Non-surgical facelift: methods and their features, advantages, contraindications
Today, hardware cosmetology and modern skin care products offer many ways to rejuvenate, smooth the facial contours, correct facial and wrinkles, without resorting to surgery.
Non-surgical facelift is a safe technique, different from the invasive effect on the skin by the absence of a rehabilitation period and complications. The simplest and relatively cheap ways of non-invasive struggle with the signs of aging is a facial massage, which can be performed independently using rollers or with the help of a professional cosmetologist, a variety of masks, serums. Also very effective exercises, consisting of a set of exercises.
It ensures the active work of the muscles, stimulates peripheral blood flow and perfectly tones the skin. However, this non-surgical facelift is more suitable for young women in the event of the first signs of skin aging.
The remaining techniques can be divided into several types:
- Mesotherapy. The essence of this method of rejuvenation lies in the subcutaneous injection of drugs based on hyaluronic acid, vitamin cocktails that improve the condition of the skin, leveling the epidermal cover, stimulating collagen synthesis.
- Reinforcement with mesothreads. This is a modern circular lifting technique that provides a quick and long lasting effect. This procedure has practically no contraindications and is a safe alternative to plastic surgery. As a rule, absorbable sutures of APTOS (APTOS) are usually used for manipulation.
- The use of chemical peels. For the procedure, a potent aggressive solution is applied to the skin, which affects the upper layers of the epidermal cover and stimulates a number of biochemical reactions at the cellular level.
- Mechanical (abrasive) non-surgical facelift. This method is reminiscent of cleansing the skin with a scrub.
- Treatment is by radio waves, microcurrent, laser, etc. Ultrasound SMAS (SMAS) lifting performed on the Altera System apparatus, which allows you to adjust the depth of penetration of waves, force, frequency, and other parameters, has gained wide popularity. According to reviews, such procedures are versatile, allow you to affect all problem areas (including the neck, decollete, eyelid, nasolabial triangle) and almost never cause complications.
Each technique, with the help of which a non-surgical facelift is carried out, has certain contraindications.
However, the general limitations to the use of such facial treatments are:
- rashes, dermatosis, regardless of etiology, acne;
- open skin wounds in the area of impact;
- malignant and benign neoplasms;
- cancer of the skin;
- allergic to drugs used during the session, although such a condition is a relative contraindication, usually in the clinic doctors offer an adequate safe replacement;
- period of childbearing and breastfeeding.
Non-surgical facelift has several advantages compared with invasive skin rejuvenation techniques:
- no need to use drugs for general anesthesia, which significantly reduces the list of contraindications and possible complications;
- maintaining the integrity of the epidermal cover, high-temperature hardware effects, which eliminates the risk of developing a secondary bacterial infection;
- no visible traces of the procedure and scars;
- fast recovery that does not require long-term adherence to bed rest and restrictions on motor activity;
- no age restrictions, plastic surgery (if it is not indicated for the correction of pronounced defects of the appearance) is not intended for young women;
- pricing policy, non-surgical facelift includes many techniques, so each woman can choose the most suitable procedure for rejuvenation.
Reviews confirm the widespread non-invasive methods of correction of age-related changes in the skin. Non-surgical facelift not only eliminates the problems associated with fading of the epidermal cover, but also restores the tone, evens out skin color and surface, removes shallow scars and scars after acne, and furuncles.
Professional cosmetologists believe that non-surgical facelift is the best choice for the care of epidermal cover for young women. The use of such techniques allows the maximum delay the visit to a plastic surgeon.
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Non-surgical facelift with Margarita Levchenko and other techniques
Mesotherapy is one of the most common methods of rejuvenation.
The essence of this technique is the subcutaneous administration of various nutrient solutions using a disposable syringe equipped with a short ultrathin needle.
Such a procedure fills the underlying layers of the epidermis with essential vitamins and nutrients, stimulates cell regeneration, the production of its own collagen. Provides wrinkle smoothing.
As a rule, injections are made into problem areas (chin, cheekbones, cheeks, eye area, nasolabial fold). The course includes from 3-4 to 10 procedures, the cost varies depending on the drugs used.
It is worth noting
With the help of mesotherapy, you can not only correct cosmetic defects, but also cure acne.
The procedure of reinforcement with mesothreads involves the introduction under the skin of special threads consisting of biologically active compounds, a complex of vitamins and other nutrients. They have microscopic irregularities, which, roughly speaking, provide "tension" of the skin, alignment of contours and face lift. Reinforcement offer women over 40 years. This procedure will preserve the beauty of the skin for 2-2.5 years.
It is worth noting
Before a session of rejuvenation, it is necessary to exclude an allergic reaction, in addition, the introduction of mesothreads is contraindicated in case of violations of the blood formation system.
Deep chemical peeling is a rather aggressive procedure and, in order to avoid complications, is performed in a hospital in a specialized cosmetology clinic.
In addition, in some cases, a peeling session requires the use of drugs for general or local anesthesia. The procedure helps to get rid of shallow wrinkles, even out skin color and eliminate other imperfections. In addition, a similar effect stimulates the active cell regeneration. Gymnastics for the face is the easiest way to keep the skin young, especially in combination with lymphatic drainage massage of the face. The method of implementation and a complete list of exercises can be viewed on any video on the Internet.
Their essence boils down to the active kneading of problem areas in the area of eyes, forehead, cheeks, and the corners of the mouth. Regular gymnastics and a course of facial massage have a pronounced rejuvenating effect, increase muscle tone, evens out the shape of the face, gives the skin a healthy look.
It is worth noting
To increase the effect before performing gymnastics, it is recommended to apply anti-aging serum.
Plazmolifting - an innovative rejuvenation procedure. The essence of the method consists in the introduction into the deep layers of the epidermis of its own purified plasma.
To do this, immediately before the manipulation, the doctor takes blood from the vein into a sterile tube, centrifugs it, separates the plasma and uses it for rejuvenation. Such a solution is a powerful stimulator of regeneration processes in tissues, accelerates the synthesis of collagen, elastin. The main contraindications are diseases of the blood system.
The effect of fractional laser rejuvenation is achieved by the influence of ablative and non-ablative laser radiation.
Such an impact on the epidermal integument stimulates all cellular reactions, triggering the production of hyaluronic acid and other biologically active compounds necessary to maintain turgor of the epidermis. In addition, fractional laser rejuvenation can even out the skin color, eliminate minor defects (telangiectasia, scars and cavities after acne, etc.).
Photo rejuvenation technique is very similar to laser rejuvenation . This procedure eliminates the excess melanin in the skin, destroys damaged small capillaries in the subcutaneous tissue, stimulates the production of new collagen fibers. The general course of rejuvenation includes from 4 to 7 procedures with an interval of one month.
Non-surgical facelift with Margarita Levchenko, the author of numerous methods of rejuvenation and general recovery, is especially popular. Regular exercises from the complex developed by her help to create the correct contours of the facial contours, smooth out wrinkles and remove other age signs, effects of exposure to solar radiation and aggressive environmental factors. Non-surgical facelift with Margarita Levchenko takes only 10 minutes a day and is combined with other techniques of hardware rejuvenation.
It is worth noting
In addition to the anti-aging complex for the skin of the face, Margarita Levchenko developed a course of gymnastics for the back and strengthening the immune system, conducts trainings and seminars that are recommended to everyone who, despite the lack of free time, wants to preserve health and youth.
Placentals and masks were previously available only in specialized beauty salons, but now they offer Chinese cosmetics, which, contrary to popular belief, are not inferior to professional facial skin care products.
Most companies engaged in the production and sale of such cosmetics, provide a description of their products in English, so before you buy, you must carefully familiarize yourself with the composition of the funds and the features of the application. The result of the application of Chinese cosmetics is noticeable immediately, in addition, these tools do not cause allergies and other complications, they can be used at home.
It is worth noting
Before buying and applying Chinese cosmetics, you should read the reviews about the manufacturer in the relevant forums on the Internet, so as not to "run into" fake or low-quality products.
The main condition for non-invasive rejuvenation techniques, whether hardware procedures or non-surgical facelift with Margarita Levchenko, is regular skin care.
Of great importance is the correct selection of cosmetics, makeup, regular cleansing. In addition, it is necessary to monitor the diet, get enough sleep, stop smoking and other bad habits, do not avoid physical activity.