Plastic bridle of the upper lip in children: types of operations and the reasons for their implementation

Plastic bridle of the upper lip in children Bridle surgery is a surgical operation during which the bridle is trimmed. Plastic bridle of the upper lip in children is carried out according to the purpose of the orthodontist or speech therapist who identified the indications for this operation.

Bridle lip - a fold of the oral mucosa, which is responsible for attaching the upper and lower lips to the jaw.

A bridle is considered normal, which is woven into the gum by 0.5-1 cm from the base of the front incisors. Its lower position leads to the fact that the bridle can go behind the front incisors, and the place of its attachment with the gum is not visible at all. That is, the bridle begins in the middle of the upper lip and is attached about 0.4-0.6 cm above the gum, settling in the gap between the front incisors.

A short bridle is very easy to see when visually inspected. To do this, the upper or lower lip is taken aside and examined. With a normal arrangement, it does not affect the bite and does not interfere with talking. Its low location can lead to multiple violations of not only speech, but also face aesthetics. In order to prevent defects in the lips and speech of the child, an operation is performed on the plastic of the bridle.

Many parents do not know what functions the upper lip bridle performs, so they often do not pay any attention to its defect, which in its time leads to speech disorders. However, this is a health problem that also needs to be addressed on time.

The bridle allows you to pronounce the words correctly, move your lips beautifully, open and close your mouth. When it is improperly fastened, a person's lip mobility deteriorates and aesthetic defects develop.

A short bridle can cause the following effects:

  • Newborns have poorly developed sucking function. Since in babies, the upper lip and tongue are actively involved in sucking the nipples and pacifiers, it is simply impossible to breastfeed in violation of its mobility.
  • Incorrect speech and pronunciation of sounds and words. When a child has a shortened bridle, it is difficult to pronounce lip sounds and vowels. It should be noted that after the plastic, this defect is corrected automatically.
  • In adolescents, bite and chewing functions may be impaired, which in turn leads to digestive problems.
  • The gum can become strangled, which will cause the development of the gum pocket, the appearance of tartar and the development of inflammation in the gums.
  • Weak and improper attachment of teeth and their sensitivity due to the exposure of the root system.
  • The accumulation of food pieces and the formation of plaque.

Short bridle in a child The operation for the correction of the upper lip frenulum should be carried out with its wrong location. This in turn will allow to avoid problems with the development of speech and the proper development of molar teeth.

If you do not make the plastic lips in a timely manner, then the problem bridle will not allow the teeth to form properly, resulting in a large gap between the front incisors. The baby will not be able to breastfeed, because due to the undeveloped function of sucking, the breast will slip out of the mouth. Also, this fold will interfere with the normal chewing of solid food. The baby will simply swallow large chunks of food, which will adversely affect the digestive system.

If the plastic is not made during the formation of milk teeth, then the child will have the wrong bite, the front incisors will stretch forward. To correct this defect will require a long and expensive treatment.

Strong lip tension always leads to speech defects. The child will not be able to pronounce some sounds correctly and will simply distort them in his own way. Retraining later will be almost impossible. Anomaly of the frenulum leads to inflammatory processes in the oral cavity. All diseases of the teeth and mouth will be constant companions of the child.

  • Young children are advised to perform the operation between the ages of 2 and 6 months, so that breastfeeding can continue.
  • Previously, at this age, the babies did not make a correction of the bridle, however, modern medical equipment and new methods of surgical intervention now allow you to do it at such a small age safely and effectively.
  • Such an operation is carried out exclusively by specialists in pediatric dentistry.
  • Many dental surgeons believe that there is no point in holding plastic in infancy, since the risk of surgery is always present.

Short frenulum - the cause of speech disorders Also a favorable age is considered 6–9 years old, when 4 front cutters are at the top and bottom. At this time, the child forms a bite, as the molars replace the milk teeth. It is best to choose the time for the operation, when the central incisors have already been cut, but there are no lateral ones.

When the lateral incisors appear, they push the central ones closer to each other and the gaps between them disappear. At this time it is very important that the bridle is already in good condition.

The operation for the correction of the frenulum cannot be performed in the following diseases:

  • Problems with the mucous membrane of the mouth.
  • Osteomyelitis, caries and radiation of the head.
  • Cerebral diseases and dysmorphophobia.
  • Mental problems.
  • Diseases of the blood and all sorts of infections.
  • Chronic and oncological diseases.

Plasticity of the upper lip in children: types of operations and their essence

Plasticity of the upper lip in children does not require special training. Before the operation, the oral cavity is reorganized in order to remove all possible sources of infection. Sometimes they pass general tests and do x-rays.

However, you can do without it, since the plastic of the bridle is considered to be a low-impact surgical procedure. If the operation is done to the baby, then he needs to be fed, as he will be very naughty hungry.

One of the main conditions for a quick and efficient operation is the quiet position of the child in the chair for a quarter of an hour. There are several types of plastic surgery. It all depends on the features of the structure and attachment of the upper lip bridle.

  • Frenotomy - cutting the frenulum. This operation is done with a narrow bridle film type. The dissection is done transversely and stitched into the incision.
  • Phrenectomy - removal of the bridle. Carry out to remove a massive bridle. An incision is made throughout the bridle, and excess tissue is removed.
  • Frenuloplasty - operation to move the attachment of the upper lip frenulum. Infiltration anesthesia is done, a vertical incision is made in the middle of the frenulum. On both sides of it, two more oblique cuts are made. These tissues are mobilized and fixed in such a way that the main incision is located in a horizontal position. The main thing with this operation is to prepare a bed. It is impossible to simply sew fabrics together with one another within the mucous membrane, since this will simply make the tension looser, but the problem cannot be completely solved. For the receiving bed, submucous tissues exfoliate from the periosteum and impose interrupted sutures on the incision.

All operations should be carried out exclusively in an outpatient clinic under local anesthesia.

Surgery on the plastic of the upper lip in children For suturing using absorbable thread, which is not necessary then to listen. The procedure lasts about a quarter of an hour and does not cause pain and discomfort.

Recently, doctors began to practice laser plastic surgery of the upper lip frenulum, which lasts only a few minutes. For this procedure, the child is given local anesthesia using a special gel.

When the anesthesia works, a laser light guide is directed at the bridle, directing the light beam to a specific place. This beam removes the bridle while simultaneously sterilizing and sealing the edges of the wounds.

This method has many advantages:

  • The device works silently and silently, thanks to what the child feels calm.
  • The laser does not cause blood flow.
  • Do not sew up the wound.
  • It is impossible to infect the infection, since surgical instruments are not used, and the laser immediately seals the suture.
  • The operation lasts a few minutes.
  • Does not cause pain and does not form scars.
  • Fast recovery.

Most often, the restoration after plastic bridle passes quickly and without complications. Of course, a little pain can be felt after the anesthesia stops. But these pains pass quickly.

Condition of the bridle after surgery In order for the recovery to be as good as possible, you need:

  • Every day, monitor oral hygiene.
  • A couple of days do not eat solid and hot food.
  • After a couple of days, see a doctor.
  • Adults of the patient are advised to do myogymnastics.

At first, it will be a bit unusual on how your lips and tongue move freely. Over time, this feeling will pass. Immediately after the correction, the sound response changes. But the gap between teeth already formed will not be removed immediately, this takes time.

Rehabilitation lasts approximately 4-5 days. During this time, the child is fully restored and gets used to the new location of the bridle in the mouth.

Plastic bridle of the lower lip in children: features and indications

The main problem of the wrong arrangement of the bridle is inflammation. Strong gingival tension down the gum, causing the roots of the teeth in the lower jaw to become open and accessible to many bacteria. An infection that can lead to their loss instantly gets on the open roots. In addition, due to constant tension, an ugly bite develops, and the lower jaw sticks out strongly. To avoid these problems, a plastic bridle of the lower lip in children is performed.


The need for an operation should be determined by a speech therapist or orthodontist. You should not listen to the neighbors and parents, who think that the child has health problems. Only an experienced doctor will be able to make a correct diagnosis and determine whether surgery is necessary or not.

Medical indications for the correction of the lower lip frenulum are very similar to the above indications. However, the main reason for this intervention is getting rid of gum disease and teeth. Short frenulum of the lower lip leads to retraction and can cause gingivitis, periodontitis and pericoronitis. In addition, there is a risk that the child does lose all his teeth.

The bridle of the upper and lower lips should be normal, like all other human organs. If an abnormal position or condition is detected, an operation must be performed. And it is better to do this in childhood, while the child has not formed a bite. Remember that timely treatment will avoid many problems with time.

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