Apparatus for laser hair removal: types of devices and principle of operation
Aesthetic cosmetology has become one of the most current trends in the past few years. Of all the existing procedures, laser hair removal is especially notable, which allows to eliminate annoying hair on any part of the body.
Any such procedure can significantly improve the appearance of men and women, as well as satisfy all the needs of the visitor. But it is impossible to carry out such a delicate and necessary cosmetological procedure without the appropriate equipment, since customers of any salon expect maximum improvements in appearance after the first visit.
Today, the cosmetic industry can offer more than one laser hair removal machine, while you can choose the most suitable device individually and ensure the absence of hair for a long time.
Modern cosmetology market provides a wide range of equipment for hair removal. This diversity is due to the fact that the laser hair removal machine has been improved over the years, and improvements have been made in design and its technical characteristics. Of course, each device has positive and negative sides.
On the part of specialists in the cosmetic industry, there is a perception that it is best to combine several different devices for laser skin cleansing between themselves in order to achieve the desired result. Consider the main types of existing lasers.
Ruby apparatus
It was invented in the mid-sixties and is an honorary "veteran" among the rest of the equipment. Previously used as a medical technology, but over time it was converted for aesthetic procedures. The ruby apparatus emits shortwave radiation, which effectively eliminates dark hair.
Often, it is used to eliminate mustache and excess eyebrows. Unfortunately, it has a significant drawback. A colorless stain may occur at the treatment site. This is due to the fact that the laser affects the pigment that is contained in the epidermis.
Alexandrite laser
This device for laser hair removal is a worthy analogue of a ruby device. He is deprived of all the negative aspects of ruby and today is widely distributed in almost all cosmetic clinics in Russia. Alexandrite crystal, which is the basis of this laser, gives a longer wave than its predecessor. The device is adapted to remove dark hair from any area on the body, while it does not leave discolored spots. Pain during this procedure is completely absent.
Diode method
This is a universal laser for removing hair with tanned or tanned skin. At the moment there is no similar apparatus. The penetration of the beam is deep, which allows you to eliminate the hair, even at great depths. After the procedure, the hair does not grow for six months (much depends on the individual characteristics of the person).
Neodymium machine
Innovative device. It is considered the most powerful type of laser of all the above devices, since it has the longest wave. The laser penetrates deep into the epidermis, where it quickly annihilates the hair follicles. This is the only copy that can remove annoying blond hair, but the device is also suitable for carrying out the procedure in dark or tanned people.
The only drawback of this device is a slight pain during therapy. But in comparison with ruby, these are only echoes of past flaws in laser devices. As you can see, devices for laser hair removal are diverse and oriented for any person. The convenience of some is that they are adapted for the procedure at home, eliminating the need to visit cosmetology facilities.
Operating principle
The laser acts on the tissues of the body in such a way that the beam, which serves as a tool of this device, penetrates through melanin (a pigment that absorbs light energy, thus a tan appears) and destroys the hair follicle.
The difference between lasers is the beam intensity, wavelength and radius of action. If you put together these characteristics, you can get an approximate picture of how the laser affects the hair.
Laser hair removal machine: a comparative analysis of devices
The choice of apparatus depends not only on the functionality of the device and its capabilities, but also on the condition and color of the skin, the thickness of the hair coat. Therefore, most people are interested in the question of which laser hair removal machine is best to buy.
It is important to know that no device can guarantee a positive effect. Insufficient laser power, strong resistance to melanin or other factors will prevent the full result of the procedure. Consider the main criteria by which you can choose a laser apparatus for hair removal.
Speed of work This is one of the main points in the characteristics of the laser. Its speed depends on the speed of work, as well as the ability to carry out several sessions of hair removal per day. With the exception of the diode method, all devices for hair removal process 1 square centimeter at a time, in other words, this is the best indicator.
Efficiency. This indicator is directly dependent on the wavelength emitted by lasers. In short, shortwave devices have a relatively short-lasting effect
Dimensions and maintenance. The size of the apparatus does not depend on its effectiveness or the length of the beam. For example, if we are talking about the arrangement of a beauty salon, then the best option would be to acquire a diode laser. They are relatively lightweight and take up very little space. This will allow multiple sessions at the same time.
Also, if necessary, they can be moved to a different, more convenient place. The rest of the laser systems weigh in a radius of 100 kilograms, which makes their movement impossible. A little about the service. Ruby and alexandrite need to be updated periodically. The lamps of these lasers are able to withstand no more than 200 sessions, and after that they need to be replaced. If to operate devices daily, the operational term is cut down to several months.
A very important factor is safety. Any laser causes overheating of the skin (with improper handling can cause a burn). This is especially true of neodymium and ruby, during the use of which the patient experiences minor pain.
It is recommended to install a special sapphire conductor on the laser. It allows you to take away excess heat and allows only the allowable rate of light into the epidermis. This helps to protect the surface layer of the skin from burns and discoloration, as well as prevent soft tissue burns deep into the epidermis.
And the last criterion is price. For example, on a compact alexandrite, with an average level of waves, the approximate price will be
Based on the above characteristics, you can purchase a reliable and long-term apparatus for cleansing the skin from excessive hair. As mentioned earlier, experienced cosmetologists advise using combination therapy to enhance the main effect.
Another factor worth mentioning is the place of operation. If you purchase a device for yourself, it is recommended to buy something compact and oversized. For beauty salons, a technique with an impressive operating life is better suited.
Comparative analysis of devices
Somewhat higher, we compared all types of lasers and also analyzed their characteristics. Now it is worth considering the features of some of them, as well as the advantages over similar devices. The clear favorite among the devices is the neodymium device.
It has a long operational life, it is possible to use it on almost any skin, and also (which is important), it is completely safe for humans.
But the negative side is the high cost - in the range of
Completes the list alexandrite laser. Its advantage is 95% hair removal from the treated area. This helps to complete the procedure in
Areas of use
It was previously mentioned that the success of the procedure, as well as the choice of laser, depends not only on its technical characteristics, but also on the human skin on which the treatment will be performed.
If a person has a large hairline (for example, on the back) it is recommended to use a diode. The width of the laser and the depth of the beam will allow to process more space on the back, and also remove
It is important to remember that regardless of the product being used, a lot depends on the specialist who will carry out the procedure. If it is unskillful to deal with a laser, you can get a severe skin burn that will heal for a very long time. In the opposite case, no more than 25% of the bulbs will be eliminated at a time.
Laser epilation at home
To carry out the procedure at home, you must choose a laser with a larger treatment area. Of course, each person seeks to acquire a budget and efficient device, but as a result, you can either save money or purchase an efficient machine.
Pay attention to the characteristics of the device. For home use, a neodymium laser is best. It is the most expensive of all, but a special protective "cap" will not allow even amateur to cause serious damage to the skin.