Operation Bulhorn: Pros and Cons

Operation bulhorn

The development of medicine and cosmetology in particular makes it possible to take care of your health and appearance to new heights.

Many girls today have the opportunity to emphasize the beauty of their faces using the latest achievements of cosmetology and plastic surgery.

One of the most popular destinations is the operation Bulhorn.

What it is

Bulhorn is one of the types of cheiloplasty , which in turn is designed to carry out the correction of the shape of the face, including the lips. There are injected cheiloplasty and surgical. The main goal of all these activities is to restore the aesthetic appearance of the face. Indications are congenital diseases, the consequences of injuries, and surgical interventions on the face as a whole.

Bulhorn - a surgical method for the correction of the upper lip using plastic surgery. During the operation, a strip of skin under the nose is excised. The name of the technique is due to its wavy lines, which are narrowed at the sides and form the so-called “bull horns”. The lip is lifted by stitching the edges of the skin with sutures. Thus, the length is reduced from the base of the nose to the red border.

To avoid the presence of a postoperative scar, the bulhorn is hidden. With this option, a similar section of the mucous membrane is additionally excised in the projection of the base of the nose.

The advantages include:

  • Anesthesia for the patient's choice (local, combined, general).
  • Selection of techniques for the operation.
  • Long lasting effect unlike other methods.
  • No need for repeated operations and procedures.
  • Instant effect.
  • Preservation of the natural beauty of the lips, increasing the attractiveness of the lips.
  • The possibility of complete correction of age-related changes of the upper lip (for example, overhang).
  • Rapid tissue regeneration due to active blood circulation in the area of ​​operation.
  • The outpatient nature of the operation and the absence of scars.

The disadvantages include perhaps such standard phenomena for all surgical interventions as:

  • Infection through the use of non-sterile equipment, which may be the reason for the low qualification of the clinic’s medical staff.
  • Common postoperative complications: edema and hematomas. However, they disappear completely within a few days due to the massive blood circulation in the area of ​​surgery.

The indications include:

  1. Injuries to the lips and, as a result, lack of natural beauty.
  2. Strong asymmetry of the lips as a congenital phenomenon.
  3. Age-related changes in the form of thinning or sagging of the upper lip above the lower lip.

Contraindications include:

  1. Herpes.
  2. History of kelloid scars.
  3. Severe systemic diseases.
  4. Oncology.
  5. Diseases of the blood coagulation system.

It is necessary to pay great attention to the choice of the clinic and the surgeon, since the results of the operation and their duration will depend on his professionalism. In modern clinics computerized face modeling is practiced, which will allow you to simulate your face on the computer screen after an operation together with an operating surgeon. This will provide an opportunity to assess the need for the operation, its possible effect.

Although it should be borne in mind that the images on the computer screen may differ from reality, both for the better and for the worse. It is also necessary to bear in mind this possible error.

Preparation for surgery

Preparation for surgery Bulhorn is no different from preparation for any surgical intervention using general anesthesia.

It is necessary to pass standard tests and pass instrumental methods of research:

  • General blood analysis.
  • General urine analysis.
  • Fluorography.
  • ECG.

It is necessary to exclude smoking and alcohol consumption during the week prior to the operation, since nicotine adversely affects the blood coagulation properties, and alcohol reduces the effect of anesthetics. Also, you can not do in the same period any manipulation of the mouth (for example, peeling).


Lips before surgery bulhorn

There are three main methods of operation: outdoor, Italian and domestic .

The external operation of Bulhorn implies a cut below the base of the nose, the tissues are removed, the upper lip is tightened upwards. The advantage is that postoperative sutures are almost invisible. The postoperative scar heals within two months, can be easily closed with cosmetics.

Italian bulhorn implies two cuts on both sides of the columella. This type of surgery is used with a small required volume of lip tightening. The main advantage is that postoperative sutures are located in the nostrils and are completely invisible. The downside is that the method is suitable with a slight pull-up.

In the inner bulhorn, incisions are made from the side of the mouth. The advantage of this method is the complete absence of scarring, and the disadvantage is the predominant use of general anesthesia during the operation to completely eliminate discomfort for the patient. Although it is possible surgery with the use of local anesthesia.

All possible complications can be caused by individual intolerance to materials and medicines (which should be excluded at the stage of preparation for surgery) and low qualifications of the surgeon and the entire medical staff of the clinic. When using a sterile instrument and consistent implementation of the norms of asepsis and antisepsis in the clinic, complications in the form of infection are completely excluded.


If the Bulhorn operation is performed on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia, the patient is allowed to go home. During the postoperative period, it is very important to treat the surgical zone sparingly.

It is necessary to completely exclude:

  • Injuries in the area of ​​operation.
  • Burns
  • Animal bites.

Lips after surgery Bulhorn

Pain in the postoperative period is absent, for some time immediately after the operation a slight burning sensation may be felt, this is permissible. The stitches after surgery are removed in a week.

The entire rehabilitation period lasts no more than two weeks, after which the consequences of the operation are no longer visible. Until this date, it is quite possible to make all the manifestations of the operation performed invisible with the help of standard cosmetics.

After two weeks, you can give a first assessment of positive changes in the aesthetics of the face, and the full effect of the treatment can be assessed after six months.


The result of the operation is a more pronounced aesthetic effect of a smile, it becomes more attractive, exposing about a third of the incisors. The contour of the lips becomes more distinct, fine wrinkles in the upper lip area are smoothed.

Lips begin to look bigger and much more attractive.

If previously there was the "effect of the duck beak", then after the operation and recovery during the rehabilitation period, it completely disappears. The Cupid arc becomes more pronounced.

Anti-aging effect will be a nice addition to all the benefits of this approach.

How long does the effect last

The resulting effect is manifested and fixed within six months. In the future, the results of plastic surgery will be noticeable for at least 5 years, and in most cases - much longer. The resulting lip shape can remain so for 7 and 10 years.

Operation Bulhorn is a widely available method of correcting the upper lip and, as a result, the entire oval face. With a minimum or practical absence of complications and contraindications, it is available to a wide range of women, everyone who wants to stay in the trend, to be as attractive as possible, regardless of life circumstances.

The main effect of the operation are:

  • Rejuvenated face.
  • Alluring smile.
  • Plumper and volumetric upper lip.

Also, it is necessary to understand that plastic surgery cannot completely exclude further age-related changes in the body. No plastic surgery will guarantee eternal youth. However, the advantage of the operation is a long-lasting effect that others will enjoy for a sufficiently long period. To consolidate the results of the Bulhorn operation and maximize the prolongation of the visible results, special skin care is needed at the surgical site.

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