Intimate contour plastic: what is the correction of the genitals

Intimate contour plastic Nowadays, cosmetological care for your face and body has long become an integral part of the life of any woman. The desire for attractiveness and beauty is not limited to only these areas, the appearance of the intimate zone is also of great importance.

What is the correction of the genitals

Intimate contouring plastics is a non-invasive method of correcting altered areas of skin and soft tissues in the region of the external genital organs.

The procedure is based on the introduction of drugs made from hyaluronate, by injection method directly into places requiring restoration of aesthetic appearance. Hyaluronic acid is an indispensable component of many tissues and biological fluids. For example, it is contained in the structure of connective, epithelial, nerve cells.

It is also found in the composition of saliva, synovial fluid of the joint. The introduction of special fillers (fillers) under the skin - hyaluronic acid preparations having a gel consistency helps to smooth skin folds, increase the volume, change the shape, increase the turgor of tissues and moisturize them. In addition, the substance contributes to the production of collagen and elastin, thereby enhancing all regenerative processes.

The number of injections is determined depending on the area of ​​impact and the severity of the changes. Correction is performed in a specialized equipped center or cosmetology office by a certified physician in compliance with all the rules of asepsis and antisepsis.


The main advantage of contouring is the absence of any traces of its implementation: stitches, scars and scars. After the procedure, all the effects look natural, natural, and the result appears immediately and increases over the next few days. The degree of satisfaction with the result is one of the highest and reaches 90-100%.

The method does not require general anesthesia, only local, which is more beneficial for the body, and may allow the introduction of hyaluronic acid at any age. Side effects are extremely rare and can be represented in the form of the formation of puffiness, areas of compaction, which are temporary and disappear. The injected filler rarely causes allergic reactions and does not migrate into the surrounding tissues.

The duration of the procedure takes no more than 10-12 minutes.   Thus, intimate contour plastic surgery is an absolutely safe and effective method of plastic cosmetology without toxic general effects on the body. The result lasts for quite a long time, for 12-18 months, after which hyaluronic acid tends to gradually dissolve. Modern fillers are fully biocompatible with human tissues in all respects.

Indications and Contraindications

Intimate contour correction is advisable in the following situations:

  • loss of elastic properties, elasticity of the skin of the zone of external intimate organs;
  • congenital anomalies of the genital lips, clitoris and other (hypoplasia, aplasia);
  • acquired disorders due to childbirth, injury, age (laxity, sagging, stretching, insufficient muscle layer tone, asymmetry, dryness of the vaginal mucosa in the pre- and postmenopausal period);
  • decrease in sexual activity, lack of orgasm, insufficient expression of sensations during sexual intercourse.

However, despite numerous advantages, the method has some contraindications, namely:

  • gestation period; breastfeeding;
  • defects in the blood coagulation system, taking anti-coagulants, antiplatelet agents (blood thinners);
  • the presence of tumors;
  • individual intolerance to the drug or one of its components;
  • acute inflammatory processes in the planned injection site;
  • autoimmune diseases (systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic scleroderma, and others);
  • common bacterial or viral infections of the body;
  • progressive diseases of the nervous system (for example, epilepsy);
  • minor age

Non-surgical methods

Contour plastic intimate zones includes several techniques. Clitoroplasty is the change in the volume of the clitoris due to the injection of a gel-like preparation on the basis of hyaluronic acid directly into the organ or soft tissues under it.

Labioplasty - correction of the size, shape, symmetry of the large or small labia, in order to improve their appearance or eliminate unpleasant painful sensations. Increasing the area of ​​point G - the introduction of the gel into the main erogenous region of the vagina, which enhances its sensitivity and the strength and duration of sexual sensations during coitus.

Contour correction of intimate zones and other types of corrections for women

Correction of the vaginal walls, the so-called perineoplasty, consists in the parenteral administration of the gel filler in the initial sections and walls of the vagina to reduce its lumen.

It becomes necessary for women in the following cases:

  • after pregnancy and childbirth (especially multiple), when the omission and overdistension of the walls often develops;
  • traumatic injuries and tears;
  • age-related changes that lead to a decrease in circulating estrogen levels, loss of tone, thinning of the muscular layer of the wall, and dryness. These disorders affect the urinary tract, which is fraught with the development of urinary incontinence.

Advantages of contour plastics Non-surgical method of recovery of the vaginal walls not only helps to eliminate physical and functional defects, but also allows you to have a full sex life. In addition, the correction of the vestibule of the vagina provides a barrier function against the introduction of various bacterial microorganisms.

In some situations, instead of fillers from hyaluronic acid, one can use one's own flame tissue taken from the abdomen or buttocks.

Other types of corrections for women

Contour plastics of intimate zones is not limited only to injection methods, surgical interventions are also widely used. In most cases, this is a severe degree of violation, in which the excision and removal of “extra” stretched tissues, the tightening of the walls, the formation of the aesthetic appearance of the external genital organs are carried out.

The main advantage of the operation is a long-term result, unlike hyaluronic acid, which is absorbed with time in the body. However, this method is different traumatic, long recovery period and the development of postoperative complications. Another type of plastic surgery of the genital organs that has become very common is hymenoplasty (restoring the integrity of the virgin membrane).

It is of two types:

  • short-term, when the remaining parts of the hymen are sutured together;
  • long-term , in which a complete structure is formed at the expense of the vaginal tissues.

And, on the contrary, sometimes they are forced to resort to surgical defloration of the hymen , when, due to developmental anomalies (complete fusion), rupture of it by natural means is impossible or it prevents the release of menstruation. Small surgical interventions are allowed under local anesthesia, however, more extensive, affecting several structural units, perform only under intravenous anesthesia.

Intimate contour plastic for men

Contour plastics of intimate zones also includes a set of manipulations for men.

The main indications for this are:

  • small diameter of the glans penis;
  • irregular head shape;
  • premature ejaculation;
  • subjective patient dissatisfaction with the appearance of intimate areas.

The preparation for the correction of the genitals At the beginning of the procedure, local anesthesia and antiseptic treatment of the penis is performed.

The preparation of hyaluronic acid, after having removed the foreskin, is inserted with the help of a thin needle under the skin of the head, after which it is evenly distributed over the entire area that requires correction using the fan method.

The duration of the preservation of the result, as in women, can reach from 1 to 1.5 years. In order to reduce the severity of premature ejaculation, the filler is injected under the skin of the coronary sulcus and bridle of the male penis. In some cases, this function is retained even after resorption of hyaluronic acid filler.

To conduct contour plastics is contraindicated for persons with:

  • phimosis, which requires surgical treatment;
  • infectious and inflammatory diseases of the male genital organs in the acute stage;
  • multiple genital papillomas.

Adverse events are practically not recorded. In the first days, the appearance of edema, itching, redness in the area of ​​impact, which subsequently pass independently.

Rehabilitation period

The rehabilitation period as such is missing. The patient immediately after the manipulation can go home. In the first week, it is recommended to avoid sex, heavy physical activity and intense sports. Also contraindicated for a long time to sunbathe in the sun or go to the solarium, swimming pool, bath, sauna and similar places.

According to all the above, this direction of plastic cosmetology is a safe and reasonable method that ensures the complete functional and psychological well-being of both women and men.

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