Intimate plastic surgery: general information, indications and limitations to the procedure, advantages and disadvantages of the operation

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Recently, a variety of plastic surgeries are becoming increasingly popular. Both men and women strive to improve their face and body, including the appearance of the genitals. Although it is worth noting that in some cases intimate plastic surgery is carried out for medical reasons, and not only for aesthetic purposes.

This group of surgical procedures includes several types of surgery:

  • Labioplasty or correction of the shape and size of large and small lips (using lipofilling or vice versa, resection of excess skin and subcutaneous fatty tissue), as a rule, such defects have little effect on the quality of sex life, so often the procedure is performed at the request of the patient, to create a harmonious image in combination with the correction of the shape of the abdomen;
  • an increase or vice versa, a decrease in the clitoris, a small erogenous zone in size may be the reason for the absence of orgasm, dissatisfaction with sex life, and a too-protruding clitoris often causes many complexes;
  • removal of fat accumulation from the pubic area , usually a similar problem occurs in overweight women, the operation is often carried out in combination with other procedures to tighten the skin and rejuvenate the body after losing weight;
  • Vaginal plastic surgery , a frequent type of intimate plastic surgery , because with age, after childbirth, the muscular walls of the vulva stretch, which creates a certain discomfort during sexual intercourse for both the woman and her sexual partner.

Often, men also turn to doctors to perform plastic surgery in the intimate area. The most pressing problem is penis enlargement and full or partial removal of the foreskin.

Since such organs belong to one of the most innervated parts of the human body, the operation is usually performed under general anesthesia. In addition, there are a large number of blood vessels in this area, therefore moderate bleeding is not excluded.

The rehabilitation period takes from several weeks to a month, during which the patient must follow all the instructions of the doctor regarding the care and adherence to sexual rest.

In surgical practice, laser technologies are increasingly used. This area is also used in plastic gynecology and urology. The technique allows you to carry out operations quickly, almost bloodless. Also significantly reduced the process of regeneration and subsequent rehabilitation.

In some cases, non-surgical correction is also possible. It consists in the subcutaneous injection of fillers, usually based on hyaluronic acid. The procedure is carried out in specialized clinics under local anesthesia.

Advantages and disadvantages

Very often, men and women suffer from complexes caused by the appearance of the genitals. This causes inadequate relaxation in bed, sexual dissatisfaction, fear of losing a partner, fear of forthcoming intimate relationships. All psychologists say that sex is the basis of a close emotional connection between a man and a woman. Therefore, intimate genital plastics is the main way to relax, and sometimes significantly improve the quality of sexuality, to experience new sensations.

However, such operations are not without flaws, it is:

  • systemic effect of anesthesia, which is not always well tolerated by patients and can cause a number of side effects;
  • bleeding during the procedure;
  • possible partial loss of nervous sensitivity, but this phenomenon is usually reversible;
  • long rehabilitation period during which abstinence from sexual life is necessary;
  • the occurrence of scars, but at present the risk of a similar complication of intimate plastic surgery is minimal, since self-absorbable suture materials are used in surgery;
  • cost, not everyone can afford such an operation, even for medical reasons.

Surgical intervention is necessary for congenital disorders of the anatomical structure of the genital organs, which do not allow for a full-fledged lifestyle, complicate the onset of pregnancy, and create obstacles to the normal menstrual cycle. In some cases, changes in the structure of the genitals cause severe pain and bleeding during intercourse. In men, narrowing of the foreskin (phimosis) often causes bacterial inflammation of the skin of the glans penis.

Intimate plastic in a woman

Contraindications for intimate plastic surgery

As with any other surgical intervention, during the initial examination, the doctor prescribes a series of tests and studies to exclude possible contraindications for the operation, such as:

  • age up to 18 years, with the exception of structure violations, dangerous serious complications;
  • malignant and benign neoplasms regardless of their localization;
  • chronic lesions of the cardiovascular system, blood formation disorders;
  • diabetes mellitus in the acute phase, when full control of the glycemia level is impossible;
  • severe varicose veins, especially in combination with thrombophlebitis;
  • systemic autoimmune lesions;
  • pregnancy (including preparation for the upcoming conception), breastfeeding.

Intimate plastic surgery should be postponed when:

  • bacterial lesion until the end of the reception of appropriate antibiotics and laboratory confirmation of the effectiveness of therapy;
  • taking certain medications that affect the state of the immune system and the rate of blood clotting;
  • menses;
  • various viral diseases in the acute stage, including genital herpes and human papillomavirus;
  • inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs;
  • exacerbation of chronic infections.

But in any case, the final decision about the possibility of a female or male intimate plastic surgery is taken by the doctor after the examination and examination of the patient.

Correction of the labia and other types of genital plastics in women

As the statistics show, women turn to plastic surgeons more often than men. And modern medicine offers several methods of appearance correction.

Non-surgical contour plastic

The reasons for the popularity of the procedure are several. First of all, such manipulations are safe, carried out under local anesthesia or even without anesthesia. The essence of intimate contour plastics is the intracutaneous administration of a number of drugs (they are called fillers). The main component of such products is hyaluronic acid, which has a rejuvenating and tightening effect.

Genital plasty

As a result of the procedure:

  • increases the tone of the smooth muscle walls of the vagina;
  • age-related changes in structure and appearance are eliminated;
  • increases the sensitivity of nerve endings, which causes an improvement in the secretion of mucus during sexual intercourse, emotional coloring of orgasm;
  • the shape of the large and small labia, the clitoris, is corrected, but the result is less pronounced than the effect after labioplasty.

The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis, takes a little time. After injections, the patient may return to normal life. Under all conditions of conduct, the rules of asepsis and antisepsis, non-invasive intimate plastic does not cause complications and unwanted reactions. But a prerequisite is to conduct an allergy test before the injection of the drug.


As a rule, doctors conduct intimate plastic lip shape. With asymmetry and too large a size (for some women, their size reaches 5 cm or more) painful sensations may occur during sexual intercourse. In addition, prominently small lips create aesthetic discomfort.

Usually the operation is performed using a laser. The doctor excises excess skin, removes it and gives the external genitals a pre-agreed form. Usually, correction of the labia to the lips passes without obvious complications, and the patient is discharged home the next day. However, a benign regimen should be observed for 7–10 days after surgery.

The main function of the labia majora is protection from infections and contamination of the mucous membrane of the genitals. Their shape and size practically do not affect sensations during intercourse. Therefore, labioplasty is usually performed for aesthetic reasons.

Correction of large lips implies either the removal of excess tissue or vice versa, a change in the shape and size of subcutaneous tissue with the help of lipofilling. Often, such an operation is performed in parallel with abdominoplasty or liposuction of excess fat deposits in the pubic area.

However, the correction is high risk of scarring. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the quality of the suture material and the procedure for performing the procedure.


Usually, this type of intimate plastic surgery is indicated for women after difficult childbirth. The muscular wall of the vagina is stretched, which leads to loss of sensitivity. And the discomfort during sex is experienced not only by a woman, but also by a man. A relatively safe way to strengthen the muscles of the vagina is the Kegel exercise and the use of vaginal balls, which are sold in any sex shop.

However, in some cases, these techniques do not bring results.

Surgery allows you to:

  • return the tone of the vaginal muscle wall;
  • prevent the development of bacterial infections of the urinary tract;
  • improve the sensitivity of the erectile zones in the genital area;
  • in general, improve the quality of sex life.

Often the weakening of the muscles of the vagina is accompanied by atony of the bladder, urinary incontinence. Such symptoms are a strict indication for vaginoplasty.

Clitoral correction

The clitoris is the most sensitive erogenous zone of a woman. However, its small size, as well as being too large, can cause a lack of orgasm and other problems in sexual life. Increasing the size of the clitoris is only possible due to excision of surrounding tissues and removal of adhesions.

The shape is reduced by surgical removal of the “extra” tissue and giving the clitoris an aesthetically appealing look. Much less often intimate plastic surgery is carried out to change the position of the clitoris relative to the labia and vagina. However, such an operation is difficult, requires highly skilled surgeon and a long rehabilitation period.

Plastic defloration and hymenoplasty

Hymenoplasty is an operation performed to restore the integrity of the hymen. There are practically no medical indications for the procedure; they are made only at the request of the woman. Often this is due to religious and personal considerations.

Hymenoplasty can be short-term (remnants of the hymen are restored) and long-term. In the first case, the effect lasts 14–20 days. The second method involves modeling the virgin membrane from the particles of the epithelial tissue of the vagina and the result is preserved until the first sexual intercourse.

Plastic defloration is shown in the case when the rupture of the hymen is naturally impossible for some reason. Also, the operation is carried out, if too dense chaff creates obstacles for menstrual flow. The procedure for performing the procedure is simple: the chives are pierced under local anesthesia.

Liposuction in the pubis area

As a rule, this manipulation is part of a comprehensive body correction program. However, it will not bring results without a change in diet and proper physical exertion.

After the onset of anesthesia, preparations are injected into the subcutaneous fatty tissue for the rapid breakdown of lipid deposits. Then they are cleaned with special nozzles - aspirators. The procedure is carried out quickly, and the duration of the preservation of the result depends largely on the further lifestyle.

Plastics of the labia minora: procedure of operation, rehabilitation

Currently, surgical scalpel to perform intimate plastic used less and less. In modern clinics, preference is given to laser. Its use significantly reduces the risk of bacterial complications, bleeding. In addition, it allows for surgical intervention under local anesthesia, which narrows the list of contraindications.

Plasticity of the labia minora in women

Most intimate plastic surgery is performed as follows:

  • put the patient on the gynecological chair, fix the legs and prepare the operating surface;
  • enter the anesthetic and wait for the beginning of its action;
  • the skin is further cooled to reduce the risk of bleeding, sometimes with this purpose injected certain medications;
  • go to the implementation of surgical procedures, for example, the plastic of the small and large labia is in the modeling of their shape and size, for this use appropriate medical instruments;
  • after the correction procedure is completed, sutures are applied, the skin and mucous membranes are treated with an antiseptic and a sterile dressing is applied.

Despite the relatively high price, laser plasty of the labia minora and other structures of organs has several advantages. And first of all it is an easy rehabilitation period.

Depending on the area of ​​the operation, the average duration is from a week to a month. During this period, you must follow these rules:

  • abstain from sex;
  • wear loose underwear made from natural fabrics, except for liposuction in the pubic area, after such an operation slimming modeling bandages are necessary;
  • regularly treat the surgical wound with antiseptics;
  • eliminate physical activity;
  • do not lift weights;
  • refrain from taking "heavy" food that may cause constipation;
  • visit the doctor regularly and strictly follow his recommendations; sometimes the doctor prescribes painkillers, anti-inflammatories, antibiotics, douching and washing with decoction of medicinal plants.

It is worth noting

After an intimate plastic, you cannot sit for 7–10 days, and you can only squat down after 14–20 days.

In general, healing after surgery is fast, this is facilitated by abundant blood supply. A constant supply of oxygen and nutrients accelerates regeneration processes.

Genital mutilation in men: indications and procedures

Intimate plastic surgery and men. Operations are also performed using laser medicine technology. The rehabilitation period depends on the method of the manipulation.

Intimate plastic in men


So called the operation to remove the foreskin. The procedure can be performed at any age, usually using local anesthesia. Indications for circumcision are:

  • religious beliefs;
  • the desire of parents (in early childhood);
  • phimosis (narrowing of the foreskin), which is often accompanied by inflammatory diseases of the head of the penis, upper and lower urinary tract;
  • conscious desire of a man to prolong sexual intercourse, a beautiful aesthetic appearance.

Plastic surgery of the male genital organs, performed by this method, lasts 15–20 minutes. Rehabilitation takes up to 7-10 days. After this period, a man can return to the former way of life.

Penis size increase

Before the operation, it is necessary to check with the doctor what the final result will be. As a rule, the diameter and length of the term can be increased by no more than 2–6 cm.

There are several techniques for performing this kind of surgery:

  • ligamentotomy, the doctor cuts the ligament supporting the penis, due to which its size increases, in the postoperative period the use of the extender is necessary;
  • Lipofilling, the patient’s own adipose tissue is injected into the subcutaneous tissue of the penis, however, the manipulation effect is reversible and must be repeated several times a year;
  • implants are usually installed after the injury of the penis, its pathologically small size, since even modern medical advances do not allow to install an implant that would completely imitate the penis in a state of erection and rest;
  • transplantation of skin areas taken from the abdominal wall area, the operation is characterized by complexity, high cost, duration of rehabilitation and the need to stay in the hospital for a week, but the result is noticeable immediately after the procedure.

The exact method of operation is determined by the doctor after the examination. In this case, all the details of the surgical intervention and the rehabilitation period are discussed with the patient.

Penis bridle correction

Usually such an operation is carried out only for medical reasons. As a rule, it is a trauma, an unsuccessfully performed circumcision, and features of the anatomical structure. Исправление формы уздечки пениса необходимо, если половой контакт причиняет боль или дискомфорт, на ее поверхности есть выраженные рубцы.

Пластика половых органов все более востребована благодаря внедрению новых технологий. В современных клиниках подобные процедуры проводят под местным наркозом. Существенным недостатком данных операций является длительный период реабилитации (особенно у женщин), однако он с лихвой компенсируется лечебным и эстетическим эффектом.

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