Lip fillers: types and principles of action of fillers
The beauty industry offers women a variety of solutions to preserve youth and attractiveness. Creams, lotions, decorative cosmetics - all in order for lovely ladies to be satisfied with their appearance. But some flaws require more radical measures. For example, age-related changes in which lips lose volume and become wrinkled cannot be hidden by makeup. One of the options that has recently been the main solution is plastic surgery with a scalpel. But it is already in the past. Today, the scalpel is successfully replaced by lip fillers.
Filler literally means filler. Researchers have noticed that if a liquid is injected into a wrinkle on the skin, it is smoothed. So the idea of creating drugs that can fill the bumps under the skin.
The main task of lip fillers is to give volume, elasticity, smooth wrinkles. Fillers help eliminate asymmetry, align the contours of the lips, make them plump, lift lowered corners. For more serious defects or abnormalities, traditional surgery is indispensable.
The basis of modern fillers are collagen, hyaluronic acid, calcium. The procedure consists in the injection of injectable drugs under the skin. In less than an hour, the lips acquire the desired shape and volume. Depending on the selected filler, the desired effect lasts from six months to 3 years.
The most important thing in lip volume correction is the choice of a reliable clinic and a professional plastic surgeon. A good specialist will immediately determine which type of filler is more appropriate in one way or another. But knowing the types of fillers, you can come to a greater understanding in an interview with a doctor.
There are the following types of fillers:
- Biodegradable . Removed from the body naturally. The disadvantage is the short term effect, dignity is the minimum of side effects.
- Non-biodegradable . Synthetic drugs that do not enter into chemical reactions with the body and are not displayed independently. The advantage is a long-lasting effect, and the disadvantage is the numerous complications.
- Autologous . Preparations made from the person's own adipose tissue. Do not have side effects. They are a temporary correction, as they dissolve naturally.
The pharmaceutical industry offers two options for fillers. The first is a gel-like material made from natural ingredients, the second is synthetic gels.
Depending on the tasks that need to be solved for lip correction, one or another filler is selected. They differ in viscosity, type, composition, purpose and duration of the effect.
- The first group of lip correction products appeared at the end of the last century. These are synthetic gels, which are called silicone. For several decades, such fillers have lost their relevance due to the many side effects and the emergence of more effective means on the market.
- Analogous synthetic gels are biosynthetic drugs. The advantage of the filler in the duration of the effect, as well as its predecessor. The difference is that the drug stimulates the production of natural collagen, which gives the desired volume of the lips. But not everyone has such an effect in full, and it is difficult to predict the result.
- Actively developing direction in the development of fillers - biological products. The disadvantage of these drugs is a short-term effect, but this can be considered an advantage, since repeated procedures allow for more accurate correction of some areas. The group of biodegradable fillers includes products based on proteins of human or animal origin, collagen, lactic acid, hyaluronic acid, polycarprolactone, calcium hydroxyapatite, and others.
Proven lip fillers are primarily based on collagen and hyaluronic acid. Annually released new drugs that have distinctive characteristics. Scientists are developing tools that are more effective and less dangerous to humans.
What important components are taken into account when creating new fillers:
- Biocompatibility . The filler survives well, does not cause allergic reactions, edema and other complications.
- No migration . Filler firmly fixed in one place. Involuntary overflow to other tissues is excluded.
- Biodegradation . The drug can be eliminated from the body under the influence of natural biological processes.
- Long lasting effect . Filler, having compatibility with the body, appears less intensively.
Collagen at the base of lip fillers
Collagen fillers have a high rate of excretion from the body. Undoubtedly, this is a lack of filler. But these drugs stimulate the production of its own collagen, which leads to a natural improvement of the skin.
Fillers are based on human or bovine collagen. The second has the disadvantage of an allergic reaction to the active ingredient. But in general, the drugs take root well and give the lips a natural volume and shape. The validity of the filler is
On the basis of bovine collagen, Artekoll, Zyderm, Ziplast, human - Cosmoplast, Cosmoderm are popular.
Hyaluronic Acid Based Fillers
It is the most popular type of fillers, as the active ingredient helps retain water, gives skin tone, and smooths wrinkles. Fillers containing hyaluronic acid are biosytic preparations and are presented on the market by a wide range of various products. They differ in the concentration of the active substance, the degree of viscosity, the amount of substances stabilizing hyaluronic acid. Validity from 6 months to 2 years.
Restylane - the most famous drug of this group of fillers. It is successfully used to correct the shape of the lips and smooth out deep wrinkles. It has a dense texture and is difficult to work, as it is not adjusted after distribution under the skin. But the efforts of the surgeon justify themselves, because Restylan has a long effect - up to two years.
Yuviderm is a more elastic preparation and lends itself well to distribution under the skin with light massage movements of a specialist. But unlike the previous filler, it retains its effect for about 1 year. Dignity - easy to achieve the desired result. Lips look natural.
Other drugs with hyaluronic acid: Teosial, Princesses, Ivor, Dermaliv.
Alternative biodegradable lip fillers
Alans . The basis of the filler is polycarprolactone. This is a biodegradable polyester, which since the last century has been used for the manufacture of absorbable sutures used in medicine for suturing. The filler is well accepted by the body and retains its effect for up to 4 years.
Sculpture The basis of the filler is poly-L-lactic acid. It is an artificial drug, but has excellent biocompatibility with the body. Stimulates the production of your own collagen.
Lip augmentation with fillers: preliminary preparation
Correction of the shape and volume of the lips is called cheiloplasty . In this section of plastic surgery, two areas of tasks are distinguished, of which the first is to improve the aesthetic appearance of the lips, the second is to eliminate congenital defects and the effects of injuries.
Among the most frequent procedures performed on the lips, the volume correction is highlighted. It is carried out by several methods:
- the introduction of fillers;
- surgery;
- implantation of threads to create a skeleton.
Lip augmentation with fillers is the easiest, most painless and safe procedure. For filiform lips, surgical intervention is required, as this problem cannot be solved only with fillers. But if you need to slightly increase the volume, make the skin more elastic and smooth out wrinkles with age-related changes, correct the shape of the red border, remove asymmetry, then the fillers are the ideal solution.
Injection lip correction is performed on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia. The duration of the procedure varies from 30 minutes to 1 hour. Despite the apparent ease, the operation requires the special skill of the surgeon or cosmetologist. No less important is the preliminary preparation for the procedure, since it has contraindications that can cause complications.
A qualified specialist will not make injections with fillers if the patient has such illnesses as:
- inflammation of the lips or around them (herpes, acne, etc.);
- fresh injuries, wounds;
- infectious diseases;
- oncology;
- mental illness;
- diabetes;
- bleeding disorders.
Lip correction is not performed in the case of a woman’s pregnancy, breastfeeding, during menstruation.
To exclude possible side effects, the patient should be examined by a general practitioner and donated blood and urine for research.
After contraindications are excluded, the doctor models a new lip shape. The selection of lip areas that are subject to correction is very important, since the final shape and volume of the lips depends on the points at which the filler is inserted.
Lip augmentation with fillers occurs in the following anatomical zones:
- red border;
- the border of the red border;
- filter;
- areas of connection of the red border and mucous membrane;
- commissioners.
Each of these zones has its own areas, and the more accurately the surgeon determines the injection sites, the more predictable the result will be. So, the introduction of fillers in one area allows you to lift the “Cupid acre”, in the other - to make a pronounced lateral projection, injections in a certain number of areas - to increase the lips evenly and so on.
To get the expected effect of the correction of the volume of the lips, do not be lazy with the choice of clinic and doctor. It is useful to read reviews on the Internet about local clinics, the professionalism of specialists, the results obtained and possible complications.
Lip contour correction with fillers: course of the procedure and recovery period
Before the procedure of increasing the volume of the lips, the doctor performs local anesthesia with a injection, sprays or ointments. Some fillers contain anesthetics that reduce pain.
- After freezing, the surgeon produces a series of injections with a thin needle or cannula into the desired areas of the skin, which are marked. Performing the procedure of flexible microcannula reduces injuries to the skin of the lips. To work with this tool requires only two punctures through which the filler is delivered to different parts. If an injection is required and the curved parts of the lip, for example, along the border of the red border, then the doctor uses a regular needle.
- When the filler is injected, the specialist with light massage movements distributes it under the skin. Thus, the tool fills all areas that require correction.
- Immediately after the procedure, the patient can go home.
Complications after contour plastic lips fillers
During the first day, such manifestations as edema, local hypothermia, hematoma are possible. Early manifestations do not require help and pass on their own, no later than a week later. If the swelling and redness do not subside, then this may be a sign of an allergic reaction. In this case, you should see a doctor.
Late complications can be manifested by the formation of seals (fibrosis), lip misalignment due to the migration of synthetic substances, the appearance of pigment spots, and infectious infections. If you find these unpleasant consequences, you should not hesitate with a visit to the doctor who performed the correction of the lips.
Rules for lip care after injections
Lip contouring with fillers does not require special care, as it is a minimally invasive procedure. But in order to eliminate complications, it is better to follow all the recommendations of the doctor:
- avoid lip injury;
- abandon the procedure of coarse face cleansing with scrubs for at least two weeks;
- You can not go to the bath or sauna for a month;
- refuse too hot food or drinks;
- limit salty, spicy foods and those that need to be chewed;
- stop smoking for a few weeks.
The cost of lip contouring in Moscow by fillers ranges from 15,000 to 20,000 rubles. The price of the procedure may vary depending on the cost of the filler, professional services, the complexity of the procedure and a number of other factors.