Facial lipofilling: effectiveness and advantages of this correction method

Face lipofilling Recently, the lipofilling procedure has become quite popular. The fact is that a person gets a beautiful, even, healthy face in a short time with low trauma.

The result of lipofilling can only be good, because the patient has no traces of the operation, no cuts, sutures, rehabilitation takes less than a month.

Is everything as smooth as it seems at first glance?

Method Description

Facial lipofilling is a new trend in cosmetic medicine, thanks to which in a short time you can beat age-related changes on the face, defects. The essence of the procedure is that a plastic surgeon transplants fatty tissue from one area to another. Most often, the doctor extorts fatty tissue from the abdominal area, provided that it is sufficient in this area.

In addition, the fabric may be taken from the hip, but this is done less frequently. A doctor with a microscopic needle makes punctures in the field of fat intake, then the material is processed, cleaned. After that, a ton needle is inserted into a specific area of ​​the face. The doctor punctures the puncture with a plaster, which should be kept for 24 hours.

After the operation, the patient’s facial contour is leveled, the skin becomes elastic, taut, fine wrinkles, depressions and irregularities disappear. The lipofilling procedure is considered to be successful in the case when the introduced fat cells remained at least 85%.

Efficiency and benefits

During the transplantation of your own adipose tissue, the facial contour is better corrected, the chin takes on the correct form, blue circles in the lower eyelid area are eliminated, wrinkles are filled and aligned.

The patient does not need to recover for a long time, as after a classical surgery, there are no scars on the skin. In addition, in 77% of cases, the own adipose tissue takes root better than a similar artificial material.

The main advantages of the lipofilling method are that:

  • The patient does not have an allergy, the material is completely natural, therefore it is not rejected.
  • The integrity of the cover is not disturbed in the place where the material was taken from.
  • There is no injury when replenishing adipose tissue.
  • Face lipofilling can be done at any age.
  • The implanted material retains its ability throughout the patient's life.
  • In most cases, there are no complications, a short rehabilitation period.
  • The procedure is well tolerated by patients.
  • Visible, positive result.


Lipofilling of the face can be carried out in the event that there are problems with the skin of the face, namely, wrinkles, depressions, asymmetry of the face.

This procedure is prohibited in the following cases if:

  • the patient tolerates oncology;
  • there is an infection or chronic pathology at the peak of the exacerbation;
  • a person suffers from heart disease, blood vessels;
  • the patient has diabetes or pathologies associated with improper functioning of the circulatory system.

Facial lipofilling: what it is and how to prepare for the procedure

How is facial lipofilling performed? The areas of the face are constructed differently, therefore, the lipofilling procedure should take into account the peculiarities of each zone.

Lipofilling is done on the lips most often, as women need to have beautiful, voluminous lips . Fat transplantation in the eyelids helps them smooth out, eliminate cyanosis under the eyes, and avoid visual depression of the eyes.

Due to the introduction of material into the area of ​​the temple a clear contour of the face appears, the lines are aligned, the eyebrows become higher.

After the introduction of fat into the folds around the lips and nose, the age of a person visually decreases, this zone is aligned, becomes dense, and tightened. If the patient has deformed cheeks , adipose tissue is also injected into this area. Chin defects can be easily eliminated with the help of lipofilling. In this case, this area remains clear, smooth, smooth.

Preparation for the procedure

The patient, in turn, needs to know in general how facial lipofilling is done, what it is and whether there are any contraindications.

Before performing a fat graft surgery, the specialist should give some recommendations to the patient:

  • A few days before the procedure, you need to rest as much as possible, not to lift weights, and not be nervous.
  • A week before the operation, also a week after it, you cannot take hormones, antibiotics.
  • For a while, stop smoking, do not take alcohol.
  • On the eve of the operation, put the body in order, take a bath with chamomile.

These preparatory stages are important, since they can affect both the course of the operation and the recovery period.

The process of the procedure

Lipofilling is performed under general or local anesthesia, takes place in several stages.

First, the doctor takes away the fatty tissue from the hip or abdomen, while it is important that the material is kept completely alive. In case of transfer of poor-quality fatty tissue, unwanted seals may occur.

The next step is to introduce material into certain areas of the face. This is done with a very fine needle, thanks to which there are no traces on the skin. The material is introduced in small doses, quickly falls into place. As a result, the fat is covered with capillaries, begins to function as before.

Side effects

Lipofilling: before and after This procedure is an intervention in healthy skin, as a result, side effects may occur, complications that the patient did not expect to receive. People who decide on lipofilling need to know that small side reactions of the body in any case occur.

Puffiness, appears after each operation on subcutaneous fat transplantation, including after lipofilling. It manifests itself in different ways for each patient, the body perceives this trauma in its own way.

However, the swelling manifests itself gradually, by the end of the day after the procedure, the patient can observe how he develops a slight swelling and changes in skin color in the area to be pierced. The edema becomes strong on the second day, and already on the fourth it becomes hardly noticeable.

Hematoma can occur due to the fact that the doctor has damaged the smallest blood vessels, as a result of which the outflow of blood from the vessels has been disturbed.

These effects are worse than swelling, as the hematoma can be severe. The pathology is formed several hours after the lipofilling procedure, the hematoma passes only on the ninth day, after which a slight cyanosis remains on the skin. It takes about two weeks for a person to fully recover.

Redness, is formed in each patient, it is quite a normal reaction of the body to a similar procedure. However, it is different, light with soft skin, passes after a few hours, is considered a normal indicator. Redness, in which there is dense skin, the severity of blood vessels, pain when pressed is not considered normal.

Tissue compaction may occur in the area where subcutaneous fat has been transplanted. Such phenomena are one of the causes of the inflammatory process around the new adipose tissue. Irregularities may disturb the patient for several weeks, after which the skin gradually returns to normal.

Lipofilling face: reviews and cost

Face lipofilling markup According to women who have already undergone such a procedure as facial lipofilling, the feedback is more often positive. Despite the speed of the sessions, it will take some time for rehabilitation in order to improve the blood supply to the small vessels as soon as possible, to remove the swelling and swelling as quickly as possible.

At this time, it is important that possible hematomas begin to resolve themselves, so as not to cause more harm to the tissues with medicines.

The patient should activate regeneration in the skin, normalize the vascular wall.

Experts give recommendations that must be strictly followed in order to prevent complications, to help the immune system help the tissues to recover, to quickly return the skin to its former healthy appearance. The rehabilitation period consists in maintaining the correct lifestyle, nutrition, and if necessary, light cosmetic procedures.

People who decide on lipofilling should remember that they should have about three weeks left for full recovery. The greatest discomfort manifests itself in the first week and a half, since this time is given to the removal of bruises, edemas, hematomas. All subsequent time is spent on the healing of puncture sites, the alignment of tissues, the removal of redness, if there was swelling.


There is a procedure for lipofilling depending on the region, clinic, and also on which zone is being restored. On average, the cost of lipofilling of the lips does not exceed 60,000 rubles, the entire face does not exceed 190,000 rubles.

Lipofilling, despite the successful result for some people is risky, since it is impossible to predict the behavior of the organism in advance.

In order to obtain the desired result, it is necessary to trust such a procedure to an experienced specialist, to follow all the requirements and recommendations. In addition, about a procedure such as lipofilling of a person, reviews should be studied before deciding on a procedure.


Katerina, Moscow

“I am 38 years old, from an early age I have nips in the nasolabial folds. An experienced doctor saved my face by lipofilling. The process itself is painless, under anesthesia, punctures healed for about three weeks, there were no bruises, just a small red spot on one side, which soon passed. A year later, the result, of course, pleases. "

Angelina, St. Petersburg

“Before the lip augmentation surgery, they took material from my stomach, this was called liposuction. The process is not pleasant, moreover, you know that fat is being sucked from you, disgusting. Lips are lush, healthy as she wanted, thanks to the doctor. "

Julia, Tver

“A friend restored her cheekbones in this way. The face has completely changed, the man looked younger by fifteen years. Beauty requires sacrifice, probably worth a close look at the unpleasant moments. ”


Valentina N. 11/26/2018 15:42:37

Well, Olga Olegovna removed my crow's feet and gave her a little volume to her cheeks and lips, it looks natural, to catch up that this plastic is not real. Those who often see me, of course, at a loss, what is the secret. Options put forward a lot, one colleague even decided that I fell in love;) But no one understood that this is lipofilling

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