Lip augmentation surgery: types of correction
The concept of ideal female beauty is very vague and depends on many factors. Depending on the epoch, traditions, race, individual preferences, this or that feature characterizes the beauty of the female body. But plump, bright lips at all times and among all nations are considered more attractive. They are called sensual, appetizing, sexy. That is, those that characterize youth and health.
Thin and pale lips are associated with old age, when the skin loses its elasticity, and pigmentation becomes less pronounced. Therefore, women are trying with all their efforts to maintain the beauty of their lips with the help of decorative cosmetics. But the temporary aesthetic effect does not always fully satisfy the desire to look beautiful. Lip augmentation surgery helps to solve this problem more radically.
The section of plastic surgery to change the volume and shape of the lips is called cheiloplasty.
According to the methods of lip correction, it is divided into two types:
- Lip contouring is the introduction of fillers (special substances) under the skin of the lips in order to increase the volume and shape correction.
- Reconstructive aimed at eliminating defects, as well as increasing the size and improving the shape of the red border of the lips.
Contour correction is the most popular type of correction, since it does not imply full surgical intervention. It is carried out on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia and has a small number of contraindications.
Of course, this is not a home procedure. Visit a good clinic or beauty center, in St. Petersburg it will be a network of Ola centers, in other major cities there will probably also be suitable centers. Do not save on plastic, choose the best specialists. It turns out neat contour plastic without visible traces of the intervention of a beautician.
Various substances are used as injections under the skin of the lips:
- synthetic preparations in the form of gels (silicone);
- adipose tissue of the patient, taken from the abdomen, buttocks, thighs;
- animal or own collagen;
- hyaluronic acid .
With the help of fillers, you can successfully eliminate such defects as:
- asymmetrical lips;
- uneven lip contours;
- insufficient lip volume;
- wrinkles, skin laxity due to age-related changes;
- lowered corners of the lips.
Contraindications to injections with fillers are allergic reactions to drugs.
Reconstructive plastics is a surgical intervention that changes the shape of the lips, removes various structures, eliminates the results of injuries and congenital anomalies. Lip augmentation surgery is the only way to significantly increase too thin, threadlike lips.
Surgery corrects the following defects:
- cleft lip;
- filiform lips;
- papillomas, fibromas;
- scars, scars;
- excessive gum exposure.
The operation is not carried out if there are such diseases as:
- herpes;
- diabetes;
- bleeding disorders;
- propensity to form keloids;
- open wounds on the lips;
- infectious diseases;
- chronic diseases in the acute stage;
- oncology;
- HIV infection.
Plastic lips do not do during pregnancy, lactation, as well as during menstruation.
Cheiloplasty: VY plastic, lipolifting and other methods
Lip surgery is performed by several methods, each of which has its own purpose.
The following correction techniques are distinguished:
- VY plastic . It is performed to increase the lip by cuts, in the shape of the letter V, and is sutured in the shape of the letter Y. Cuts are made on the inside of the lips. Due to the unusual stitching, the lower part of the lip is turned outward, and the red border is increased.
- Bulhorn method . Visually enlarges lips by cuts in the nasolabial fold and skin tightening. At the same time the red border increases due to the fact that the inside of the lip turns inside out.
- Lip implants . An increase in the volume of the lips is due to the silicone or the patient’s own tissue. The surgeon forms tunnels in the lips and inserts this or that material into them. Silicone does not always look good on the upper lip, as it has a dense texture. But its advantage is that this material can be easily removed. Own implant does not cause rejection and allergic reaction, but after a while it is absorbed naturally.
Surgical cheiloplasty techniques VY, bulhoron are similar in that the result remains for many years (until age changes of the skin), while the use of implants has a time limit.
Contour plastics also have a temporary effect, since the fillers are biocompatible drugs and are removed after
Lipolifting Expensive, long, but the safest procedure. Own fat cells do not cause allergic reactions. Lips look natural, missing duck effect. Implantable material is taken from the groin or gluteal region, abdomen. Adipose tissue is cleaned and thinned. Due to the fact that it is impossible to predict how much tissue will take root, implantation procedures can last for months.
Hyaluronic acid . It has a short-lived effect, but is well accepted by the body, without causing rejection or allergic reactions. Pharmaceutical companies focus on this type of fillers, improving them. New drugs have a longer lasting effect. Among the famous today can be distinguished Yuviderm, Perlan, Kaptik, Restylane.
Biopolymer gels . They have a long-term effect, but at the same time they have a lot of side effects. They can be rejected by the body and migrate to other areas in tissues, causing lip distortions. When removing the material, there may be injuries that later form scars and scars.
Lip augmentation with biodegradable filaments is a recent development that is already recognized in many countries around the world. Plastic surgery on the lips with the help of threads keeps the effect for
How to choose a cheiloplasty method: VY plastic, lip implants, lipolifting or biodegradable threads are best suggested by a plastic surgeon. It is useful to read reviews on the Internet about different methods of lip augmentation. The choice of the clinic is the second important point. This or that technique is not found in all clinics. A variety of lip augmentation techniques are used in large plastic surgery centers located in cities such as Moscow, Stavropol, St. Petersburg, Samara and a number of others.
Surgical lip augmentation: WY and VY plastic
In order for the effect of lip augmentation to be permanent, a lip
By making one or more incisions, the lips can be enlarged in different ways. The number and depth of the cuts is crucial for creating the final shape. Surgical lip augmentation can be done for the central part, along the entire length or only for the external parts.
VY plastic lips, like any surgery has its own contraindications. The patient is obliged to undergo the necessary medical examination and donate blood and urine for research.
Actions of the surgeon before the operation:
- Excludes contraindications on the basis of certificates provided by the patient.
- Models the future shape of the lip, upper or lower, and determines the number and depth of incisions.
- Advises the patient on the course of the operation and the rules of lip care during the recovery period.
The progress of the operation VY or YW plastic lips
Lip surgery involves general anesthesia . In this case, the human mind is turned off and he can not observe the procedure. After anesthesia, the surgeon performs the planned
Usually they make several, up to 8 cuts on one lip. Depending on the desired shape, the size of the detached mucous tissue is determined along the entire length.
For the upper lip, cuts in the shape of the letter W are more often used, so that its shape can be more clearly modeled. If it is necessary to raise the central part, then in this place the clove becomes deeper, and their total number decreases.
For a uniform change of the red border, more small teeth are made. Cuts in the shape of the letter Y are sutured. The seams are overlaid with self-absorbing threads. After all the manipulations, the patient is removed from anesthesia.
Bridle correction
Rehabilitation period
Surgical lip augmentation has a longer recovery period than other methods. The most difficult period is observed in the first week after surgery. At this time, the patient experiences pain and a feeling of tightness in the lips. Analgesics are recommended for pain relief.
Lip care in the first week after surgery:
- limit physical activity;
- exclude hot foods and drinks;
- limit solid foods;
- exclude food that needs to be chewed for a long time;
- from smoking for at least 1 month;
- rinse your mouth with antiseptics after meals.
The external effects of VY plastic lips are insignificant and are expressed in a small swelling of tissues, which passes in
The price of WY and VY plastic is in the range of
Anna 24.06.2017 19:11:10
Great article!
It will be very useful for those who want to carry out this procedure))