Laser facial cleansing: who needs and benefits of the procedure
Every woman, regardless of age, wants to look charmingly. Visits to the beautician - an integral part of personal care. Laser cleansing is one of the most popular procedures. It helps to deal with many age problems on the face and eliminate shortcomings.
Who needs a procedure
Laser cleaning perfectly copes with many skin defects, making it younger and healthier.
Beauticians recommend its use to women who have the following visible defects:
- pigmentation, including age;
- enlarged pores and oily skin;
- acne and acne ;
- shallow and medium depth wrinkles, especially in the area of the eyes - “crow's feet”;
- laxity of the skin that distorts the shape of the face;
- scars after surgery or trauma.
To achieve the desired effect, sometimes you need to go through several courses of procedures within six months. But this applies only to serious cases, such as deep wrinkles or large scars.
How to prepare for cleaning
Any cosmetic procedure requires careful preparation. The first step is to make an appointment with a cosmetologist. The specialist will conduct an inspection, will give some useful tips, tell you about the contraindications and the expected result. As a result, make an appointment directly for the session.
The following tips are universal for any skin cleaning:
- You can not go to the bath, use the steamers of the skin and make hot compresses at least three days before visiting the cosmetology office.
- Tanning lovers should stop sunbathing and tanning for two weeks before the procedure.
- If a representative of the fair sex has already done any face cleansing, facelift for a month, then you should inform the beautician about this during a consultation.
Always going to the procedure for beauty should be accompanied by a good mood and well-being, so you should sleep well the day before.
How to clean
The whole process is divided into several stages, each of which has a specific goal.
Stage one - cleansing and anesthesia . The patient removes makeup with lotion. Then the skin is well cleaned with milk and treated with an antiseptic. At this stage often ends, but if desired, the client is applied to the face cream - anesthesia, with which she goes from half an hour to an hour. As a rule, people with particularly sensitive skin and low pain thresholds resort to this. After the end of the exposure time, the remaining cream is removed and the skin is treated with a special agent. If a woman is prone to allergic reactions, the cosmetologist gives her antihistamines.
Stage two - the main process . Conveniently arranging the patient and setting up the equipment, the beautician begins the procedure, which takes about half an hour. The specialist slowly processes each piece of the client's skin, paying particular attention to the problem areas, lingering on them the longest. At this time, a woman should not experience discomfort and pain. If this is a hot way, then it is permissible to feel light warmth.
Stage three - completion . After the procedure, a compress is applied to the skin with an infusion of medicinal plants with a calming effect. After 5 to 10 minutes it is removed, the face is soaked with a clean napkin and a moisturizer is applied.
Having had a little rest and received recommendations of the beautician, the client can go home.
Benefits of the procedure
All women want to make themselves perfect, but some procedures are not suitable for everyone, in this regard laser face cleansing is considered to be one of the best means, because during the procedure there is no contact of any equipment with the skin, no injections are used and the probability of being infected due to bad processed inventory reduced to zero.
The patient always feels comfortable, as there are no painful sensations. The skin is not injured.
After the procedure, the rehabilitation period takes little time.
The effect is visible immediately after the session: the oval of the face is noticeably tightened, the oily luster disappears, wrinkles and scars become less noticeable.
Additionally, a pleasant bonus is the acceptable cost of laser cleaning. It is available to women, even with average incomes.
Contraindications to the procedure
Since laser facial cleansing is a medical procedure, it also has a number of limitations. Previously, if in doubt, you should consult with your doctor.
But there are some very specific contraindications:
- Not allowed to do the procedure to persons younger than 22 years, as it does not make sense. Young skin does not yet have age-related changes that require rejuvenation. And to deal with other types of flaws, such as acne or acne, you can use alternative methods.
- Future mothers and nursing women should not resort to such cleansing.
- If a woman suffers from skin diseases, herpes, epilepsy, tuberculosis, diabetes, or malaise, then the procedure is not done.
- Since laser cleaning dries the skin, it is not recommended to assign it to people with sensitive and dry skin.
- Carriers of pacemakers and other electronic implants cannot clean the skin in this way.
- In case of cancer, laser cleaning is not permitted.
You should treat your health carefully and if there are doubts or chronic diseases, then you need to visit a doctor, who will conduct a study and give a conclusion - it is possible to carry out this kind of manipulation or not.
Facial cleansing with a laser and the number of acceptable procedures
In modern cosmetology there are two types of devices for laser cleaning, which successfully compensate for the shortcomings of each other, if they are used both for one procedure.
The erbium fixture is suitable for sensitive areas such as the area around the eyes. It can be used to cold clean the face with a laser, so there is no heat. This eliminates the appearance of burns on the patient's skin.
Carbon dioxide apparatus is more dangerous due to the possibility of thermal burn, as the skin is heated. It also affects the recovery period after the procedure; it is approximately twice as long as after the cold method. But the undoubted advantage will be a deeper penetration into the layers of the epidermis and a more effective effect, for example, to remove scars , deep wrinkles and loose skin.
An experienced cosmetologist applies both technologies on the patient's face in a comprehensive manner, which makes it possible to achieve an amazing effect.
The principle of the device
Facial cleansing with a laser is carried out with the help of special equipment. Its mechanism of action consists in monochrome light radiation in the form of a wave with a constant length on the tissue of the skin integument, producing the effect of selective thermolysis. The cells absorb almost all the energy emitted on them and begin to break down, since the laser does not act deeply, the process only affects dead skin particles. Then new ones appear instead.
Due to this, the skin is renewed, resulting in the disappearance of visible defects, the facial contour is tightened, wrinkles are smoothed.
What to do during the rehabilitation period
Despite the fact that cleaning the skin with a laser is considered gentle, there is still an intervention, so at first you need to be especially careful and follow the recommendations of the cosmetologist:
- During the week you can not go to the pool, sunbathe, wash in a hot tub and steam out your face.
- Try as rarely as possible to go out in bad or inappropriate weather: hot sun, rain, snow, wind. It is necessary to comply with such measures for
7-10 days, during this time the skin will recover. - You can not use any cosmetics without consulting your cosmetologist. It is recommended to lubricate the skin with a sunscreen moisturizer constantly.
Almost all women do not see the external manifestations of skin lesions after the procedure, therefore they do not take the rehabilitation period seriously, but this is fraught with not only slight redness, but also manifested pigmentation, deterioration of the effect of cleansing, severe irritation.
Number of sessions
To achieve a lasting effect, laser face cleaning should be repeated regularly at monthly intervals. In total, the course requires from two to six procedures, it is curled on the patient's skin condition and the desired result.
To resort more often to this help cosmetologist is not worth it, as irritation may occur, which then will have to be treated.