Lower lip bridging: descriptions, readings, prices

Diastema - indications for plastic lower lip bridles Bridles of the lips are elastic folds that are located in the mouth, and are used to connect the lips and gums, as well as to maintain the lips in the desired physiological position.

Normally, the frenulum of the lower lip is located in the center of the gums of the lower incisors and is rather thin. If the lower lip frenulum is shorter, thicker and located in the interdental space, or too wide, with insufficient elasticity, as well as if there are several of them, this is an indication for surgery.

For many years, the plastic of the lower lip's frenulum was performed on children at the age of 7, at the time of the formation of permanent incisors, but thanks to modern technologies, doctors recommend performing this operation much earlier, before the above problems arise.

The main reason for this surgical intervention is the prevention of a number of dental diseases.

  • If the bridle is shortened, then in the process of movement it stretches the gum, which threatens to expose the roots of the teeth and leads to inflammation of the unprotected roots.
  • Severe oral diseases such as periodontitis, gingivitis, pericoronitis, which result in the loss of teeth in the lower row, can occur.
  • Also, excessive tension causes the development of an abnormal bite.

The optimal age recommended by doctors for plastics of the lower lip frenulum is from 2.5 to 6 months, as this largely solves the problems of feeding the child. The operation is absolutely safe for babies, thanks to modern methods of conducting.

It is interesting

Plastic surgery of the lower lip frenulum is prescribed according to the indications of the orthodontist, speech therapist or periodontologist and is carried out in a clinical setting.

At the moment there are two techniques for performing the operation: surgical and laser.

In general, plastic bridles of the lower lip is a non-painful procedure and does not require special training.

Contraindications are available in cases where the patient currently has the following diseases:

  • blood clotting problems;
  • acute period of infectious diseases;
  • oncological diseases;
  • chronic pathological processes;
  • acute period of the disease of the oral mucosa;

The quality of the operation largely depends on the qualification of the specialist. It should “pay tribute” attention to the cost of this procedure. The average price of lower lip lip plastic in famous clinics varies from 1 to 6 thousand rubles, which depends on the method of work, as well as the level of the institution.

It is important to consider

If the price list of the clinic “beckons” with a super-profitable price, there is a high probability that the plastic of the bridle will be performed poorly or by an inexperienced doctor, this savings often leads to the fact that later it is necessary to eliminate defects after such plastic surgery.

Average price of lower lip lip plastics in Russian cities:

  • Moscow - 3869 rubles
  • St. Petersburg —4400 rubles
  • Yaroslavl - 1169 rubles
  • Kirov - 1000 rubles
  • Saratov - 619 rubles
  • Nizhny Novgorod - 1527 rubles

Pain after the plastic of the lower lip frenulum as the main component of the recovery period

The recovery period, as a rule, goes well, and no complications are observed. A slight pain after the plastic bridle of the lower lip can be only after the anesthesia has ended.

The rehabilitation period after plastic bridles is quite short: from 2 to 7 days, depending on the method of the operation. Soreness, as a rule, is not observed, but if they are, then you should consult a doctor for advice.


If the operation is done to the baby, then after it is performed, the mother should be prepared for the fact that the child will adapt to the new conditions for several days, so the appetite may deteriorate slightly. In a few days everything will come back to normal.

Multiple Bridles The main recommendation for more “older” patients is thorough oral hygiene. Also, in the first couple of days it is advisable to give up hot and hard foods, talk less, it is recommended to do a special gymnastics for the face and a light massage.

To correct diction, it is important to attend classes with a speech therapist. The next day after surgery, it is recommended that the surgeon see himself in order to conduct a check-up and prevent complications. With the implementation of all recommendations, in the postoperative period there are no complications.

Excision of the frenulum of the lower lip, plastic frenulum of the lower lip in adults.

Plastic surgery of the frenulum of the lower lip is a bit painful in adults in the traditional surgical way and involves the imposition of stitches, as well as a longer recovery period. However, in some complex cases, preference is given to this method.

The procedure performed by traditional surgical method includes the following points:

  • Frenotomy - dissection of the bridle of the lips.
  • Phrenectomy - excision of the frenulum of the lower lip (also the upper lip).
  • Frenuloplasty - moving its attachment point.

The operation in the traditional way requires no more than half an hour, after which self-absorbable sutures are applied to the dissected place.

When using the laser technique of plastic surgery of the lower lip of the lower lip in adults, local anesthesia is preliminarily carried out with a gel, then a laser beam is aimed at the bridle, under the action of which the bridle dissolves. The laser does not require suturing, as it seals and sterilizes wounds in the process.

The advantages of this procedure:

  • lack of blood;
  • lack of sound;
  • no risk of infection from surgical instruments;
  • no pain;
  • takes a few minutes.

Sometimes it happens that the anomaly of the lower lip bridle is also found in adults. This is the result of inattention in childhood adults and dentists. But do not worry about it. Adults, as well as children, also have a plastic lower lip bridle. This operation is appointed by a specialist in determining the need for surgical intervention.


Irina 05/30/2017 5:34:23

An excision of the frenulum was done seven days ago, the swelling of the right lower part of the face is preserved and the pain is normal? I do everything that the doctor recommended, I have already drunk a pack of Ketans. To the doctor to remove the stitches only after 3 days, I live?

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