Plasticity of the labia majora - features, indications and contraindications

Plastic surgery of the labia majora The main purpose of the plasticity of the labia majora, whether it is an increase or a decrease, is related to their functional purpose.

In fact, the labia majora maintains the temperature regime of the genitals and is a kind of "barrier" for the penetration of a wide variety of infections into the internal genital organs. Surgical (plastic) correction of the labia majora makes it possible to change the shape of the lips to the required values ​​promptly.

Today, most specialists prefer minimally invasive surgery, which minimizes any possible complications and shortens the rehabilitation period . Also, these methods reduce pain after the procedure and practically do not require antibiotics (only in the first three or four days).


Obligatory stage before surgical intervention is a detailed, comprehensive consultation of specialists. Also required a preliminary examination and testing (if indicated).

The main indications for contour plasticity of the labia majora are:

  • correction of age-related changes;
  • changing the shape of the labia majora after childbirth;
  • congenital asymmetry of the genital lips;
  • flabbiness, absence of the shape of the genital lips;
  • deformation of the perineum.

Rehabilitation after surgery takes no more than one month, and the patient can leave the clinic on the day of surgery. Mandatory women should take antibiotics for 4 days. Removing the stitches is usually not required, and a break in sex life should be at least 2 weeks.

Significant contraindications to plastic to increase or decrease large labia are:

  • chronic liver disease;
  • the presence of sexually transmitted diseases;
  • HIV and other disorders of the immune system;
  • inflammatory processes in the genitals;
  • critical days and period less than 5 days before menstruation.

Methods for enlarging the labia majora

Visually large labia should cover the small, but due to congenital and acquired causes it may be necessary to increase them.

The main indications for surgery are the insufficient size of the labia majora and the inability of the labia to perform functions of protection against the penetration of infections into the vagina.

  1. Enlargement of the labia majora is usually done by liposuction. The operation is quite painless, involves the use of absorbable sutures and, if necessary, partial resection (incision) of the skin.
  2. Another option for enlarging the labia majora is lipofilling. In fact, it is a subcutaneous injection of auto-fat tissue, in which the labia minora are tightened in depth. Thus, this method is effective, but only visually corrects the shape of the labia majora. The success of the operation is achieved in more than 90% of cases, and the operation itself has virtually no complications. Another significant advantage of it is the minimum rehabilitation period (1-2 weeks).
  3. The next fairly popular way to increase large labia is intimate filling. The method is a method of introducing fillers into soft tissues based on hyaluronic acid. An important advantage of this method is the complex effect on the zone of external genital organs. That is, not only the effect of increasing the large labia, but also moisturizing the mucous membrane, as well as the synthesis of collagen, is achieved. Choosing this method of increasing the large genital lips, a woman gets the result “2 in 1” - an increase in the labia and rejuvenation of the skin of the genitals.

Whatever method of augmentation of the large genital lips you choose, remember that in this way you solve not only aesthetic problems, but also directly affect your own sexual satisfaction and completely eliminate the psychological discomfort that you could observe in the case of the small size of the labia.

Large labia reduction: methods and results

The result of the reduction of the labia minora As a rule, the main reason for the reduction of large genital lips are childbirth (very often in the process of labor, the shape of the labia lips is distorted, especially if there are tears in the walls of the vagina).

The second most popular reason is the inexorable age. In addition, some women have their own aesthetic preferences regarding the shape of the labia majora. All this is the basis of the desire to adjust the shape of the labia majora.

A visual enlargement of the genital lips is diagnosed if their size is more than 4 centimeters, and there are also enlarged parts of the labia minora. Very often, such anomalies are observed as a consequence of hormonal imbalance with an increased level of androgens. Plastic makes it possible to effectively reduce the large labia and forever forget about this intimate problem.


The operation is absolutely safe and does not require a long hospital stay. In fact, it is one of the most popular static surgical interventions in the field of intimate surgery.

Operational reduction of the labia majora is possible by two methods, which include:

  • resection (cutting out excess tissue);
  • liposuction.

Plastic surgery of the labia or labioplasty In the first case, plastic is provided by vertical resection (less often - horizontal). The method of liposuction involves the removal of fat deposits between the thigh and pubis.

Both in the first and in the second case plastic correction takes no more than an hour and takes place under local anesthesia or under general anesthesia, depending on the patient’s desire. Healing is fast enough.

Due to the fact that the blood supply in this area is also very fast, the rehabilitation period takes 3 weeks, but it requires careful maintenance. It is on the postoperative care depends on the final result and the final shape of the labia majora. Compliance with the doctor's prescriptions is an indispensable point on the way to obtaining a stable, guaranteed result of surgical intervention.


Immediately after surgery, there are some pain when walking, swelling, as well as visual asymmetry of the labia. Minor bleeding in the first two days after surgery is also possible.

The eternal question about the aesthetics of perception of the shape of the labia has cared for women at all times, and today also remains open. In addition, over the years, the skin loses its elasticity, becomes loose, dry, and this applies not only to the face, hands or chest. The same applies to the genitals.

Mucous membranes and skin lose moisture, collagen practically ceases to be produced. A woman realizes that hiding her age with the help of clothes and make-up will not be able to hide it in moments of intimacy with a partner. And this, respectively, reduces the attractiveness in their own eyes and self-esteem of women.

That is why, as well as for a number of other reasons, women resort to the correction of the labia majora, the result of which lasts for many years (almost forever!). The main thing is to remember that the procedure should be carried out by specialists in a modern, equipped clinic, as well as after the qualified consultation of an experienced medical practitioner.

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