Threads for facelift: features of use, indications and contraindications for use

Face lift The skin ages over time and one of the main reasons is age-related changes. On average, the first signs of aging of the skin become noticeable after 30 years. The appearance of fine wrinkles, stretching of the dermis, discoloration - every woman faces this sooner or later.

No one is able to overcome age-related changes. You can only delay the aging process of the dermis. To this end, women use a variety of techniques. Some use expensive cream, others regularly visit the beautician.

However, the effect after such procedures is short. Modern plastic surgery and cosmetology has a considerable number of ways to return the derma to youth and healthy color. Increasingly, cosmetologists use threads for face lifting.

Thread lifting has many varieties, and also has many advantages over other methods of rejuvenation. This technique is effective and efficient. After applying the threads, according to numerous positive reviews, it is not necessary to wait long for the result.

The skin becomes smooth and healthy, besides wrinkles disappear and the oval of the face smoothes out. However, this method, as well as any other along with the testimony, has several contraindications that must be taken into account without fail.

Why do you need threadlift

Tightening or reinforcing with the help of fibers - the procedure is minimally invasive and consists in forming a supporting framework under the dermis. The composition of the threads include biocompatible materials. The procedure is performed by representatives of the beautiful half of the society using local anesthesia. General anesthesia is rarely performed.

It is believed that the threads for facelift - the perfect alternative to plastic surgery. Modeling the shape of the face with thin fibers is a relatively new technique. This is the golden mean between the traditional methods of care for fading skin and complex surgical plastics. Thread lifting contributes to the delay of the aging process of the skin, the return of elasticity, elasticity, as well as the elimination of unaesthetic sagging.


There are several types of threads for facelift. They differ in composition, texture and methods of fixing. The first type is non-absorbable. They consist of gold or platinum. Partially absorbable and Teflon are also used. They dissolve over a long period of time.

Today, instead of filaments for implants made from precious metals, implants are increasingly used. Their basis is lactic acid, caprolon and polypropylene. Also, the threads are biodegradable (consist of polylactic acid) and nondegrading (polypropylene). The effect of using the first - 2-3 years, the second - five years.

In what cases is the face modeling procedure shown?

The procedure is carried out, both for women and men over 35, often in cases where cosmetic procedures do not bring the desired result.

Thread lifting is performed for people with such cosmetic defects and problems:

  • facial asymmetry due to soft tissue damage;
  • sagging lower face;
  • wrinkles in the forehead and mouth;
  • the appearance of a second chin;
  • eyebrow drooping;
  • pronounced tissue prolapse;
  • nasolabial folds.

This effective and safe procedure has been used for fifteen years.

This type of facelift has a number of advantages over other methods for facial dermis rejuvenation:

  • high efficiency;
  • long lasting result;
  • low trauma of the dermis;
  • lack of scars;
  • lack of need to stay in the hospital;
  • simplicity of the recovery period.

In what cases do not apply the technique

Like any other manipulation, the thread lifting along with indications for use are contraindications.

Do not carry out a face lift for women during gestation and lactation, as well as for people suffering from:

  • pathologies of the endocrine system, in particular diabetes;
  • blood disorders;
  • malignant tumors;
  • failures in the functioning of the central nervous system;
  • pathologies of infectious nature;
  • propensity to form keloids;
  • skin lesions or inflammations.

The method is also not applied if a person has a thick skin on his face.

Fixing methods

Depending on the fixing technique, the threads are fixed - they are fixed at the temples and auricles and autonomous (without fixing).

Fixed as opposed to autonomous, they contribute not only to the elimination of dermal sagging, but also to the correction of facial contours. Autonomous fibers are not able to provide a tightening. They only contribute to the elimination of flabbiness and giving a certain elasticity.


Materials are absorbable, non-absorbable and liquid. Non-absorbable can be stored under the dermis in its original form for five years.

Absorbable fibers contribute to the formation of collagen around them and gradually dissolve. The effect after their implantation lasts for two or three years.

  1. The first material for the suspenders was gold or platinum wire. These metals are not rejected by the body and did not provoke the appearance of allergies. Over time, the drawbacks of such materials were revealed: non-uniform pigmentation, the inability to carry out hardware procedures, radiography through the skin. Despite the high cost, gold and platinum fibers are used to this day. Their design was slightly modified: they were made thinner and wrapped in a helix made of a polymer capable of dissolving. Today, Teflon, medical polypropylene, and silicone are used as non-absorbable materials. Non-absorbable materials are used for deep face lift. The effect after the procedure is long. Manipulation is recommended for people over 50.
  2. Tightening with absorbable fibers is carried out in the upper layers, so the effect after the manipulation is short. Carry it to people older than 40 years. Apply fiber, which include polypropylene and caprolon. The composition of absorbable materials has lactic acid, contributing to the activation of metabolic processes and rejuvenation of the dermis. Such filaments dissolve in about six months or a year, but this time is quite enough for the collagen framework to form. Resorbent materials include mesothreads ( 3D and 4D). They are considered today among the best. The method was developed by Korean experts. Composition of mesothreads: collagen rod, polydioxanone. This thread is absorbed in about six months. The effect of the use of mesothreads lasts for two years.
  3. Liquid thread lifting is an alternative to traditional facelift techniques. It consists in the introduction of a gel-like composition (zinc oxide and hyaluronic acid), which gradually hardens and forms a framework, under the dermis using a thin needle. The effect after manipulation will last up to three years.


Facelift result Threads differ not only in materials, but also in texture. They are smooth, conical, spiral, with notches. There are also thread springs.

Smooth fibers are used to tighten the dermis in the cheeks, chin and forehead. The insertion of the filaments is carried out through five-millimeter incisions, and the fixation is carried out by a small knot under the dermis.

As for the cones, they appeared relatively recently. On the threads there are cone-shaped nodes that act as a lock. The dissolution of the cones occurs in about a year. On notched fibers there are small hooks, thanks to which the threads are fixed in the fabrics. Their introduction is carried out by puncturing to a depth of 4 mm.

As for the spiral, they have a small length (about five centimeters). A distinctive feature is the ability to return to its former state after tension.

Often spiral fibers are used in combination with other threads in the bulk tightening of the most problematic areas. Thread springs are very elastic and are used to tighten the most mobile parts of the face - cheeks and nasolabial folds.

Threads for facelift: reviews and popular types

To date, a variety of threads for facelift are presented on the market for plastic surgery, and the feedback on effectiveness is mostly positive.

The most famous and effective fibers for facial rejuvenation include the following varieties:

  1. Artos. Used primarily in surgical practice. They are made of non-absorbable materials and are attached to the tissue through cuts. Often this type of lifting is used with significant age-related changes. On the thread for a facelift - positive reviews, both from patients and from plastic surgeons. They are effective in cases where other cosmetic procedures are ineffective. This variety is effective for sagging dermis in the nasolabial folds, eyelids, chin. The effect of use is five years.
  2. 3D mesoliths are no less popular. It contributes not only to the tightening of fabrics, but also to the modeling of the contours of "youth."
  3. Lifting with the use of gold and platinum threads for face-lift according to reviews is especially effective. These materials are not absorbed, they are well tolerated by the body and are not rejected. The effect persists up to ten years.
  4. Silhouette Lift Soft is a method comparable to lifting with the help of surgical plastics. The method of forming an oval using this method of fixation contributes to the rapid elimination of undesirable age-related changes.

Patients who have experienced on themselves the thread for a facelift, leave a variety of reviews. Some are satisfied with the result, others are not. It should be understood that the effect will depend on the qualifications and experience of a specialist, the quality of materials and the method of fixation.

Procedure cost

The cost of manipulation in different clinics varies. The price will depend on the experience of the specialist, the scale of the area being processed, the materials used.

On average prices are as follows:

  • when using "Silhouette Soft" - from 50,000 rubles;
  • gold threads - 30,000 rubles;
  • platinum fibers - 80,000 rubles;
  • mazonithy - 20,000 rubles;
  • Artos fibers - 50,000 rubles.

How long does the effect last

The effect and its duration will depend on the type of thread. On average, it lasts 2-10 years. Soluble fibers work for 3-4 years, and insoluble threads for facelift, the reviews on which are mostly positive work up to 8 years.


The most effective fibers are made of platinum and silver. The result from the use of fibers from such fibers lasts up to ten years.

Are complications possible?

Face lift Manipulation, implying the introduction of threads under the dermis, is fraught with the risk of tissue trauma. That is why after the procedure, the appearance of redness, swelling and bruising. This symptom disappears after a week or two.

The occurrence of unpleasant consequences may be due to the appeal to an inexperienced master. Non-observance of technology and necessary conditions for the procedure is fraught with: asymmetry of the face, development of inflammatory processes, boils, swelling, rupture of the thread, necrosis of the dermis, extensive hematomas, painful sensations when touched. In order to eliminate unsuccessful results, they often manipulate the removal of threads. This procedure is complicated and requires long-term recovery.


Irina, 51 years old. For the last ten years, I didn’t like my reflection in the mirror - sagging skin, bruises, wrinkles. Although I regularly visit the beautician. Somehow my friend advised me to do a lifting with the help of threads. I became interested, then went to the consultation and decided. The procedure is very painful and long, but the result was worth it. I put the gold thread. The second chin disappeared, the facial contours became even, wrinkles disappeared, in general, the skin looked younger by 15 years.

Valeria, 48 years old. My sister advised me to make a facelift with mesonite, as she had recently done. I went to the same specialist. I was very pleased with the effect: all the folds in the forehead, eyes and mouth disappeared, and besides, the skin was noticeably younger.

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