • Skin Tightening. In a nutshell, the surgeon removes excess skin, cuts them off, placing the seam in the gluteal fold. The disadvantage of this procedure is limited opportunities regarding the correction of the shape and size of the buttocks.
  • Mesolifting. Under the skin implanted mezonity, which contribute to the smoothing of the skin and the formation of a beautiful relief. This procedure is more suitable for elimination of age defects.
  • Actually gluteoplasty. It is possible to install either silicone implants designed to increase the size of the buttocks , change their shape and volume, or implant their own adipose tissue. The latter method is safer, as it less often causes a rejection reaction. The negative side of this technique of operation is the fact that lipid fillers have a tendency to subsequent resorption, which can reduce the aesthetic result of plastics to zero.

The choice of method for correcting the shape of the buttocks depends primarily on the wishes of the patient. The doctor should familiarize the woman with all the pros and cons of the surgical procedure, suggests possible alternatives.

The way how gluteoplasty will be performed depends on several factors:

  • age of the patient;
  • body weight, it is clear that if there are pronounced problems with weight, a diet is needed, then exercises in the gym for general strengthening of muscles, and only then it is necessary to contact a plastic surgeon, or liposuction should be performed at the first stage;
  • the original shape of the buttocks, the condition of the skin;
  • tendency to corpulence;
  • planned pregnancy;
  • the presence of diseases that limit the possibilities of surgical intervention;
  • not least important is the financial issue.

Doctors are not advised to immediately decide on the operation. First you should visit a plastic surgeon, clarify all the questions of interest regarding the methods of manipulation, the features of the rehabilitation period, assess the risks and the likelihood of complications. Additional information is available on the plastic surgery forums.

It is worth noting

Gluteoplasty is performed solely for aesthetic purposes. Therefore, the only indication for its implementation is dissatisfaction with one’s own appearance and the desire to change the shape and size of the buttocks for the better.

Gluteoplasty is contraindicated in:

  • increased tendency to bleeding, or vice versa, the formation of blood clots;
  • systemic infections;
  • severe lesions of the liver, kidneys, organs of the respiratory tract, the endocrine system;
  • intolerance to drugs and materials used in the course of surgery;
  • obesity;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • oncological diseases;
  • severe hypertension.

Gluteoplasty can be postponed indefinitely, if the body temperature rises, symptoms of viral disease appear. Also, it is better to refrain from the operation if there is a rash on the skin of unknown origin, exacerbation of chronic pathologies.

Gluteoplasty - what is it, the technique of performing a surgical intervention and the types of implants

What is gluteoplasty Implants used for endoprosthetics are made of high-strength hypoallergenic material that meets all the requirements of modern surgery. Inside, these products are filled with silicone gel up to 180 ml.

The rheological properties of such a filler provide the appropriate shape of the buttocks, practically do not differ from natural fabrics by touch. But at the same time, implants withstand the loads that the gluteus muscle is constantly exposed to.

The shape of endoprostheses can be:

  • Round. Although such implants look unnatural and noticeably distort the physiological habitual look of the buttocks, they have recently enjoyed success.
  • Oval. Designed to give the buttocks (especially flat) attractive rounded shape.
  • Teardrop. Shown in patients with muscular asymmetry, an ugly gluteal fold, smoothed lateral surface of the buttocks.

It is worth noting

The size of the implant is determined by the volume of the gel-filler and is selected individually depending on the initial outlines of the patient's body.

Gluteoplasty is an operation that can be performed using several techniques:

  • Submuscular implantation. The endoprosthesis is placed between the large and small gluteal muscles. The advantage of this technique is the maximum possible preservation of the natural appearance of the body after the operation, however, such an installation of the implant is associated with certain difficulties.
  • Subfascial implantation. The prosthesis is placed under the connective tissue sheath covering the gluteus maximus. This method of gluteoplasty is used quite rarely.
  • Intermuscular installation. The surgeon gently pushes the fibers of the gluteus maximus muscle and places the endoprosthesis between them. This technique of gluteoplasty is most prevalent because of the ease of implementation and the minimal risk of complications in the postoperative period.

It is worth noting

When using oval and tear-shaped endoprostheses before the procedure, you can discuss with the surgeon and the desired height of the implant placement.

The operation is carried out as follows. After the start of the anesthesia, the surgeon makes a small incision just above the coccyx, forms a place (bed) for the installation of the endoprosthesis and places the implant in the desired area. The same manipulations are carried out on the other side.

After the procedure, the wound is sutured with absorbable sutures. After several weeks, no traces of the incision remain. An alternative to installing implants is lipofilling buttocks. In this case, their own fat cells are used to correct the shape.

The operation begins with liposuction, during which the surgeon "pumps out" the lipid tissue from the abdomen, the outer side of the thighs, and the back. After proper cleaning, fat is introduced into the buttocks.

It is worth noting

Gluteoplasty is a surgical procedure, the aesthetic result of which, while following the advice of a doctor, lasts a long time. However, the effect of lipofilling weakens with time, which may require a second operation after 8-12 months.

Glutapexia (filament lifting) is carried out with the help of special threads that are implanted under the skin and provide a uniform tightening, leveling of the epidermal cover on the buttocks.

Currently, to perform the procedure apply:

  • non-absorbable suture, which ensures the preservation of the result for 2-2.5 years;
  • Mesothreads consisting of polylactic acid and a complex of vitamins, some time after reinforcement, the mesothreads dissolve, but they stimulate the synthesis of their own collagen, which helps to maintain the effect of the procedure;
  • polylactic threads, after appearing on mezoniths, are practically not used.

It is worth noting

If the patient suffers from overweight, experts first suggest to perform liposuction of the buttocks, and after the end of the recovery period - gluteoplasty.

Gluteoplasty is a surgical procedure that can cause a number of complications:

  • violation of the sensitivity of the skin;
  • asymmetry of the buttocks;
  • pronounced pain in the sciatic nerve;
  • accumulations of exudate in the area of ​​the implant;
  • the formation of bruises and edema (pass independently after 2-3 weeks);
  • pain and burning for the first few days after surgery, analgesics may be taken to relieve the condition.

In the postoperative period these rules should be observed:

  • during the first month you need to wear compression garments;
  • for two weeks not to sit;
  • a few days are not allowed to sleep on his back;
  • to limit intensive physical activities for 8 weeks, at the end of this period any types of active training are allowed;
  • within 4 weeks do not use swimming pools, solarium, sauna.

It is worth noting

In order not to disrupt the shape of the implant, in no case should injections be made in the area of ​​the buttocks.

The estimated cost of the procedure depends on the method of implementation. So, reinforcement with maisonettes will cost an average of $ 1,000, the cost of lipofilling is about $ 1600-1700. Gluteoplasty is the most expensive procedure. The price for the installation of implants is about $ 2,000.

Gluteoplasty: reviews of specialists and patients

The result of gluteoplasty Photos on the sites of various cosmetology clinics demonstrate the result of surgical intervention.

The vast majority of patients are satisfied with the effect of the operation. Some discomfort gives the rehabilitation period, but after a maximum of six months, all the unpleasant symptoms disappear completely. Qualified surgeons pay special attention to the choice of implants and equipment for the operation.

Experts emphasize that when determining the shape and size of the endoprosthesis, it is necessary to take into account the general proportions of the body: breast size, constitutional features, full legs. As a rule, gluteoplasty, reviews of which confirm the high aesthetic result of the operation, passes without any complications.

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