Labioplasty surgery - risks and perspectives
In most cases, a woman accepts intimate parts of her body as given to her at birth. And this is completely natural, since she sees her body as such from birth, and, moreover, more often than not, she simply has nothing to compare with.
But sometimes the fair sex suddenly think about the appearance of their innermost zones.
To push them to this may be several reasons, the most common among which are the following:
- Discomfort is the most common reason for a woman to think about the appearance of their genitals. This is most often associated with small lips protruding beyond the boundaries of the labia majora and a feeling of rubbing from wearing underwear and pants.
- Consequences of various injuries , which could cause both aesthetic and physiological problems. Such injuries can be, for example, burns, all kinds of tears and so on.
- Psychological injury caused by careless words of a sexual partner. It is no secret that many women are very critical of their appearance, especially if the most intimate parts of their body are censured.
- Revaluation of their appearance . For example, a woman who has never previously thought about the correctness or irregularity of the appearance of her genitals one day discovers that they are very different from those she saw, suppose, in a woman’s favorite sculpture, or in an adult film heroine. In this case, this discovery can bring her great spiritual experiences and even bring the idea of the need to correct the discovered deficiency in her body by contacting the surgeon for a radical change in her appearance in the bikini area.
The operation of the labioplasty is a surgical intervention aimed at changing the appearance of the external female genital organs, and more specifically, the large and small labia of the patient.
As such, the operation of the labioplasty does not have any medical indications for its conduct (except for cases of traumatic exposure, the consequences of which must be removed for the patient’s full life). Moreover, most doctors agree that often it can significantly worsen the life of a woman.
The fact is that the mucous membrane of the woman's small genital lips is generously covered with special glands that produce the mucous secret that serves as a natural barrier to various infections and, in particular, anaerobic flora (airborne microorganisms). Accordingly, a decrease in the surface of the labia minora leads not only to a hypothetical non-closing of the labia and leaving a gap opening the passage into the vaginal cavity, but also to a decrease in the number of these glands and the secretion produced by them.
In addition to the antibacterial effect, mucus produced by the labia minora also serves as a lubricant during intercourse. Consequently, after performing a labioplasty operation, the usual comfort during frictions can be significantly reduced.
One of the most significant features, both small and large labia, is their unique elasticity. Thanks to her, the birth canal women during childbirth practically do not suffer. Also this feature is important for high-quality sex life of a woman. With the frictions produced by the sexual partner, it is this elasticity of the tissues of the labia and vagina, creating the necessary play, along with a sufficient amount of lubricant, allows both partners to get considerable pleasure from the process.
Types of plastics
Thus, after weighing all the pros and cons, a woman must decide whether she really needs a labioplasty operation, or should she leave everything the way it was originally?
In any case, the operation of the labioplasty, as well as any other surgical intervention, has its definitive contraindications:
- The presence of sexually transmitted diseases.
- Any inflammatory processes in the body.
- Anemia in the acute stage.
- Poor blood clotting.
- Violations of the mental activity of the patient.
- Period of pregnancy and breastfeeding.
- Also, the operation of labioplasty is categorically not recommended for women who have not given birth.
Options for plastic surgery to increase or decrease the small and large labia
Plastic surgery of the labia is divided into two main types:
- Plasticity of the labia minora.
- Plastic big labia.
Each of these two methods of surgical intervention, although it pursues an almost identical goal - improving the appearance of the external genital organs, takes place with certain conditions inherent only to him.
Plasticity of the labia minora is aimed at changing their size, both upwards and downwards.
Reduction of the labia minora is achieved by excision of a part of their body. Surgery in modern clinics allows you to do this not with a classic scalpel, but when exposed to a laser beam , contacting which not only makes a clear cut, but also reduces the risk of bleeding and penetration of various pathogenic microorganisms into the body. This is due to the fact that when in contact with the laser beam used in this case, the proteins instantly coagulate, otherwise coagulate, which leads to lightning-fast sealing of small vessels, and therefore an insurmountable obstacle to the penetration of viruses and bacteria into the wound.
This type of surgery usually takes place under local anesthesia, less commonly with epidural anesthesia. This procedure takes ten to fifteen minutes. And taking into account the fact that stitches are not required, the final healing period is only ten days from the moment of surgical intervention.
The operation on the labia when using a classic scalpel is almost identical to the laser version. Excessive parts of the labia minora are also excised. But at the same time, suturing is necessary, which increases the time for performing a plastic operation of the labia to the average by half an hour. Suture threads are placed on the inner surface of the labia, which excludes additional discomfort when wearing underwear and pants. Suture material is self-absorbable.
Enlargement of the labia minora is a less common operation than reducing them. It is often achieved by injecting fillers and gels based on high-molecular-weight compounds of biological substances into their base.
Reduction of the labia majora is less common. It is required mainly for women who have lost a significant part of their weight, as a result of which the skin in the perineum has sagged. In this case, the necessary part of the tissue undergoes resection . Suture material is self-resorbable, and the time for complete healing is one month.
In cases where the labia majora badly covers the labia minora and the vaginal entrance, plastic surgery of the labia lips is recommended to increase them.
This can be achieved by two methods: either introducing her own fat, for example, taken in her abdomen (this procedure is called lipofilling), into the patient's large sexual lips, or increasing them by local hyaluronic acid injections, which will increase their volume.
Rejuvenation with the help of intimate plasticity of the labia
With the approach of menopause, in women there are not only visible changes in the appearance of each, but also the appearance and the internal state of the genitals.
Over time, the labia majora somewhat sag, which indicates a decrease in the layer of subcutaneous fat in this area. The labia become flabby, change their shape and size, their tone and elasticity decrease, in some cases they may even change their color, which also will not give them additional charm.
Such changes often lead a woman trying to always look as young, healthy and beautiful as possible to the thought of labioplasty.
Intimate plasticity of the labia can be performed with the help of surgical interventions, for example, if it is necessary to bring overly stretched labia to a more toned condition. It can not do without excision and further structuring of skin folds and rollers, forming the large and small labia.
In the case when age-related changes are not so serious and the main problem is sagging, flabbiness and unaesthetic appearance of the external genitalia with reduced tone, more benign, but no less effective ways of restoring the former attractiveness can help the woman.
Among such means, the most popular and effective is the rejuvenation of the labia with the help of injections of various preparations, most of which are based on hyaluronic acid.
Such injections help to significantly change the shape and size of both large and small labia of the patient, thus reconstructing the natural processes of moisturizing the vestibule of the vagina. The intimate plasticity of the labia is capable, by giving an additional tone and restoring the patient's innate sexual attractiveness to the bikini area, to achieve the goal and return the old, and in some cases, significantly enhance sexual sensations during sexual intercourse.
In addition to the intimate plastic of the labia, many women prefer to add a cosmetic procedure such as skin whitening of intimate places with various peels for a more ardent result. Agree, smooth, light skin color of intimate areas looks much more attractive than dark pigment spots covering the labia and crotch of a woman.
In any case, developing a set of measures aimed at rejuvenation in the intimate plastic of the labia, you need to carefully consider what you want to achieve in the end and discuss it in detail with your doctor.
Sexual lips correction surgery
The contour plastic of the labia, or, as it is also called, intimate filler, is a complex of sparing procedures based on injection recovery by filling large and small labia with special gels based on hyaluronic acid. This rather simple and quick procedure is an excellent alternative to the surgery for the correction of the labia.
Many patients suffering from the imperfections of their external genital organs, dream of changing the situation, but much of them are not ready to resort to the help of surgeons because of fear, religious restrictions or medical contraindications. It is in these cases that various non-surgical techniques developed by modern physicians come to the rescue. The essence of contour plastic of the labia is in the correction of their configuration, type and volume.
The most frequently performed surgery to correct the labia is to restore the proper volume of subcutaneous fat in the skin rollers of the labia majora.
The best option for such intervention is the injection of the fat mass of the patient himself, previously taken from the buttock area or, which happens much more often, in the waist area. Also, the injections of fillers that mimic the patient's natural tissues can restore the previous volume of the labia majora.
It is important to understand that contour plastic of the labia is not just a whim of the patient. In addition to the aesthetic and cosmetic effects, it is designed to solve such a burning problem as the restoration of the protective function and the adjustment of the temperature system of the vestibule of the woman's vagina. After all, sagging, loosely closed, loose lips of the labia do not cope with their task.
In order for the operation on the correction of the labia to not bring any complications, the patient must observe a number of simple rules:
- For two - three weeks to give up intimate meetings with a partner.
- Two weeks do not overwork, try to avoid a rush of blood to the external genitals.
- Completely abandon for a month from cycling and horse riding.
- For three weeks, do not expose yourself to extremely cold and hot temperatures. This means that from the bath, sauna and diving into the hole you have to forget for a while.
By completing these easy requirements, you can be sure that you have done everything possible to ensure that the administered drugs fully take root in the proper places.