Plasticity of the labia minora: description and indications

How to hold the plastic of the labia minora Plastics of the labia minora is a surgical intervention that is used both for the treatment of certain diseases and for the removal of cosmetic defects.

More often, labioplasty is used in cases when the labia minora is not covered by large lips due to hypertrophy, as well as when they are asymmetrical.

More often, a woman decides to undergo surgery for the following reasons:

  • Unattractive appearance, which causes complexes, a sense of inferiority and prevents the transition of relationships with a man to intimacy.
  • Deformation of the labia minora, obtained during childbirth, due to injury or drastic weight loss.
  • Severe congenital asymmetry or age flabbiness of the organ.
  • The discomfort that occurs during sports, dancing, sexual intercourse and other any increased motor activity.
  • Microtraumas and soreness arising from friction on underwear, forcing women to wear loose models and making it impossible to wear tight trousers, shorts and skirts.
  • Increased sweating of the perineum, leading to reproduction of microorganisms, unpleasant odor and frequent inflammation of the external genital organs, vulvitis.
  • Neurosis, provoked by the presence of a serious aesthetic defect.

There are no clear standards of the body, large or small size depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. The main condition of the norm - the labia minora when standing should be completely covered with large and should not protrude. One can speak about hypertrophy in case of exceeding the folds when stretching in the direction of more than 4-5 cm.

If, with a slight deviation from these indicators, the plastic of the labia minora is done only for cosmetic purposes, then there are cases when it is caused by medical necessity. If unattractive, in the opinion of the woman herself, the shape of the genitals becomes the cause of a mental problem; if the labia minora, due to the constant formation of microcracks on them, cause frequent infections, and also if a large vulva leads to hyperaandrogenism (increased production of male hormones).

Sometimes the need for such plastic surgery in gynecology arises from the atrophy of the female genital organ, when there is no protection of the internal organs of the pelvis from pathogenic microflora, hypothermia, and other damaging factors.

Types of plasticity of the labia minora

Resection of the labia minora does not require a hospital stay and is performed on an outpatient basis using local anesthesia. After the procedure, the patient may return home.

Surgical intervention is performed by one of two methods:

  1. Cutting the edges of the small lips in a linear way using a conventional scalpel, as well as modern laser or radio wave installations. The use of equipment significantly reduces the likelihood of postoperative complications in the form of bleeding or infection. The stitches are made using a self-absorbable material, which disappears without a trace in 2 weeks. Manipulation takes several minutes (half an hour with the scalping method) and presents no difficulties. The only drawback is the disappearance of natural folds and natural individuality.
  2. Resection of V-shaped sections of tissue from two sides, which allows not only to reduce the area, but also to preserve the natural appearance. This type of procedure is more complex and costly.

Any of the methods of surgery does not reduce the sensitivity of the vulva, even increase it, as the clitoris becomes more accessible, and the mucosa is healthier and not irritated.

The procedure for reducing the labia minora

Resection of the labia minora Reduction of the labia minora does not require a long recovery period, usually in 2-3 days a woman can return to a normal lifestyle, including household chores and visiting work.

However, there are some restrictions, for 30 days you will have to give up sports training, stay in a room with a high temperature (sauna, bath), intimate life.

See the final result after resection will be approximately a month after the plastics.

A positive outcome of the operation depends on compliance with the following recommendations:

  • After the manipulation, you should immediately go home and observe semi-bed mode for 2 days, it is not advisable to sit or walk for a long time.
  • Anesthesia works for about 6 hours after resection, at the end of this period, you can take an anesthetic drug (Fanigan, Solpadein, Ketanov) to eliminate pain.
  • The wound surface needs special care, it should be treated with an antiseptic (Chlorhexidine digluconate, Miramistin), and then anti-microbial, wound healing ointment (Levosin, Levomikol) should be applied to the gasket. This should be done to prevent infection, as well as injury due to the bleeding of the bleeding surface on the tissue. The need for ointment usually disappears after 3-5 days. It is necessary to wash seams with antiseptic after each urination, until they are completely resorbed.


Despite the fact that circumcision of the labia minora is related to simple interventions in the integrity of the body, there is a likelihood of some complications: infection in the wound, formation of colloidal scars, soreness or decrease in sensitivity, an unaesthetic appearance.

Labioplasty of the labia minora requires preoperative preparation, which is necessary to identify contraindications to it. Before the procedure, you will need to consult a gynecologist, to pass tests for viral hepatitis, syphilis and HIV, as well as a smear on the microflora of the genital organs. In addition, the doctor will prescribe general urine and blood tests. If all indicators are within the normal range, you can proceed with the operation.

Procedures for the enlargement and correction of the labia minora

Correction of the labia minora In more rare cases, there is a need to increase the labia minora. Such manipulation is carried out by filling the skin folds with medical biopolymer gel, which allows to increase the volume of the organ.

The second option is called lipofilling and is a correction of the vulva with its own lipid tissue, which is preliminarily taken from the gluteal region or from the lower abdomen.

Correction of the labia minora has practically no contraindications, as it is a simple low-impact intervention, but some factors that require the cancellation of the procedure or its implementation in another period of time still exist:

  • Pathologies from the blood clotting system, including the tendency to thrombophlebitis.
  • Serious ailments of the heart, kidneys and liver.
  • Infections of a viral nature, including the common cold and ARVI.
  • Hyperthermia of any etiology.

Features of laser plasticity of small lips

Special attention in the choice of changing the appearance of the genitals deserves laser plastics of the small lips, since this method has significant advantages from traditional surgery.

  1. Reducing the time of the procedure to a few minutes and the recovery period, including regeneration processes.
  2. Reducing the likelihood of colloid and other complications after surgery, the size of the wound and bleeding during manipulation.
  3. Reduction of pain, swelling of tissues in the early postoperative period.
  4. Significant reduction in the risk of nerve damage and reducing the sensitivity of the vagina and clitoris.

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