3D mesothreads: what it is and the advantages of threadlifting

3D mesothreads for body correction Every woman dreams that after 35 years, the skin remains elastic, taut, healthy. Unfortunately, female beauty fades with age, first of all it concerns the skin. Currently, everyone can resort to using cosmetology to solve problems with faded skin. Procedures that are carried out by a cosmetologist are sparing or radical. Today, cosmetology medicine has made great strides forward, which means it can offer every woman a method of rejuvenation that will last for many years without harming her health.

What is 3D mesothreads and how they work

The threads with which the threadlift procedure is done are called 3D mesothreads. This unusual name thread received because of the special quality of the needle needed for injection. It is a good needle that helps to model the fabric in absolutely any direction, even deep under the skin. This method of restoring damaged skin should be carried out only by an experienced cosmetologist.

Many women wonder why the threads are called mesothreads. The fact is that the threads themselves are made of a special material called polydioxanone, often used for medical purposes by surgeons. Threads are impregnated with a natural acid contained in almost all fruits.

This acid is considered to be fruity, has the most valuable properties that are beneficial to the skin. 3D mesothreads are valued and loved by all cosmetologists who work with them day after day.

Mesothreads affect the face in a reinforced manner, thereby making the skin better. The material has a complex effect on the skin due to a flexible needle, which allows to model tissues in bulk.

So how does the smoothing of the skin?

The special effect is obtained due to the mazonites. As soon as the filaments fall deep under the skin, the tissues are tightened, resulting in an even 3D effect. The threads are made so that they are introduced to any subcutaneous depth. After the procedure, in minutes, the skin becomes smooth, tightened those areas of the skin that have sagged, become dry. After the procedure with mesothreads, the skin relief improves, if they are inserted along the contour of the face, the boundaries become clear.

The threads are made so that they act like a spring, adjusting to the movements of the body and completely repeat the behavior of the skin. If the threads are introduced into the skin at the same time in the same direction, this in turn prolongs their action and strengthens the effect more. High-strength mesothreads, after 90 days from the moment they are inserted under the skin, the action is maintained. In addition, after mesolifting, faded skin is filled with moisture, old tissues are replaced by new ones, thereby the process of skin rejuvenation begins.

It turns out a kind of frame, consisting of collagen and elastane fibers, which penetrate into the fabric, providing it with good plasticity, while the person does not feel discomfort, heaviness in this area. In a short period of time, the deformation of the skin go. The mesothreads do not condense the skin tissue, it completely breathes, the blood in a normal rhythm passes through all the capillaries. After the thread is absorbed in the tissues, only a small seal can be seen in its place. It is a connective tissue that is soon covered with collagen.

Mesothreads have become so popular for their property to dissolve in tissues, without causing them any harm. The material is decomposed into water, carbon dioxide. The term for their complete resorption does not exceed 8 months, after which the effect only gets better.

Types of 3D-mesons

3D mesothreads are divided into three groups:

  • Needle threads.
  • Linear threads.
  • Spiral yarn.

3D mesothreads for face correction Each type of thread has its dignity and is used in different ways.

Spiral threads are designed to correct the skin, remove the fabric that has sagged and become flabby, make the face symmetrical, correct or even out the facial contour, remove unwanted folds, give the face volume.

Such a thread is not more than 55 mm long, experts recommend this type of material to be introduced to women only after 45 years.

If it is necessary to inject linear threads into the skin, in this case the specialist should warn the client that the threads will only get rid of small wrinkles, slightly pull the contours of the face, make the skin younger. This material is quite thin, you need to work with him carefully. It is used only for prevention purposes.

Filaments implanted into the skin will not immediately effect, they are able to act for promising purposes, so that in the future no unwanted wrinkles will form in a person. The procedure with this type of thread does not hurt at all, each thread is no more than 50 mm long, recommended for implantation after 30 years.

Needle-shaped 3D mesothreads create a sturdy frame that can maintain sharp facial contours for a long period of time, at least three years. In this case, the material must be injected under the skin in a special way by following the notches on the tissues. The procedure with such material is considered the most effective.

Advantages of 3D Meson Threading:

  • After the procedure does not require additional time to recover.
  • Needles do not leave scars, skin is not dissected.
  • The threads are transparent, even in a person with the thinnest skin they will not be visible at all.
  • Get rid of the early aging of the skin.
  • The procedure is not dangerous, quick, painless.

Indications and Contraindications

To conduct the procedure of trendlifting can people at any age. However, experts believe that before 30 years this should not be done. It must be remembered that this method is shown only to people who have too thin, sensitive, fading skin.

Tredlifting is indicated for people who suffer from premature aging of the skin. Signs of aging can be seen visually. Wrinkles appear under the eyes, eyelids hang, coarse folds form around the lips.

Effectively helps tredlifting people with deformation, asymmetry of the facial contours.

Despite this, the procedure has its own contraindications. Mesothreads are not injected under the skin for colds, infections, purulent acne, oncology, diabetes, and if a person has poor blood clotting.

3D mesothreads: reviews about the procedure of trending, cost and possible complications

Tredlifting Tredlifting should be performed by a physician who has the appropriate qualifications. The specialist gently introduces 3D mesothreads under slow movements.

Patient reviews indicate that the procedure is painless. The process is performed with the thinnest needle, as a rule, without anesthesia.

The needle along its length can be from 24 mm to 115 mm, at the end of the needle there is a small ball made of foam rubber, acting as a retainer.

Threading needles are made of thin steel, they are easily bent from side to side to ensure the introduction of the material under the skin in different directions. After insertion, the needle is gently removed from under the skin.

Possible complications

It is known that, making some manipulations with skin tissues, there is a risk to receive a negative reaction of an organism to any irritant. Tredlifting is one of the procedures after which swelling, bruising, and small hematomas can appear on the skin where the needle has penetrated.

After the procedure of introducing the mesoniths has been completed, the patient may feel slight tingling, skin areas may become numb or be slightly sore. Such symptoms disappear after a few days, so special assistance is not required. Most often, the tredlifting method is not dangerous, since mesothreads fit well into the skin, they are absolutely biocompatible. If a patient has adverse reactions, most likely the procedure was performed poorly.

Complications can be of several types:

  • Threads inserted under the skin may appear on the skin.
  • Subcutaneous nodules, dimples in the places of needle passage can be formed.
  • The symmetry of the face may be broken.

Such complications must be eliminated with the help of a specialist; scars are unlikely to go away on their own. Most often, after removing the threads themselves, the skin becomes the same, the disturbing symptoms go away.

What cosmetic procedures can be used for treading with 3D mesicity

After the client has undergone a trending procedure, he should not do any hardware cosmetic procedures. However, a positive result will be obtained if the trending procedure is done simultaneously with the fillers.


The effect of the use of mesothreads In order to form a strong, protective framework of collagen under the skin, it takes about two months. After the specified period, the tissues become taut. Tightened skin is maintained for two years, after which everything is repeated anew in the office of a beautician.

Cost of

The procedure of tradlifting in different clinics is different. The cost directly depends on which threads the specialist used.

About the material from which the 3D mesothreads are made, the feedback is often positive, which indicates their quality.

One needle thread costs about 800 rubles. The spiral thread costs about 1000 rubles.

Linear thread is not considered the most expensive, as it costs no more than 600 rubles.

Every woman should take care of her skin, especially if such care is necessary to maintain healthy skin. Despite the environmentally friendly material mesothreads, only a specialist should make recommendations for their introduction under the skin.

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