Anesthesia with lip augmentation: pain relief methods
In surgery, as well as in cosmetology, local anesthesia is often used as an anesthetic. There are many cosmetic interventions that make people more beautiful. But many of them are still painful.
For example, with an increase or tattooing lips apply application anesthesia by applying special ointments, gels or aerosols. Injection anesthesia is also often used with lip augmentation, in which ultracain, ubystezin or lidocaine is used. Local anesthesia allows you to completely freeze a certain area on which it will be possible to carry out all sorts of manipulations without the patient's pain.
The doctor selects an anesthetic individually for each case. Since all procedures bring different pain intensity, moreover, each person has his own pain threshold.
However, one should not forget that any anesthesia has not only positive characteristics, but also negative ones. This should be considered when choosing a painkiller in order to get the best result.
Anesthesia of the lip region makes it possible to perform cosmetic surgery quickly and without pain. The patient does not feel discomfort and is in his right mind and memory.
With infiltration anesthesia, the injection site may hurt and edema may occur after surgery.
Lip augmentation with anesthesia: types of anesthesia
Application anesthesia is carried out with the help of ointments, gels, foams and aerosols containing high concentration anesthetics. They allow you to anesthetize the procedure of lip augmentation or tattoo.
Anesthetic is applied to the lips and the area around them, and an occlusive bandage is applied on top. The advantage of this anesthesia is that it is not necessary to make injections, so there will be no swelling after them.
However, anesthesia also lasts only half an hour, not longer. Therefore, this method of anesthesia can be used for quick cosmetic interventions.
Application anesthesia can only be given to patients who do not have allergic reactions to anesthetics. In addition, during surgery, additional application anesthesia can be done.
If, after applying the anesthetic on the lips, irritation, rash, burning and itching appears, the procedure is immediately stopped. The patient has an allergic reaction, in which any manipulation is prohibited.
With conduction anesthesia, special medications allow anesthetizing the lip area before the tattoo. An injection is made in the maxillary nerve. After such anesthesia, the patient stops feeling pain in a small area of the body, so that it is possible to perform cosmetic procedures there.
Local anesthesia blocks the pain signals that the nerves send to the brain, while the patient is conscious and understands everything that is happening.
The injection method freezes a small area for about 4 hours and lasts longer than the application. The main drawback of injections is edema and marked hyperemia.
Chiloplasty with local anesthesia: types and methods
It is possible to perform not only surgical operations on the lips, but also non-surgical cosmetic procedures that are associated with the correction of the sizes and shapes of the lips. This is done with the help of injections with special preparations.
Reconstructive cheiloplasty under local anesthesia is performed for medical reasons. Each case is considered separately and the amount of intervention and the method of cheiloplasty is determined. The presence of scars and deformities in the lips area is also taken into account.
There are three main methods of aesthetic lip surgery.
- VY plastic - held to increase the lips. This method has been used for a long time. First, with the help of VY, plastics corrected ugly lips in the shape of a whistle. The doctor makes a V-shaped incision on the red surface of the lips. This makes it possible to turn out the inner surface and fix it with sutures in the form of Y. This intervention allows you to enlarge the lips to a great extent.
- The method "Paris" - allows you to make the lips plump with clear contours in the form of a "heart" or "Cupid's bow". According to this method, the doctor makes cuts vertically and horizontally, which makes it possible to form the shape of the lips as accurately as possible. As a result, the lips are volumetric with smooth and smooth curves.
- The method "Bulhorn" - allows you to shorten the upper lip and make it more voluminous. The cut in this case is made in the form of a bull horn (from the English. Bull horn). This increase is most often done for women from 35 years old with a narrow and long upper lip. Additionally, a facelift can be performed.
Sometimes, to achieve the desired effect and to obtain a larger volume, implants are installed in the lips, for which collagen or synthetic materials are used.
Collagen resolves over time, and artificial materials are more resistant, but they can cause allergies and rejection.
In addition to lip augmentation, their reduction is also carried out - reduction cheiloplasty. Each body responds to interventions in different ways, so after the operation there can be all sorts of negative reactions. For their elimination and adjustment, reduction cheiloplasty is performed.
After all manipulations with the patient's face under local or general anesthesia, a period of rehabilitation begins. The patient is sent home, but he must visit the clinic for examination and dressings.
The stitches are removed in a week. The pain and swelling can last up to 14 days, so you need to be prepared for this.
During rehabilitation, physical activity is prohibited. The operation area may be numb for 90 days. During this time, the scars are smoothed, the lips become final form and become aesthetically beautiful.
However, after cheiloplasty, complications may also arise - suppuration of the stitches, bleeding, deformation of the lips. To correct these problems, an additional operation may be required.
Challoplasty of the lips, which is done according to all the rules of plastic surgery, allows not only to increase the volume of the lips, but also to make their shape perfect.