Ultrasonic face cleaning: description, advantages and disadvantages, effectiveness
Every woman, without exception, has the desire and desire to look perfect. Some representatives of the beautiful half of society use home-made masks for this purpose, others buy expensive cosmetic products or regularly visit a beautician.
There are plenty of ways that help in maintaining the skin of the face in perfect condition. But it should be understood that only an integrated approach, involving the use of salon procedures and care for the dermis at home (the use of masks, scrubs, home peeling) contributes to the complete cleaning of the skin and keeping it in perfect condition.
One of the most popular and sought-after procedures in cosmetology is facial cleansing with ultrasound. This technique is safe and painless and most importantly - effective. With its help you can get rid of a variety of aesthetic problems and skin defects. This method is used not only for cleansing the face, but also for the neck, décolleté and back.
Description and mechanism of action
Ultrasonic peeling refers to gentle methods performed with the help of a special professional device - a scraber. The main purpose of facial cleansing with ultrasound is the fight against high fat content, comedones, enlarged pores and keratinized cells of the epidermis.
The use of a technique involving the use of an apparatus emitting ultrasonic waves began relatively recently - at the end of
The advantage is that there is no need to clean the face with ultrasound often. Ultrasound peeling is performed only in salons. At home, you will need to use supporting methods - use masks and other means.
When performing cleaning, a device is used which generates ultra-frequency sound waves. A person cannot perceive them, but such fluctuations bring exceptional benefits to the dermis. Manipulation is comfortable and painless.
The effect of ultrasound peeling is due to the penetration of sound waves into the layers of the epidermis and the displacement of accumulated dirt, grease, and particles of cosmetics from them. The technique contributes to the activation of respiration of the dermis, narrowing of the pores, rejuvenation and tightening of the dermis.
How the method works
After tuning the radiator to the desired frequency, ultrasonic waves act on the dermis and penetrate into its deeper layers, producing micro-massage.
Waves perform the following functions:
- Mechanical . Oscillations create an increased sound pressure, contributing to changes in the conductivity of the ion channels of the cells.
- Thermal . There is a wave release of a large amount of heat, which warms the tissues and makes them more elastic.
- Physico-chemical . Ultrasonic waves cause cell molecules to move faster, accelerate metabolic processes and repair cells.
During the procedure, the skin is moistened, the redox processes are activated, the elastin and collagen production is stimulated, and the cells are renewed and regenerated.
Advantages and disadvantages
Any cosmetic procedure, including facial cleansing with ultrasound, has both advantages and disadvantages.
The main advantages of the methodology include:
- high efficiency;
- safety and harmlessness;
- minimal risk of complications;
- the absence of scars after the procedure;
- lack of discomfort and pain;
- no need for special preliminary preparation of the dermis (no need to steam out the skin or treat it with special means);
- short duration;
- universality;
- no need to purchase special formulations for further care of the skin;
- no recovery period;
- opportunity to hold at any time of the year;
- the absence after the session of such phenomena as redness, swelling, peeling of the dermis, which are present after applying any other method of cleaning;
- low cost.
This type of derma cleansing has some minuses.
The main disadvantages of ultrasound peeling include:
- the inability to get rid of deep greasy traffic jams (for this purpose, mechanical cleaning is carried out);
- the method is not effective in combating inflammatory acne;
- weak manifestation of anti-aging effect;
- the need for repeated cleanings (to maintain the effect);
- the inability to carry out the procedure competently at home;
- the inability to correct serious cosmetic defects: pronounced comedones, deep wrinkles;
- impressive list of contraindications.
Despite the presence of minuses, this technique is still highly effective and in demand. Hardware cleansing is similar in action to superficial peeling .
Systematic cleaning with ultrasonic waves contributes to:
- getting rid of fine wrinkles;
- enhancing the penetration of cosmetic and medicinal products into the deeper layers of the epidermis;
- hydration of the dermis;
- leveling of the dermis, returning smoothness to it;
- anti-swelling;
- activation of metabolic processes, blood circulation and lymph outflow;
- pore cleansing;
- increase the elasticity and elasticity of the dermis;
- cleaning the dermis from external contamination, fat and dead skin cells of the dermis;
- improve cell regeneration;
- accelerate the healing of scars;
- minimizing hyperpigmentation;
- eliminate greasy shine;
- lightening age spots.
In what cases they spend and do not carry out ultrasonic cleaning
The technique has a huge amount of evidence.
Ultrasonic waves purification is recommended for women with the following dermal problems:
- lethargy and flabbiness;
- excessive dryness;
- unhealed post-acne, scars and scars;
- dry and scaly areas of the skin, causing irritation at the edges;
- small inflammations, acne, comedones;
- age spots and freckles;
- uneven complexion;
- telangiectasia;
- puffiness;
- seborrhea;
- enlarged pores;
- fat content.
However, like any other procedure, ultrasound cleaning along with indications has also contraindications. Not recommended the use of the method for women who suffer from: hypertension, oncological pathologies, eczema and pustular skin lesions, epilepsy, diseases of infectious nature, asthma, herpes, neuralgia, acne in the acute stage, lesions of the dermis, impaired sensitivity of the dermis, arrhythmias, extrasystoles, tachycardia thrombophlebitis.
It is worth noting
Do not carry out hardware peeling during gestation and breastfeeding, as well as at elevated temperature, the presence of endocrine ailments.
Ultrasound facial cleansing: carrying out the procedure in stages, features of skin care, cost
Before proceeding with an ultrasound cleaning of the face, a specialist will assess the condition of the skin and determine the problem. If there is damage on the dermis, facial cleansing is delayed or replaced by another, more appropriate method. The specialist will also interview the client in order to identify contraindications.
The procedure itself consists of three stages: peeling, exposure to ultrasound and the final stage. A separate step is skin care after the procedure.
Stage 1 - Peeling
At this stage, the face is prepared for the effects of ultrasonic waves - up to 50% of dead cells are removed. First, a special gel is applied with a thin layer. The tool is distributed over the surface with an electrode. The process notes the appearance of small vapor bubbles bursting when interacting with the skin. The interaction of sound vibrations and water molecules leads to the formation of microcavities - cavitation bubbles. As a result, follicles are cleared and pigmentation disappears.
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Stage 2 - Sound Wave Effects
The average duration of the ultrasound cleaning face - a quarter of an hour. The beautician conducts on the dermis with a special device to which ultrasound is applied, which contributes to pushing the pore contents to the surface. The procedure is absolutely painless and is accompanied by only a slight tingling. As a result, the skin condition is normalized and a lot of cosmetic problems are eliminated.
Stage 3 - Final
The last step is the treatment of the skin with a gel that has soothing properties and the application of an algal or antioxidant mask. After a quarter of an hour, the mask is removed, and the face is treated with lotion and smeared with a moisturizing or nourishing cream.
Ultrasound cleaning of the face is an effective procedure, which differs from many methods in painlessness and short duration. This method of cleansing the dermis is today the most popular and sought after.
Features care for the dermis
For a certain time after cleansing, the dermis may have a slightly pinkish tinge. You should not worry about this, the skin color will soon return to normal.
Despite the fact that cleansing the face with ultrasonic waves is a safe and harmless procedure that does not injure the dermis, skin care after the session is still needed more carefully.
Here are some basic care recommendations:
- Within three days after the procedure, all measures should be taken so that the skin does not dry out, does not inflame and does not clog the pores.
- During the day after the procedure, it is preferable to stop using decorative cosmetic products, as well as dyeing hair and eyebrows.
- About the first two or three days should refrain from visiting the bath, solarium and sauna.
- After the session, the appearance of dryness of the dermis is possible, therefore, experts advise treating the dermis with a moisturizing cream.
- Before going out, it is necessary to lubricate the skin with an agent with an SPF factor of at least 20.
- In order to moisten the skin from the inside, it is recommended to use more fluid.
- Once every three days, masks should be made on the basis of components such as sea buckthorn oil, algae, cosmetic clay, yeast. Masks will help in restoring the dermis.
- In order to narrow the pores and soothe the skin, it is advised to wipe it with frozen herbal decoction. Ice from plants such as calendula, chamomile and sage is welcome.
What procedures can be combined
Cleansing the face with sound waves goes well with many other methods. For example, if the contamination is very deep and there is an increased fat content of the dermis, a mechanical cleaning can be used as an addition to the ultrasonic cleaning. This procedure contributes to the effectiveness of the main method, as well as the extension of its action.
Massage, the use of masks - all this can be used with ultrasonic peeling. Simultaneous cleansing and treatment with whitening agents (ascorbil, glucoside) contributes to a significant reduction in pigmentation and wrinkles.
It is worth noting
Experts do not recommend ultrasonic cleaning after chemical peeling. Such techniques severely injure the dermis.
How often to clean
To face always was clean and perfect, the procedure must be carried out systematically. The interval between sessions can be from one week to two months. In this case, everything will depend on the condition of the dermis and the existing problems.
In order to achieve maximum effect, it is recommended to carry out at least 6 procedures. To maintain a person in good condition, the procedure should be carried out at least once a month.
How much is
The cost of the service depends on the reputation and location of the salon or clinic, the experience of the beautician, the number of manipulations and consumables. On average, the cost of one session is 2000-5000 rubles.